[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Chapter 31: The Lava Outpost[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]As the group entered the area through what looked like a celestial gate, they arrived in a grassy field at the edge of a cliff. Looking up ahead, they could see a volcano in the far distance, while looking down gave them a view of a lava river, the lava having an ominous red and black color in it, almost like the lava that could temporarily be walked over in Dodongo’s Cavern.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I think now is a good time to change into our Goron Tunics.” Link said as he looked at the lava river.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Good idea. It will at least help us resist the heat a lot better.” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Moving away from the cliff, the group spread out a bit while changing their outfits into the Goron Tunics they received and which have been worked on by the adult Sages. Link’s version was like the child-based variation of the Tunic he had worn in the Future That Almost Was while traversing through the Death Mountain Crater and its Fire Temple. While Zelda’s variation was similar to the one that Saria’s had, being a feminine version of Link’s outfit, it retained some things that still identified her as the Princess of Hyrule, such as the crest of the Hyrulean Royal Family on the top part of the tunic. Ruto’s variation was similar to the other girls, although hers had longer sleeves on the arms and long pants, making her in effect more fire-resistant as Zoras in general were very vulnerable to fire. Nabooru’s outfit was like her standard attire, but now in a full red-scale palette to add to the fire-resistance. Even Rauru had forsaken the long robes he usually wears for actual pants, thinking that being in such an area would require a greater maneuverability in order to cross gaps over the lava more properly and prevent from falling in the lava itself. Darunia was already fire/lava resistant in general due to him being a Goron, thus he had no need for the Goron Tunic. Impa also had a red-colored variation of her traditional Sheikah outfit. Their normal outfits were stashed in the hammer space bag that they carried with them, to change back once they were out of the area itself.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once they were done changing their outfits and re-equipping their weapons, the group gathered once more at the cliff.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“So, are you ready?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Ready when you are.” Zelda said to him with a smile.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright then, let’s go.” Link said, locating platforms they could safely jump on towards a path below and making the first move by carefully moving towards them, taking his time in a way to prevent any mistakes due to his overzealousness. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Eventually Link arrived safely on the stone path above the lava, seeing a sign posted on a nearby wall, deciding to investigate, just as the Sages arrived. Standing at ease, Link went to read the sign, with Saria and Zelda reading along.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Warning, Labyrinth ahead! If you get lost, contact Goro-rooters immediately. By decree of the Goron Elder, Snowhead.”[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wait, does this mean that the Gorons know about this?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Maybe; perhaps it could have been something important to them in a distant past, but simply faded into obscurity as time passed.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, it could very well be an old mining system or an old residence or something…” Darunia mused.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It is possible; this place lies between Snowhead and Ikana after all and there is a Goron Settlement In Snowhead…” Saria said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group moved on, jumping towards a larger and wider stone path, before they were being greeted already by several Stalfos who landed in the area. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, time to put our new skills to the test.” Link said as he got ready, drawing his Gilded Master Sword and his Red Shield, ready for defense, while the others got ready as well.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Charging on, the Stalfos went towards the group, only for Link to clock the Stalfos gunning for him with his shield, stunning it before performing the Helm Splitter, leaping over the skeletal being and slicing the Stalfos on the head as he moved over him, damaging the undead warrior in the process. Both Saria and Zelda performed the Back Slice instead, while Ruto just went for a Shield Attack before just slicing away at the menace. Darunia simply grabbed two Stalfos by the necks and smashed their heads together, crushing their skulls in the process before dumping the headless bodies into the lava, defeating them instantly while Rauru and Impa both performed a Shield Attack of their own, while Nabooru preferred the use of the Ending Blow to destroy the Stalfos she faced instantly. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once the Stalfos were defeated, the group moved on towards the metal structure ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wow, those Stalfos went down a lot quicker; those new moves are indeed paying off!” Zelda then said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Then we can happily conclude that our time in the Swordsman’s School wasn’t for nothing.” Link said with a smile, before moving to hop on a spring, which promptly launched him upward towards the metal path on the structure, landing safely on it with both feet. He then waited for the others before moving on, going up a path before striking a crystal switch, which created several floating platforms upon activation. Hopping over them to reach another large stone path below, the group made their way through a small crevice into the next area, where several Lizalfos and Dinolfos appeared to attack.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These guys are very persistent.” Saria said, narrowing her eyes.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“So are we, Saria. Let’s show ‘em.” Link said, getting ready to attack.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group attacked the incoming Lizalfos and Dinolfos, making good use of their new skills to best their reptilian enemies. Both Link and Saria performed the Ending Blow, while Zelda and Ruto took their shot at the Helm Splitter on their foes. Darunia smashed one of the Dinolfos into the lava river, where it gave a short, screeching howl of agony before submerging to its doom. Impa and Nabooru just sliced and diced at the Lizalfos, while Rauru used his Light-based magic to strike several others down. Once the creatures have been dealt with, the group waited a bit to rest up before proceeding, hopping on the subsequent platforms over the lava before coming to a stop as the path ended, the only things being a broad spider’s web on the ceiling and a large chest on the stone path’s end. