ShineCero said:
Well, in terms of drawing digitally, what kind of drawing tablet do you guys use? How did you get use to not seeing your drawings when using one? xD
I use the Wacom CTE-440. Which compared to oother digital artists, is rather outdated/a very basic tablet. Since it isn't even wireless/battery powered, you have a USB cable to plug in to your laptop.
Mine however is white and doesn't come with a rubber grip, but that's probably because my tablet was a hand-me-down gift from my cousin when she got an upgrade on her drawing tablet.
This one comes with a little plastic cover you can lock into place; when I first got this tablet (8th grade) I was drawing things with Windows XP Paint and Manga Studio Debut.
At first, it was pretty difficult since the sense of space and keeping your eyes on a screen rather than your hand is leagues different. How I sotuated myself into it was putting small doodles I wanted to lineart under this hard plastic cover and it allowed me to look at my hand while I drew-- the drawback was I had to be careful where I put the drawing and to make sure the cursor was 'pulled' center front (which is easy by flicking the pen to guide your cursor). Outside that square, the cursor stops (not the case when you keep the cover off though). So I essentially restricted the freedom of my hand to force myself to look at the screen.
SAI is much more flexible than MS and Paint are; since you can just rotate the whole canvas by clicking the button to get that curve or line right.
To learn to switch between paper and screen art takes time; I used my tablet whenever I got the chance while I used the computer and kept my hand drawings to my notebook doodles. If you consistently use the tablet and start out on simple small drawings, it progressively situates you.