The Magician Square

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

The Magician Square

The Magician Square is a gathering of salesmen that attempts to sell quality products to traveling mages for a profit. Services which includes healing, rooms for resting, quality restaurants and small-name stores that sell goods. You can trade and gain the most valuable of goods that you can find. Even tourists from other countries travel through Magician Square to obtained goods that had yet to be available in other places in the world. It's a no-brainer why the Magician Square is referred as the trading capital of the world.

Magician Square is located on the northern outskirts of the Paradice, near the Snowy Mountain Gate and Bridge that connects the two continents. The Gate was built in order to prevent monsters from invading the Square. Furthermore, the Gates is coated with a powerful magical barrier that prevents thieves from breaking out of the Square after stealing goods.

Take note that there are conmen within the Magician Square that sells phony materials and off-brands goods. They prey on the weak in order to drain as much money as they could before looking for the next victim. So be careful!

Notable Areas of Interests

Snowy Mountain Gate: A powerful Gate at the end of the Magician Square and the Snowy Bridge that connects to Empire State. It is coated with a powerful barrier to most prevent monsters from coming in.

Jolly’s Restaurant and Hotel: A restaurant that cooks up quality foods and provides room services for travelers. They even allowed you cook your own foods for free.

White Nurse of Para’s Clinic: A clinic that heals all wounds and status illness. Originally there was a hefty price for healing; however, after a certain incident, she offers her services for free.

Festival Tree: In the middle of the Magician Square, there is a tree that supposedly grows fruits that temporarily boost up your magical attacks. They distribute the fruits every month when a Magician Festival starts.
Asuza, Iceik and the newly acquaintance mysterious man arrived in Magician Square.

Asuza, Iceik and the newly acquaintance mysterious man, arrived in Magician Square. The first thing they noticed is a number of people in the area. Every corner of the plaza is filled with Magicians from all classes--Wizards, Warlocks, Witches and then some.

Magician Square is a place where Magicians from other parts of the world gathered together—and promote their products, recruiting new valuable members for their schools—not affiliated with Brotherhood/Sisterhood. However, there are occasional con-artists who lurks around to sell cheap spells or services--when in reality is nothing sort of "curses".

Iceik began to sweat when a handful of eyes shifted their focus on him. Deimos and Demons aren't very well like, but monsters can be considered in the same caliber for some. However, they chose to not engage since they were more interested in expanding their products. Taking this as an opportunity, Iceik hid behind the mysterious man.

"With this many Magicians…this makes me sick to my stomach..." Iceik uttered. Narrowed his eyes based on what he said. He quickly added another statement. "N-not to be offensive or anything. Just specifically talking about those games..."
The mysterious man was looking around for a place that provides some form of healing.
Asuza opened her eyes a little bit to look around the Square with the man. "I hope you mean that for your own safety, little fleabag." She stated towards Iceik in a hiss of a whisper.

"Magical schools are... such a joke." Asuza hissed with hatred in her voice, which probably would be rare to hear from a witch's mouth. 
"There has to... be a clinic... somewhere..." eventually she trailed off to swallow back the taste of blood in her mouth. "But where...?"
A little figure seemed to be following the group. The antennae atop his head twitched with every move they made and every word they spoke. The female voice peaked his interest and he slowly began to inch his way to the group but keep clear out of their line of sight. He flicked his tongue over a loose tooth he has and blew air to ruffle the hair on his forehead. His eyes were covered by the hair, so much so that people wondered how this creature sees. He seemed excited to know that there was a dog-like creature in the group and he rushed a little closer but kept his distance.

"Man, Lady, and Doggy..." He snickered.
LoopyPanda said:
Asuza opened her eyes a little bit to look around the Square with the man. "I hope you mean that for your own safety, little fleabag." She stated towards Iceik in a hiss of a whisper.

"Magical schools are... such a joke." Asuza hissed with hatred in her voice, which probably would be rare to hear from a witch's mouth. 
"There has to... be a clinic... somewhere..." eventually she trailed off to swallow back the taste of blood in her mouth. "But where...?"

Iceik sweated a bit. Looking around. He noticed a trend among the people around here. "Damn, everyone looks shady.." he whispered under his breath. All the people were giving them trio strange looks. 

The man continued to walk. He looked around, and noticed a sign of "White Magic Clinic". 

"Well, White Magic is associated with the arts of healing.." Iceik said, looking up at the sign.
The little creature continued to move closer and closer to the trio until he tripped over his own two feet. He scoffed and pulled himself to his feet. He seemed tired of waiting for the right moment but he didn't want to cause them any trouble. He sensed that the woman was injured and he seemed flustered. The little creature rushed to the Clinic before the others can notice. He scurried inside and hid under a bed, waiting to sense the trio again.
The trio entered the clinic. The man looked around of the area, observing what they've stepped into. The color of the place was completely white. With the exception of the door, there was no windows, no lights or anything in the front home. There was a office desk with a single worker there. It was a young lady, seems to be also wearing white, from her white eyes, white hair and clothing. Even wearing white lipstick. She'd turn her head to see the newcomers arriving. 

"Oh? How can I help you?" She'd asked kindly. 

"This woman is in critical condition. We got ambushed by a demon under the bridge when we're crossing Snowy Mountains." Iceik explained.

"Oh? That's rather unfortunate." the woman said. "It's rare to see a demon hanging around here and doing good deeds, but I'll see what I can do for this little one." She said. It seems that the presence of Iceik didn't seem to bother her in the slightest, despite her little comment. "Is she conscious?" 

The man pinched her cheeks a little, to make sure she's at least awake a bit.
Nicori watched silently from under a bed he recently slipped in to. He seemed pretty curious about these three.

"Demon dog?" He whispered to himself. "It's gonna be called Ruffy..."
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