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“This is just great.” Ruto said, annoyed.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Relax, we’ll find a way to continue.” Nabooru said, just as Link opened the chest with Zelda to see what’s in it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“That’s weird, a cane?” Zelda asked as Link picked the item up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“There’s something off about this cane…” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I can sense that it has magic power within, but what kind is it?” Zelda asked as she came to investigate.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, this looks like one of the magical canes that exist, but it’s one of those that have been faded into obscurity; only the ancient people may have known about it.” Rauru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Is there a note or something on it that tells us how to use it?” Impa asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’m not sure… wait, I’m seeing something else in the chest. It could be that note.” Link said, before Saria picked it up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It is. It says here that this cane is capable of creating platforms on liquid surfaces like lava and water and that the cane can be used to actually control the directions of where you wish to go, but be warned; the platform will move in the opposite direction of where the rod is pointed in.” Saria said, reading the note over while Link read along over her shoulder.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, at least we have the means to cross it…” Zelda said before Link moved to the edge of the platform, focusing his own magic power into the cane before using a slashing motion to make it point towards the lava. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Instantly the top part of the cane began to glow, firing a sphere at the lava. The sphere didn’t hit the lava to make it splash in all directions. Instead, the sphere expanded outward once it hit the lava, its top part becoming flat, before it changed color to match the color of the stone path around them and solidified, becoming a platform big enough for the entire group to stand on.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least it works.” Link said, carefully hopping on the platform, which remained in place as he hopped on, not moving… not even sinking...[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Saria and Zelda hopped on right away, soon followed by Ruto and Nabooru. Everyone was a bit nervous when Darunia moved on, but relieved upon finding out it held his weight combined with theirs just fine, even after Impa and Rauru stood on it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, so where do you want to go?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I thought to have seen something below the spring we used to get on top of the metal building. Perhaps we can try to reach it?” Ruto asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Sure.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“We’ll help you with steering and controlling the thing, Link. We’re all in this together.” Zelda said, before Link thrusted the cane forward, making the platform with the group on it indeed move backwards from Link’s position. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Whatever the situation was, the group now had means to cross the lava river. Saria kept reading the note as she noticed additional instructions. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Interesting, it says that the cane can also generate smaller platforms on land which can be carried to wherever we want, made stuck on a post or even used against enemies. If a platform already exists at a distance away, we can use the cane to shoot at it to make it move.” She said, while Link carefully thrusted the cane where needed to make it go in the directions the group wanted it to go.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ve heard of a similar cane capable of making platforms which could be used to hold down switches and block incoming enemy strikes,” Rauru said, “it is known as the Cane of Somaria.” [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Perhaps this could be that very cane or at a variation on it that is fire/lava-resistant.” Link said as he steered the platform over the lava river in the area where they first fought the group of Stalfos upon entering the area.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“This is a whole new level of backtracking altogether.” Link commented as he steered the platform over the lava river, occasionally thrusting the cane on to make it move faster or at least keep the speed in.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say… wait, what’s with that crevice out here?” Saria said, noticing a crevice in the wall ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It looks more like a cavern area to me…” Darunia said as Zelda instructed Link to steer the platform into it, which he did so without question. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Upon arriving, the platform skidded on actual stone surface as it stopped, allowing the group to disembark as they noticed they were in a safe area, with a post up ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least we can walk here…” Nabooru said, before Link generated the normal platform, which he picked up with Zelda and, with her aid, tossed it towards the post, where it lodged itself onto it, in effect creating a brand new platform to cross the red-hot glowing lava below towards a higher platform safely. Once they were on the platform safely, the entire group was suddenly faced with the immense heat emanating from a lava river which was red-hot and flowing fast past the platforms that could be safely walked on. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Good grief! This heat is intolerable!” Saria said, sweating immediately.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say! Glad we have these tunics on, huh?” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“You bet.” Saria and Ruto said in unison as the group carefully proceeded onward, the path being safe enough to be moved over.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Arriving at the far side of the area, there was an entrance to another cavern, but it was too high for the group to reach right away. Thankfully, Link used his newly acquired cane to generate another platform at the ground in front of its entrance as the others safely backed off, making sure the platform would stay in place, before Link safely climbed up on it and hoisted himself up into the entrance area of the cavern, with Saria and Zelda following right away. The cave itself appeared cooler as they traveled down it towards what appeared to be a dead end, only for the group to encounter a pool of water at the room they entered. Blinking at this, the group approached it wearily. It was then that, in the center of the pool, a figure appeared… it was a Great Fairy![/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Greetings, you have come a long way if you managed to come all the way here, young warriors.” The Great Fairy said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Yes, we have.