The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Raune looked up from hearing Vegetto calling him, appearing in less than a second at his side.

"You give the word, I'll give the hit." He stated, glancing to the rest of the team. "Nothing but Saiyans so far... Strange.. At least I know you all are fast."
Majin Bara frowned at this.

"My name's Majin Bara. Better remember that, or I'll make you into bubblegum!" She said as she moved on, joining Brachi.

Gervene chuckled, before she nodded at Vegetto.
Snow went over, realizing he had been picked. "I don't disappoint, that you can be sure." He was a little cocky, but also felt nostalgia. He hadn't fought with Vegetto in a very long time.
Vegetto's eyes shifted to Spina next.

Perfect, he didn't pick up the stronger one.

His dual voice came out curt and flat, despite the small boost in his morale.

"You, you're my fourth. And that brings my team to five."
Spina nodded before heading over to Vegetto and the rest of his team. "Being picked second-to-last isn't so back." He turns to Demi-Fiend, narrowing his eyes. Plus, I can make up for that humiliating display I fell into earlier.

Demi-Fiend placed both of his hands on each of his thighs. "Damn. I was going to pick the Caveman." He labeled Spina. "But I supposed having four arms is definitely going to help with the defense." He turns to Gervene. "You, Four-Arms God. You're on my team." Demi-Fiend gritted his teeth since the thought of a god right in front of him gives him a bad feeling. "And that makes it five members of our team as well. Bernkastel, we're ready for the game now." He gave her a thumbs up with a cocky smirk.

"Well, as Bernkastel explained earlier, you really just have to make sure when you throw a ball, you hit your opponent below the shoulders. If they're hit, they're out. If you throw the ball and they catch it, you're out and, if they have any eliminations, they can bring back an eliminated member of their team to play again." Demi-Fiend explained to Bara and the others so they can understand the game a bit more. "It's quite simple actually, Bubblegum!" Demi-Fiend seemingly already forgot Bara's name--despite hearing it earlier.

"And if you throw the ball, and the opponent catches it, but accidentally drops it immediately afterward, then what?" the voice, still formed as a ball, asked.

"That's an elimination too," Demi-Fiend said. "Hope none of you have butterfingers."
Snow said "So, how are we playing this? With or without powers?"
Cuki laughed at Kass's determination and it only served to hype her up even more. For the first time in a while she looked excited.

"I can't wait! You better not disappoint Mrs. Kass!" When the teams finally established themselves, she pumped a fist in the air. "Those who aren't playing can help Kettles with watching the match. An extra pair of eyes can't hurt."

Cuki turned back to her team.

"Alright guys, let's work together to win this." She bowed her head to those she will be working with. "But always remember that this is just a friendly game between one another... with that said, let's kick their asses!" She then looked down to the Voice. "Sorry you gotta be the ball Mr. Voice."

Cuki turned back to face the opposing team, her nerves and tail twitching and fidgeting with excitement. 

"I don't think you ever stated what you wanted if you won."
Vegetto's eyes widened slightly at Demi-Fiend's last pick.

"Hey wait..she is a god! That's against the rules!"

Whis leaned forward, smiling.

"No one was barred from play, actually. The selection is perfectly legal."

Vegetto grunted, angrily turning on his heel and folding his arms. His scowl studied the enemy team for a minute, before he turned back to the others.

"Everyone, listen up."

He didn't wait too long for his team to gather, keeping his voice somewhat low as he spoke.

"The game is fairly straight forward. Just get the balls and go for the legs. They can't catch with their hands if you hit them in the shins."
"This should be good." Bernkastel was seated at one side of the makeshift playing field on some kind of tall stool with a whistle in one hand and the pocket watch in the other. Using her magic, two dodgeballs manifested on Vegetto's side of the field while only one appeared on Demi Fiend's side since he was already holding the Voice.

"You've got two minutes to deliberate and make your formations on the field before I officially start the match."
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