The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"What are you talking about?" Majin Bara asked, before leaping upward as Brachi fired her Dash Kamehameha at Snow, remaining up in the air for a bit as she already made plans for her next move.
Snow knocked it away and said "It's exactly like it sounds. What creatures are more in tune with their instincts?" He then looked at Brachi then said to Bara "If you can guess it, I'll teach you a little something unique to myself."
Snow smiled "Close. Its a mammal that travels in packs, though can sometimes go alone." He then threw Bara at Brachi before saying "Time for an old favorite. Try and stop this together." He then held his hands together "Kamehameha!" He fired a black looking Kamehameha at them.
Kassava's eyes remained narrow, glancing down at Cuki's impact. She stared her down for a moment, pausing before taking a step forward and hobbling slightly. Instantly glancing down again, her stern stare remained as she stopped midway.

"Pressure that's what you're doing."

Lightning suddenly spiraled outward from her aura shortly after, one of her bangs shooting up into the rest of her spiky golden hair. A small gleam slowly encased her entire body underneath her aura, a small smirk forming once it completely covered her from head to toe.

"Tsk, if that's all you got, then this will be an easy fight to win. All I have to do is keep up my barrier, and you won't be able to block the flow of my ki."

Kassava then pulled her right arm back, forming a small golden sphere and hurling it forward with a shout, cocking her left arm and firing off another shortly.


Vegetto grimaced, desperately attempting to keep pace with Demi-Fiend's increasing speed. His rhythm began to slow, his eyes diverting for only a second as he approached towards Cuki and Kassava's spar. However, the diversion away cost him his form, one of the punches connecting with his right jaw and propelling Vegetto backwards across the ground. Tumbling on the dirt for a second, Vegetto came to a halt once his back slammed into the outer wall of the arena. He hacked for a second, his arms already splayed out from the indent in the wall.

His eyes widened slightly, the tattoos lighting up promping him to form two large blue spheres at the ends of his already stretched out arms. The cement and stone around his arms crumbled as he brought both ends of his palms clashing together, grimacing as he lept down onto the arena floor.

Both Majin Bara and Brachi saw the attack coming and both charged an attack of their own, with Brachi charging the Final Flash, while Majin Bara charged the Majin Kamehameha, both of them firing their attacks simultaneously, which creating a beam of yellow energy, with streaks of pink energy swirling around it, dashing on to meet Snow's attack head on.
Looks like she's catching on fast... 

Cuki growled under her breath before watching the incoming spheres rush towards her. She lifted her right leg straight up and slammed her foot on the floor with a hearty yell. Suddenly, the earth in front of her foot rose up from the sudden jolt and looked to be a sort of protection against the attack. Cuki didn't stop there and slammed her palms three times against the slab of earth, two smaller pieces of rock jetted out to cancel out Kassava's attack while the third one was aimed right at face. 

Whether she dodged it or not was not Cuki's true intention but rather launch the larger slab of earth to Kassava. She slammed both palms against the slab and sent it spiraling in Kassava's direction. As it grew closer to her it would begin to break apart slightly, creating a shower of rubble and dirt.

Kass might be too fast for me to handle at my current state. Cuki bit her lip as she dashed to the left, trying to get closer to Kassava. And that barrier she put only makes hitting her more difficult... She's got me in a tight spot.

Remember your training Cuki... A mysterious voice rang in Cuki's head. You must learn to not only control your opponent's body but control your own as well. This type of technique isn't just limited to hinder your opponents... 

"H-Huh?" She seemed distracted for a moment.
Snow then said "See if you can.guess from this." He sent a large amount of energy into the attack, but as it travelled up to the collision, it turned into a wolf head in appearance.
Raune, seeing Spina rushing after him, decided to take a different tactic. He turned around, starting to run back, heading right towards the Saiyan at incredible speeds, sword in a defensive stance.
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