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I assume you know why we are here?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Of course, young princess, but I must inform you that your quest will become even harder than before.” The Great Fairy said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I wouldn’t be surprised. Both Ganondorf and Majora are hell-bent on ensuring we meet our end soon enough, but it’s not going to stop us from trying to show them who’s boss.” Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The Great Fairy nodded.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Since you have had the courage to come all the way here, this is what I can offer you…” The Great Fairy said, before she generated an item which looked like a glove of which the plates on the back of it was either coated or colored in pure gold.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wow, golden gloves?” Ruto asked, blinking.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Not just ‘plain’ golden gloves. These are a special kind of power fist, infused with attack magic. I have scattered a few of these throughout here and other locations. If you pick these up, they will enhance whatever items you have to increase your strength, like your own power gloves or bracelets, with its power so all of your attacks will become even stronger than before. But use it wisely; if you are hit by the enemy or are hit by natural hazards three times, the effect will wear off and you’ll be back to your old strength once more.” The Great Fairy said, before giving the group a sample of this which colored the gloves and bracelets that they already had into gold, making it appear as if each of them had an adaptation or fitting version of the Golden Gauntlets. Darunia was given a variation in the form of gloves that had golden-colored armor plates on the back of the hands, like the Golden Gauntlets.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Oh wow!” Link said, blinking as he felt the power moving through him.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Thank you very much.” Zelda said, bowing to the Great Fairy in kindness.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“No problem, it’s the least I can do for you, other than soothing your weariness.” She said, smiling.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“What happens if we already have this on and we find another set of these gloves?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“The gloves will retain the strength they can grant you, so you simply can’t stack the power of these altogether. However it will ‘refresh’ so to speak, so if you pick it up, you will once again have to be hit three times before the effect wears off.” The Great Fairy said, smiling.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, thank you once again.” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“No problem. If you’re ever overcome by weariness, please come and see me. I will soothe your weariness once you’re back.” She said, before vanishing as she waved the group a good-bye.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Waving her off, the group then decided to move all the way back to where they came from, crossing the red-hot lava river and returning to the safe area, after which they hopped back on the platform they used to cross the red and black lava river in the first place, with Link this time steering the platform once again in the other direction.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least we have something that gives us a greater fighting chance.” Ruto said with a smile.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“That’s true, but keep in mind that this hasn’t changed our DEFENSIVE strength one bit, so we can still get into deep trouble if we get careless now.” Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“You have a point there. All that has changed is our attack power, nothing more.” Nabooru said, nodding.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Still, take comfort in the fact that if we play this right, we can deliver a serious beating to the enemy.” Darunia said with a smile as they approached the small tunnel to enter the area where the group fought the Lizalfos and Dinolfos on the stone platforms.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wait, am I seeing another stone platform on the far side of the lava lake?” Saria asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Yeah, I can see one too. Link, can you steer it a bit to the left to get to that area, please?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Sure thing.” Link replied, doing as he was told to do, allowing the group to reach the higher platform, climbing one by one on top of it, moving into another tunnel.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Entering the area, they saw another large area at the far side of another lava river, but this time it had already platforms to safely cross it. On the platform on the other side stood yet another Club Moblin, waiting for the group to come closer as it spotted them so it could knock them in the lava.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Darn, just what we needed.” Zelda muttered under her breath. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link however took aim using his Bow and Arrows to strike the Club Moblin from a distance, with Saria aiding him soon, taking the Club Moblin down rapidly, allowing the group to cross the area safely. But no sooner had they arrived on the main platform as suddenly more enemies arrived to attack, being Stalfos and Dinolfos in this first wave, each of them ready to strike.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Without hesitation, Link and the Sages retaliated as the Stalfos went on the offensive along with the Dinolfos, with Link pulling off a Mortal Draw against an incoming Dinolfos successfully, killing the creature instantly, while Saria clobbered another one with her Shield before performing a Helm Splitter. Zelda and Impa double-teamed a Stalfos with Zelda performing a Back Slash, while Impa moved in swiftly with a Jump Strike, knocking several other Stalfos aside in the process. Darunia made use of this by crushing the skulls of two Stalfos with a well-aimed Goron Pound, while Rauru on his turn made use of his Light-based magic, utilizing it to a great effect as if the enemies were being pelted with light shining off the Mirror Shield, which was effective in slaying the undead Stalfos instantly, while the Dinolfos were also slain without problems. But this was only the start of the battle, as a couple more Stalfos and Dinolfos, this time accompanied by their lesser cousins, the Lizalfos, joined in the fray. This didn’t deter the group however as they kept on fighting, their newfound strength proving to be a godsend to them. Link managed to roll past a Dinolfos, getting behind it, before clocking Saria rolling next to him as she too had rolled past a Dinolfos. Looking at each other, Link and Saria nodded, before using one hand to grab each other by the waist and both then jumped into the air, the arms holding their respective swords extended outward, striking both Dinolfos in the back