Chapter 11: Out of the fray, into the deep
After resting for several minutes, the group of five battle-worn heroes decided to get moving once again, their new and upgraded equipment still with them as they went through the opened gate and into the cavern ahead, climbing over several crates that were stored there. Link stretched along the way, as did Zelda and Saria. Nabooru frowned at this for a brief moment, but didn’t say anything about it. When the group exited the cavern, they found themselves at a dead end; being at one side of a quite calm sea while standing on some lush, green grass field. They also spotted a tunnel-like affair that was leading to an underwater area…
“Oh, great. Looks like we’re at a dead end, unless we go into that tunnel…” Nabooru said.
“But we can’t hold our breath for so long underwater, except for Ruto.” Saria said, just as Link went to check out some chests and Zelda was looking at the now-clearing sky, seeing rays of the sun shining through the dark clouds.
“Well, I’m staying with you guys. I don’t want to leave you behind just because I can swim when and wherever I want.” Ruto said.
“Check this out, girls; I think I have found the solution.” Link said.
“Huh?” Zelda asked, moving to investigate.
“Check it out.” Link said, bringing out an outfit that was overall blue in color.
“Hey, those look like Zora Tunics, but made fitting for children!” Ruto said, recognizing it.
“And there’s one adult variation in too.” Zelda said, to Nabooru’s delight.
“Well, looks like we need to change a bit.” Link said, looking for a more remote spot while using a Zora knapsack he found in another chest to store his equipment in.
“Link, where are you going?” Saria asked.
“I’m going to change my outfit, but I like to do it decently. It would be inappropriate and impolite of me to do this out in the open.” Link said.
The others could see Link’s reasoning in this, so they too, except for Ruto, spread up for a bit to change their outfits.
After a couple of minutes, Link reappeared, having put all of his equipment in his Zora backpack, safe for the Hookshot as he has been able to use that in the water before. The others had to store all their equipment in similar backpacks, leaving only Ruto capable of defending herself underwater properly. Once everyone was ready, Link moved to lower himself gently in the water, before swimming on a bit to adapt properly.
“How is it, Link?” Zelda asked.
“The water’s fine, and with this tunic, staying underwater will be a cinch.” He said, as Saria and Zelda also gently lowered themselves in the water, as did Nabooru, while Ruto simply dove in the water.
“Link is right, the water is indeed quite nice.” Saria commented.
“So, where do you think the tunnel leads to?” Zelda asked.
“Perhaps to a different part of Termina or even Hyrule…” Link said.
“Well, there’s only one way to be sure of this.” Nabooru said.
“Just stay together and we’ll make it safely.” Ruto said as the group swam to the tunnel area, eventually forced to move below the surface of the water, but thanks to their Zora Tunics, they were able to survive underneath the water surface.
In fact, the way the group could speed-swim now reminded Link very much of his Zora form, the form he took to grant Mikau’s final requests of retrieving Lulu’s eggs and performing with his band, the Indigo-go’s once more.
As they moved through the first tunnel, they first came across a room where several statues that had the appearance of Deku Scrubs within the center of it.
‘Is this something like a ruined shrine or something?’ Link thought as he stopped to look it over.
‘I think so…’ Zelda said within his mind.
‘Wha- how did you do that?’
‘It’s telepathy, an ability that allows us to talk to each other using our minds.” Zelda replied back, with Link seeing her smile and nod.
‘It’s like talking to me using my song, but you don’t need my song for this occasion, just focus right and you can talk to any of us at any time you please.’ Saria said, joining in.
‘It definitely is something to get used to, but I can manage.’ Link said.
‘Good.’ Zelda said.
The group moved on through the water, entering a second tunnel that led to a huge underwater Coliseum, which was also left in great ruins.
‘Wow, this place looks like a mess.’ Ruto said to the others.
‘Yeah, I wonder who built this whole thing…’ Nabooru added.
But just as the group swam onward, a giant Octorok plunged into the arena, sinking up to the level where it was face to face with the heroes… although it did look like an Octorok…
‘What is this?! This is way different from the usual Octoroks!’ Zelda exclaimed.
