Traditional or Digital?


A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
No this isn't some kinda elitist thread about how "DIGITUL URTISTS R LAZY" nor "TRADISHIONAL SUX AND IS BORING". 

It's pretty much about your preference of media used to express yourself artistically and any particular reason why. 

Foreword: It's not inherently bad or lame to prefer traditional over digital tools. Just don't diss anyone who prefers digital art, ok? Git along kiddies.
Traditional. Tablets give me a darned hard time. It would be fine if I can see the tablet and screen at the same time which most of the time not possible.
I like them both! Too bad our scanner doesn't like mum's new computer... So I mostly only upload digital.
I like both in all honesty. Both have their pros and cons. Digital art is a bit easier for me because I can just click 'undo' and it gives me a bit more of an open window. Traditional art is the same but just a bit harder to erase your mistakes. xDD
I prefer traditional, for me it's easier still not good with digital :( ....
Also I really like the lines of pencil and how it feels on paper specially for sketches...

But for coluring I prefer digital, so I sometimes draw a sketch on paper then I scan it
and draw over it in digital then colour it...
My traditional colouring is crappy but on digital it looks nice...

This is the opinion of someone who isn't really good in art...
fullblue said:
Traditional. Tablets give me a darned hard time. It would be fine if I can see the tablet and screen at the same time which most of the time not possible.

This. Drawing on the tablet without seeing my works is kind of hard; though there is a drawing tablet that has a screen, but it costs a arm and leg. xD
I love both of them and I can't lie. Traditional gives me a HUGE sense of satisfaction, and digital is great when I want to quickly have my ideas down but am too lazy to rummage for my art tools.
I'm better at traditional because that's how i learned how to draw. I give props to people who can draw digitally because it has so many more techniques you have to learn. (plus digital has a lot of buttons you have to click to get certain effects)
I tend to switch between the two but I prefer traditional. Sometimes I have my days where I just CAN'T draw.
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