together as they spun upward in a circle, creating a Double Back Slash in this kind, before landing safely on the ground, letting each other to before resuming their battle, this time Link went to engage a Stalfos. Darunia grabbed two Lizalfos and bashed their heads against each other, before tossing them over the edge of the platform they were on, making them land in the lava. Impa on his turn slid between the legs of another Stalfos to get up behind it, grabbing its head before snapping its neck and tossing the skeleton in the lava as well, before narrowly avoiding a strike from a Wolfos whom appeared in the midst of the fight with its trademark howl. Zelda came to her aid by jump attacking said Wolfos in its vulnerable backside, making it emit a death howl as it disintegrated into sheets of blue flame before it was gone. Ruto hopped on Saria’s shoulders, using her as a lever to launch herself towards a Lizalfos to stab it in the head with her sword, before Link used a Helm Splitter on a Stalfos whom tried to ambush her. Nabooru made her Great Spin into a Double Great Spin due to her wielding two blades, cutting several Stalfos and Dinolfos in two and beheading one careless Lizalfos in the process, giving the group some reprieve as this brief moment of peace allowed them to regroup.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These guys are getting more relentless than ever!” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say. This is definitely worthy of being a stronghold.” Link said, just as another group of enemies landed in the area, this time being two Eyegores and two Flare Dancers, much to the group’s annoyance.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group decided to split into groups of two, with Link, Saria, Zelda and Ruto moving to tackle the Eyegores, while Darunia, Nabooru, Impa and Rauru focused on the Flare Dancers. Having faced them before, Link, Saria, Zelda, Ruto and Nabooru knew exactly how to defeat the enemies here, with Darunia having heard of the Flare Dancers before, grabbing a set of Bombs to deal with them properly. The Eyegores were easily dealt with as the group used their obvious weakness to their advantage, although they had to avoid the laser that it fired this time around. The Flare Dancers on the other hand kept moving around once blasted out of their flaming suits, creating the annoyance of having to chase them around in regards to the others. Thankfully both Impa and Nabooru were swift and agile as they tackled the beasts, but this didn’t make it any easier whatsoever. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These creatures really are a bunch of cowards whenever they’re not in their suits…” Nabooru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say,” Darunia said, pounding one Flare Dancer into smithereens, “at least we can be more diverse instead of relying on a specific thing as a crutch if our abilities are really needed to be tested.”[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“True; we’ve faced a lot of those trials after all…” Nabooru replied, cutting down the second Flare Dancer with Rauru and Impa, ending this fight.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link then saw a cage on a higher ledge and used the cane he got to create a platform in front of the platform in order to reach the cage. After breaking it, the group found a small group of Red Fairies whom had been captured or otherwise locked into the cage, causing a surprise reaction from Navi, Tatl and Tael as they approached their fellow kin for a moment.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Well, this is unexpected..." Link said as he hopped back down, the fairies floating around for a moment before leaving to a much safer place.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Yeah. At least we helped those fairies escape." Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Let's get out of here and continue our trip; it's no use hanging around here." Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link and Zelda both nodded as they too continued on their way with the others. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Backtracking all the way to where they entered the cavern at the far side of the lake, the group made their way back towards the area where they found the chest containing the platform-generating cane, with Link deciding to climb onto the web this time, using it to steadily climb his way across the lava river below him, before landing on top of a broad metal platform, before grabbing his bow and arrow as he clocked a few Fire Keeses, deciding to take them out from a distance, targeting those who came too close for comfort. One Fire Keese tried to ambush him, but was intercepted and killed by Zelda as she soon arrived next to Link. Link on his turn created another platform on the lava, with him and Zelda hopping onto it while waiting for the others, intercepting two more Fire Keeses as Saria arrived. Once Ruto, Nabooru, Impa, Darunia and Rauru had rejoined the group, Link steered the platform casually to the other side, which was a stairway leading to another tunnel area. Walking through it, they arrived at one side of another lava river, which went down, but also having a path going up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Great, a T-junction..." Impa said, while Link made the platform needed to cross the river. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Which way should we go first?" Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"We'll take the upstream side first. If we are to be sure that this outpost of Ganondorf and Majora is disabled, we have to make sure that none of their troops remain alive here." Rauru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"As you wish." Link said, waiting for the rest to hop on the platform so he could steer the platform up the lava stream, being cautious to ensure nothing of the lava would spill on the platform itself. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once arriving at the top area, they noticed that they arrived at the starting point of the lava river, being greeted by an entrance to what looked like a structure buried in the ground.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"What is this?" Zelda asked, blinking as the group disembarked as Link 'parked' the platform at one side of the pathway around the temple's entrance.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"This looks like a Temple entrance to me..." Link said as he got a good look at the area.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Are you certain of this? It may not look like anything we have seen so far..." Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"I'm definitely sure. It appears to me like it's a solid yet ancient temple or something similar..." He said as he approached the entrance, which was quite big.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The Sages all followed him, even as he stopped for a moment to get a more decent look at it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Well, here we go then. Who knows what it might contain..." Link said as he moved on to enter the Temple, with Zelda and Saria following him right away, shortly followed by the other sages.