‘Yeah, it looks like this one is armed to the teeth, as if this one gained intelligence and is in control of some kind of power suit; I recognize some parts that only a Beamos would have!’ Link said.
‘He’s gonna attack!’ Nabooru said as a warning as a hatch opened up, revealing a fish-like creature that had something similar akin to a Debresko, but looked more bulky and appeared to be releasing enemies that looked like the usual Bubbles, being a skull with wings but was having a red-glowing trail at the backside instead of having a glow enveloping them completely, which meant that these were being controlled.
‘Great, we’re being attacked from two sides and we have little room to strike back!’ Saria said.
‘Then we need to change our tactics to adapt. Perhaps those Bubbles can be of use…’ Link said as he swam on, but the Bubbles began to chase them, causing the group to disperse and try to shake their pursuers off.
However, with his previous encounters with the Octoroks, Link remembered that they could have their attacks turned against them by reflecting their rock projectiles back at them and, in case of the Big Octo he faced in the innards of Lord Jabu-Jabu, he also knew that their backsides were vulnerable as well. Getting an idea, Link swam on, letting the Bubble chase him as he went on, circling around the Giant Octorok as he went on. Saria and Zelda saw him go and went to follow him, wanting to see what he was up to, also being chased by the same Bubbles. Ruto and Nabooru even caught on as well, joining the fray along. Once Link reached the backside of the Giant Octorok, he swam directly for it so he was making sure the Bubble was still following him, right before Link braced himself… and in a swift motion pulled off a ‘barrel roll’ to the side, watching as the Bubble passed him by… and struck the Giant Octorok in the backside with success, damaging it!
‘Bullseye!’ Link said triumphantly, before noticing the others had seen it too and on their turn began to follow Link’s actions in a way, as Nabooru moved to somersault over the Bubble chasing her instead.
The Octorok was hit indeed several times, right before it turned around to face the group, bringing out the Beamos’ main head-like sphere containing the ‘eye’ and fired its laser at the group, trying to hit them. Of course, the group moved away from the laser as best as they could, leading to the laser chasing them in a way. After about a minute or so, the Giant Octorok stopped firing his laser and let the Debresko-like creature fire the Homing Bubbles again to add on the pressure to the group, now beginning to shoot rocks at them on intervals to make it harder for them…
“Excuse me, but can you tell me where we can find Link?” Navi then asked a monkey upon arriving at the Woods of Mystery.
“You mean the forest child with his four friends? They went into a different area to save a group of Deku being imprisoned there.” The monkey said.
“And where is this land?” Tatl asked.
“It’s right up through the Woods of Mystery. Follow me, I’ll lead you to it.” The monkey said, moving off, with Navi, Tatl and Tael following.
“I hope things won’t get so hectic like last time…” Tatl said.
“Trust me, with beings like Ganondorf around, it will.” Navi said.
“Is he that bad?” Tael asked.
“Trust me, regardless of Majora’s power, Ganondorf is way more powerful. It required the combined efforts of Link, Princess Zelda and his closest friends who became Sages to put Ganondorf down… but because of that Triforce of Power in his hand, he must have somehow escaped.” Navi said.
“Triforce of Power?” Tatl parroted.
“Yes. It’s part of a holy relic known as the Triforce. Legends say that whoever finds and touches it will have their wish granted, provided their heart is in balance. If so, it will lead Hyrule to an era of peace and prosperity. If not, the Triforce will split and Hyrule would fall to darkness. “ Navi said.
“So the Triforce of Power is once piece, right? How many are there?”
“There’s two more pieces: Courage and Wisdom. The former is in possession of Link, which explains why he has the determination to continue to do what he believes is right, while the Triforce of Wisdom is in the possession of Princess Zelda.”
“Wow…” Tael said, impressed.
“And I take it that Ganondorf is after Link and Zelda to get those other pieces?” Tatl asked.
“That’s right. How did you know?” Navi asked.
“It sounded somewhat obvious to me to be honest. Ganondorf didn’t get the whole thing, so he wants those two last pieces to have complete power. Greedy people tend to do something like that if what they have so far isn’t enough for them.”
“Good point.” Navi said as the three followed their monkey guide.
