To Be Or Not To Be?

"Shut up!" The soldier replied, pushing the rifle to Balnazzar's chest. The two demons glanced at each other nervously.

"Would be a shame if vanity struck ruin today." Jacen said.
"Honestly, I think we're beaten here guys, this soldier is obviously too good for us." He tried to play on the soldier's pride for a free meal, as well an opportunity.
That waver was exactly what Zonrir needed. He sent a tendril to move quicker than the eye could see, knocking the gun away, "Thanks for the snack. I was hoping to flatter you a little more, but I suppose I'll have to get my fill by watching Fox News instead..." he slapped the soldier a few times, "Bal, Jacen, Any choice words for our new friend?"
Balnazzar smirked before the soldier was punched by Jacen, then kneed up before getting his neck snapped by Jacen.

"You are no fun." Balnazzar said. Jacen panted heavily.

"I apologize, as much as I like a good torture session, but we don't have much time to get out of here and somewhere safe." He said. A pager went off on the Soldier.

"Ello? You okay? Your sensors , report that your vital signs stopped. Hope it's just a bug, because there's the standard team honining on you." The pager operator on the other end of the line said. In response, Jacen and Balnazzar began to run down the street as fast as they could.
Zonrir booked it as well, "Did you HAVE to snap his neck?! No way we're getting away without incident now!"
"Couldn't leave a definite witness, leaving her at guess work for a little while longer." Jacen replied. There was a warehouse coming up on their left, which Balnazzar started to move towards.
"We'll have to duck in there and hope they don't find us! Let's go for it!"
Jacen nodded as The two ran inside. It was a standard warehouse after hours, filled with sealed goods and a lack of anyone inside.

"Either lose anyone in here or try our luck and hide." Balnazzar said, standing inside.
"Let's hide... not that it's easy for big ol' Bal!"
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