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]As the group entered the area through what looked like a celestial gate, they arrived in a grassy field at the edge of a cliff. Looking up ahead, they could see a volcano in the far distance, while looking down gave them a view of a lava river, the lava having an ominous red and black color in it, almost like the lava that could temporarily be walked over in Dodongo’s Cavern.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I think now is a good time to change into our Goron Tunics.” Link said as he looked at the lava river.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Good idea. It will at least help us resist the heat a lot better.” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Moving away from the cliff, the group spread out a bit while changing their outfits into the Goron Tunics they received and which have been worked on by the adult Sages. Link’s version was like the child-based variation of the Tunic he had worn in the Future That Almost Was while traversing through the Death Mountain Crater and its Fire Temple. While Zelda’s variation was similar to the one that Saria’s had, being a feminine version of Link’s outfit, it retained some things that still identified her as the Princess of Hyrule, such as the crest of the Hyrulean Royal Family on the top part of the tunic. Ruto’s variation was similar to the other girls, although hers had longer sleeves on the arms and long pants, making her in effect more fire-resistant as Zoras in general were very vulnerable to fire. Nabooru’s outfit was like her standard attire, but now in a full red-scale palette to add to the fire-resistance. Even Rauru had forsaken the long robes he usually wears for actual pants, thinking that being in such an area would require a greater maneuverability in order to cross gaps over the lava more properly and prevent from falling in the lava itself. Darunia was already fire/lava resistant in general due to him being a Goron, thus he had no need for the Goron Tunic. Impa also had a red-colored variation of her traditional Sheikah outfit. Their normal outfits were stashed in the hammer space bag that they carried with them, to change back once they were out of the area itself.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once they were done changing their outfits and re-equipping their weapons, the group gathered once more at the cliff.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“So, are you ready?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Ready when you are.” Zelda said to him with a smile.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright then, let’s go.” Link said, locating platforms they could safely jump on towards a path below and making the first move by carefully moving towards them, taking his time in a way to prevent any mistakes due to his overzealousness. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Eventually Link arrived safely on the stone path above the lava, seeing a sign posted on a nearby wall, deciding to investigate, just as the Sages arrived. Standing at ease, Link went to read the sign, with Saria and Zelda reading along.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Warning, Labyrinth ahead! If you get lost, contact Goro-rooters immediately. By decree of the Goron Elder, Snowhead.”[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wait, does this mean that the Gorons know about this?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Maybe; perhaps it could have been something important to them in a distant past, but simply faded into obscurity as time passed.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, it could very well be an old mining system or an old residence or something…” Darunia mused.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It is possible; this place lies between Snowhead and Ikana after all and there is a Goron Settlement In Snowhead…” Saria said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group moved on, jumping towards a larger and wider stone path, before they were being greeted already by several Stalfos who landed in the area. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, time to put our new skills to the test.” Link said as he got ready, drawing his Gilded Master Sword and his Red Shield, ready for defense, while the others got ready as well.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Charging on, the Stalfos went towards the group, only for Link to clock the Stalfos gunning for him with his shield, stunning it before performing the Helm Splitter, leaping over the skeletal being and slicing the Stalfos on the head as he moved over him, damaging the undead warrior in the process. Both Saria and Zelda performed the Back Slice instead, while Ruto just went for a Shield Attack before just slicing away at the menace. Darunia simply grabbed two Stalfos by the necks and smashed their heads together, crushing their skulls in the process before dumping the headless bodies into the lava, defeating them instantly while Rauru and Impa both performed a Shield Attack of their own, while Nabooru preferred the use of the Ending Blow to destroy the Stalfos she faced instantly. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once the Stalfos were defeated, the group moved on towards the metal structure ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wow, those Stalfos went down a lot quicker; those new moves are indeed paying off!” Zelda then said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Then we can happily conclude that our time in the Swordsman’s School wasn’t for nothing.” Link said with a smile, before moving to hop on a spring, which promptly launched him upward towards the metal path on the structure, landing safely on it with both feet. He then waited for the others before moving on, going up a path before striking a crystal switch, which created several floating platforms upon activation. Hopping over them to reach another large stone path below, the group made their way through a small crevice into the next area, where several Lizalfos and Dinolfos appeared to attack.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These guys are very persistent.” Saria said, narrowing her eyes.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“So are we, Saria. Let’s show ‘em.” Link said, getting ready to attack.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group attacked the incoming Lizalfos and Dinolfos, making good use of their new skills to best their reptilian enemies. Both Link and Saria performed the Ending Blow, while Zelda and Ruto took their shot at the Helm Splitter on their foes. Darunia smashed one of the Dinolfos into the lava river, where it gave a short, screeching howl of agony before submerging to its doom. Impa and Nabooru just sliced and diced at the Lizalfos, while Rauru used his Light-based magic to strike several others down. Once the creatures have been dealt with, the group waited a bit to rest up before proceeding, hopping on the subsequent platforms over the lava before coming to a stop as the path ended, the only things being a broad spider’s web on the ceiling and a large chest on the stone path’s end. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“This is just great.” Ruto said, annoyed.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Relax, we’ll find a way to continue.” Nabooru said, just as Link opened the chest with Zelda to see what’s in it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“That’s weird, a cane?” Zelda asked as Link picked the item up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“There’s something off about this cane…” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I can sense that it has magic power within, but what kind is it?” Zelda asked as she came to investigate.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, this looks like one of the magical canes that exist, but it’s one of those that have been faded into obscurity; only the ancient people may have known about it.” Rauru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Is there a note or something on it that tells us how to use it?” Impa asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’m not sure… wait, I’m seeing something else in the chest. It could be that note.” Link said, before Saria picked it up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It is. It says here that this cane is capable of creating platforms on liquid surfaces like lava and water and that the cane can be used to actually control the directions of where you wish to go, but be warned; the platform will move in the opposite direction of where the rod is pointed in.” Saria said, reading the note over while Link read along over her shoulder.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Hmmm, at least we have the means to cross it…” Zelda said before Link moved to the edge of the platform, focusing his own magic power into the cane before using a slashing motion to make it point towards the lava. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Instantly the top part of the cane began to glow, firing a sphere at the lava. The sphere didn’t hit the lava to make it splash in all directions. Instead, the sphere expanded outward once it hit the lava, its top part becoming flat, before it changed color to match the color of the stone path around them and solidified, becoming a platform big enough for the entire group to stand on.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least it works.” Link said, carefully hopping on the platform, which remained in place as he hopped on, not moving… not even sinking...[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Saria and Zelda hopped on right away, soon followed by Ruto and Nabooru. Everyone was a bit nervous when Darunia moved on, but relieved upon finding out it held his weight combined with theirs just fine, even after Impa and Rauru stood on it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, so where do you want to go?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I thought to have seen something below the spring we used to get on top of the metal building. Perhaps we can try to reach it?” Ruto asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Sure.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“We’ll help you with steering and controlling the thing, Link. We’re all in this together.” Zelda said, before Link thrusted the cane forward, making the platform with the group on it indeed move backwards from Link’s position. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Whatever the situation was, the group now had means to cross the lava river. Saria kept reading the note as she noticed additional instructions. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Interesting, it says that the cane can also generate smaller platforms on land which can be carried to wherever we want, made stuck on a post or even used against enemies. If a platform already exists at a distance away, we can use the cane to shoot at it to make it move.” She said, while Link carefully thrusted the cane where needed to make it go in the directions the group wanted it to go.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ve heard of a similar cane capable of making platforms which could be used to hold down switches and block incoming enemy strikes,” Rauru said, “it is known as the Cane of Somaria.” [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Perhaps this could be that very cane or at a variation on it that is fire/lava-resistant.” Link said as he steered the platform over the lava river in the area where they first fought the group of Stalfos upon entering the area.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“This is a whole new level of backtracking altogether.” Link commented as he steered the platform over the lava river, occasionally thrusting the cane on to make it move faster or at least keep the speed in.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say… wait, what’s with that crevice out here?” Saria said, noticing a crevice in the wall ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“It looks more like a cavern area to me…” Darunia said as Zelda instructed Link to steer the platform into it, which he did so without question. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Upon arriving, the platform skidded on actual stone surface as it stopped, allowing the group to disembark as they noticed they were in a safe area, with a post up ahead.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least we can walk here…” Nabooru said, before Link generated the normal platform, which he picked up with Zelda and, with her aid, tossed it towards the post, where it lodged itself onto it, in effect creating a brand new platform to cross the red-hot glowing lava below towards a higher platform safely. Once they were on the platform safely, the entire group was suddenly faced with the immense heat emanating from a lava river which was red-hot and flowing fast past the platforms that could be safely walked on. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Good grief! This heat is intolerable!” Saria said, sweating immediately.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say! Glad we have these tunics on, huh?” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“You bet.” Saria and Ruto said in unison as the group carefully proceeded onward, the path being safe enough to be moved over.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Arriving at the far side of the area, there was an entrance to another cavern, but it was too high for the group to reach right away. Thankfully, Link used his newly acquired cane to generate another platform at the ground in front of its entrance as the others safely backed off, making sure the platform would stay in place, before Link safely climbed up on it and hoisted himself up into the entrance area of the cavern, with Saria and Zelda following right away. The cave itself appeared cooler as they traveled down it towards what appeared to be a dead end, only for the group to encounter a pool of water at the room they entered. Blinking at this, the group approached it wearily. It was then that, in the center of the pool, a figure appeared… it was a Great Fairy![/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Greetings, you have come a long way if you managed to come all the way here, young warriors.” The Great Fairy said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Yes, we have.” Link said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I assume you know why we are here?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Of course, young princess, but I must inform you that your quest will become even harder than before.” The Great Fairy said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I wouldn’t be surprised. Both Ganondorf and Majora are hell-bent on ensuring we meet our end soon enough, but it’s not going to stop us from trying to show them who’s boss.” Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The Great Fairy nodded.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Since you have had the courage to come all the way here, this is what I can offer you…” The Great Fairy said, before she generated an item which looked like a glove of which the plates on the back of it was either coated or colored in pure gold.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wow, golden gloves?” Ruto asked, blinking.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Not just ‘plain’ golden gloves. These are a special kind of power fist, infused with attack magic. I have scattered a few of these throughout here and other locations. If you pick these up, they will enhance whatever items you have to increase your strength, like your own power gloves or bracelets, with its power so all of your attacks will become even stronger than before. But use it wisely; if you are hit by the enemy or are hit by natural hazards three times, the effect will wear off and you’ll be back to your old strength once more.” The Great Fairy said, before giving the group a sample of this which colored the gloves and bracelets that they already had into gold, making it appear as if each of them had an adaptation or fitting version of the Golden Gauntlets. Darunia was given a variation in the form of gloves that had golden-colored armor plates on the back of the hands, like the Golden Gauntlets.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Oh wow!” Link said, blinking as he felt the power moving through him.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Thank you very much.” Zelda said, bowing to the Great Fairy in kindness.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“No problem, it’s the least I can do for you, other than soothing your weariness.” She said, smiling.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“What happens if we already have this on and we find another set of these gloves?” Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“The gloves will retain the strength they can grant you, so you simply can’t stack the power of these altogether. However it will ‘refresh’ so to speak, so if you pick it up, you will once again have to be hit three times before the effect wears off.” The Great Fairy said, smiling.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Alright, thank you once again.” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“No problem. If you’re ever overcome by weariness, please come and see me. I will soothe your weariness once you’re back.” She said, before vanishing as she waved the group a good-bye.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Waving her off, the group then decided to move all the way back to where they came from, crossing the red-hot lava river and returning to the safe area, after which they hopped back on the platform they used to cross the red and black lava river in the first place, with Link this time steering the platform once again in the other direction.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Well, at least we have something that gives us a greater fighting chance.” Ruto said with a smile.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“That’s true, but keep in mind that this hasn’t changed our DEFENSIVE strength one bit, so we can still get into deep trouble if we get careless now.” Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“You have a point there. All that has changed is our attack power, nothing more.” Nabooru said, nodding.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Still, take comfort in the fact that if we play this right, we can deliver a serious beating to the enemy.” Darunia said with a smile as they approached the small tunnel to enter the area where the group fought the Lizalfos and Dinolfos on the stone platforms.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Wait, am I seeing another stone platform on the far side of the lava lake?” Saria asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Yeah, I can see one too. Link, can you steer it a bit to the left to get to that area, please?” Zelda asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Sure thing.” Link replied, doing as he was told to do, allowing the group to reach the higher platform, climbing one by one on top of it, moving into another tunnel.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Entering the area, they saw another large area at the far side of another lava river, but this time it had already platforms to safely cross it. On the platform on the other side stood yet another Club Moblin, waiting for the group to come closer as it spotted them so it could knock them in the lava.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“Darn, just what we needed.” Zelda muttered under her breath. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link however took aim using his Bow and Arrows to strike the Club Moblin from a distance, with Saria aiding him soon, taking the Club Moblin down rapidly, allowing the group to cross the area safely. But no sooner had they arrived on the main platform as suddenly more enemies arrived to attack, being Stalfos and Dinolfos in this first wave, each of them ready to strike.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Without hesitation, Link and the Sages retaliated as the Stalfos went on the offensive along with the Dinolfos, with Link pulling off a Mortal Draw against an incoming Dinolfos successfully, killing the creature instantly, while Saria clobbered another one with her Shield before performing a Helm Splitter. Zelda and Impa double-teamed a Stalfos with Zelda performing a Back Slash, while Impa moved in swiftly with a Jump Strike, knocking several other Stalfos aside in the process. Darunia made use of this by crushing the skulls of two Stalfos with a well-aimed Goron Pound, while Rauru on his turn made use of his Light-based magic, utilizing it to a great effect as if the enemies were being pelted with light shining off the Mirror Shield, which was effective in slaying the undead Stalfos instantly, while the Dinolfos were also slain without problems. But this was only the start of the battle, as a couple more Stalfos and Dinolfos, this time accompanied by their lesser cousins, the Lizalfos, joined in the fray. This didn’t deter the group however as they kept on fighting, their newfound strength proving to be a godsend to them. Link managed to roll past a Dinolfos, getting behind it, before clocking Saria rolling next to him as she too had rolled past a Dinolfos. Looking at each other, Link and Saria nodded, before using one hand to grab each other by the waist and both then jumped into the air, the arms holding their respective swords extended outward, striking both Dinolfos in the back together as they spun upward in a circle, creating a Double Back Slash in this kind, before landing safely on the ground, letting each other to before resuming their battle, this time Link went to engage a Stalfos. Darunia grabbed two Lizalfos and bashed their heads against each other, before tossing them over the edge of the platform they were on, making them land in the lava. Impa on his turn slid between the legs of another Stalfos to get up behind it, grabbing its head before snapping its neck and tossing the skeleton in the lava as well, before narrowly avoiding a strike from a Wolfos whom appeared in the midst of the fight with its trademark howl. Zelda came to her aid by jump attacking said Wolfos in its vulnerable backside, making it emit a death howl as it disintegrated into sheets of blue flame before it was gone. Ruto hopped on Saria’s shoulders, using her as a lever to launch herself towards a Lizalfos to stab it in the head with her sword, before Link used a Helm Splitter on a Stalfos whom tried to ambush her. Nabooru made her Great Spin into a Double Great Spin due to her wielding two blades, cutting several Stalfos and Dinolfos in two and beheading one careless Lizalfos in the process, giving the group some reprieve as this brief moment of peace allowed them to regroup.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These guys are getting more relentless than ever!” Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say. This is definitely worthy of being a stronghold.” Link said, just as another group of enemies landed in the area, this time being two Eyegores and two Flare Dancers, much to the group’s annoyance.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The group decided to split into groups of two, with Link, Saria, Zelda and Ruto moving to tackle the Eyegores, while Darunia, Nabooru, Impa and Rauru focused on the Flare Dancers. Having faced them before, Link, Saria, Zelda, Ruto and Nabooru knew exactly how to defeat the enemies here, with Darunia having heard of the Flare Dancers before, grabbing a set of Bombs to deal with them properly. The Eyegores were easily dealt with as the group used their obvious weakness to their advantage, although they had to avoid the laser that it fired this time around. The Flare Dancers on the other hand kept moving around once blasted out of their flaming suits, creating the annoyance of having to chase them around in regards to the others. Thankfully both Impa and Nabooru were swift and agile as they tackled the beasts, but this didn’t make it any easier whatsoever. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“These creatures really are a bunch of cowards whenever they’re not in their suits…” Nabooru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“I’ll say,” Darunia said, pounding one Flare Dancer into smithereens, “at least we can be more diverse instead of relying on a specific thing as a crutch if our abilities are really needed to be tested.”[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]“True; we’ve faced a lot of those trials after all…” Nabooru replied, cutting down the second Flare Dancer with Rauru and Impa, ending this fight.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link then saw a cage on a higher ledge and used the cane he got to create a platform in front of the platform in order to reach the cage. After breaking it, the group found a small group of Red Fairies whom had been captured or otherwise locked into the cage, causing a surprise reaction from Navi, Tatl and Tael as they approached their fellow kin for a moment.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Well, this is unexpected..." Link said as he hopped back down, the fairies floating around for a moment before leaving to a much safer place.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Yeah. At least we helped those fairies escape." Zelda said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Let's get out of here and continue our trip; it's no use hanging around here." Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Link and Zelda both nodded as they too continued on their way with the others. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Backtracking all the way to where they entered the cavern at the far side of the lake, the group made their way back towards the area where they found the chest containing the platform-generating cane, with Link deciding to climb onto the web this time, using it to steadily climb his way across the lava river below him, before landing on top of a broad metal platform, before grabbing his bow and arrow as he clocked a few Fire Keeses, deciding to take them out from a distance, targeting those who came too close for comfort. One Fire Keese tried to ambush him, but was intercepted and killed by Zelda as she soon arrived next to Link. Link on his turn created another platform on the lava, with him and Zelda hopping onto it while waiting for the others, intercepting two more Fire Keeses as Saria arrived. Once Ruto, Nabooru, Impa, Darunia and Rauru had rejoined the group, Link steered the platform casually to the other side, which was a stairway leading to another tunnel area. Walking through it, they arrived at one side of another lava river, which went down, but also having a path going up.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Great, a T-junction..." Impa said, while Link made the platform needed to cross the river. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Which way should we go first?" Link asked.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"We'll take the upstream side first. If we are to be sure that this outpost of Ganondorf and Majora is disabled, we have to make sure that none of their troops remain alive here." Rauru said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"As you wish." Link said, waiting for the rest to hop on the platform so he could steer the platform up the lava stream, being cautious to ensure nothing of the lava would spill on the platform itself. [/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]Once arriving at the top area, they noticed that they arrived at the starting point of the lava river, being greeted by an entrance to what looked like a structure buried in the ground.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"What is this?" Zelda asked, blinking as the group disembarked as Link 'parked' the platform at one side of the pathway around the temple's entrance.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"This looks like a Temple entrance to me..." Link said as he got a good look at the area.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Are you certain of this? It may not look like anything we have seen so far..." Impa said.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"I'm definitely sure. It appears to me like it's a solid yet ancient temple or something similar..." He said as he approached the entrance, which was quite big.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]The Sages all followed him, even as he stopped for a moment to get a more decent look at it.[/font]
[font=Verdana, sans-serif]"Well, here we go then. Who knows what it might contain..." Link said as he moved on to enter the Temple, with Zelda and Saria following him right away, shortly followed by the other sages.