Majora couldn’t believe his eyes; so far Link and the Sages were able to conquer the enemies that have faced them so far, despite what’s thrown at them! But what aggravated him more was that Ganondorf just let them walk around like that.
“A rupee for your thoughts, Majora?” Ganondorf asked.
“I still don’t understand why you let those fools walk around so freely.” Majora said.
“I can see you may have questions. After all, you have faced Link in only a few days, while I had to deal with him in a span of years. The reason I let those kids and Nabooru walk around is that I simply want to see the looks on their faces once they succeed in reuniting with those other Sages and seek to confront us. Besides, the more we learn of their current capabilities, the better we can prepare ourselves in case they decide to face us for real.” Ganondorf said.
“So you’re simply studying them in this manner?” Majora said.
“Yes. I have underestimated that kid and his friends altogether, hence I am seeking to find a different fashion to reach our goals as a precaution. And considering that Link cares a lot about his friends, I say they we shouldn’t separate them… having him join his friends in their demise will definitely crush his spirit for sure…” Ganondorf said with a rather dark chuckle.
‘And people say I am the vilest being around…’ Majora said with a grin on his face as he went on, cursing a group of brave yet foolish soldiers whom tried to attack their fort, turning them into ReDeads as a result.
The group of five were still fighting the Giant Octorok and while the beast has sustained quite the damage, Link, Saria, Zelda, Ruto and Nabooru didn’t end up unscathed either, partially due to being constantly pelted with rocks from the Octorok and its laser beam from the Beamos’ ruins has managed to zap Link, Saria and Zelda once, although the water did soothe the wounds so it was nothing major other than a slight burning marks on the back. Still, they kept going and redirected its attacks back at it along the way, after several more shots the Giant Octorok finally collapsed as it sunk to the ground floor of the arena, defeated, right before it disintegrated into nothingness, together with the Debresko-like enemy as it was connected with the Giant Octorok. This eventually left the five alone in the arena, slightly injured, but nonetheless still able to move on. The five swam to each other first to see if they were alright.
‘Whew, this was totally different than the time I spent in both the Water and Great Bay Temples…’ Link said.
‘Was it that bad?’ Zelda asked.
‘Well, the Great Bay Temple featured quite the complex waterworks systems that regulated the currents within the temple. The Water Temple was a bit easier as it only required the raising/lowering of the water level.’ Link said.
‘Wow, this confirms you have been through a lot…’ Saria said.
‘Come on, there’s nothing else left for us to do here.’ Nabooru said, patting Link and Zelda on the shoulder, making the two smile, before they swam onwards through the now-opened gate.
Passing through the opened gate, the group entered another underwater tunnel that for the rest sported no trace of any statues, just here and there some ruins of previously built structures and large slabs of stone that laid on the bottom. But for the rest, the five were alone as there was no other enemy in sight.
‘Things must have changed here over time for sure.’ Ruto said.
‘Yeah, it does add to the mystery I might add…’ Zelda said.
‘I can see the surface up ahead, looks like we’ve found the exit of the place.’ Saria said.
‘Makes me wonder how far we’ve actually traveled underwater.’ Link said.
‘Considering how big these tunnels and the arena were, I’d say that we must have made quite a trip.’ Nabooru said.
As the group swam on, they eventually were guided to the surface and, once out of the water, they climbed on one of the bridges, taking in fresh gulps of air, although Ruto had little difficulty with this.
“Wow, it must have been some time since we’ve been on the surface; the air has been cleared mostly of the clouds.” Link said, looking at the air.
“Yeah, I can see the sun shining further up in the distance.” Saria said.
“Wait, what’s with those dark clouds in the far distance?” Zelda asked, pointing to a series of dark, menacing looking clouds about quite a distance away.
“It’s surrounding a building or something, I can’t really tell, but it appears those clouds are not normal; they are circling around instead of spreading or moving.” Nabooru said.
“Then that must be the new castle of Ganondorf and Majora! I think we could possibly be somewhere in Hyrule itself!” Link said.
“In Hyrule?! But where?! This is obviously not anywhere close near Lake Hylia!” Ruto said.
“My own guess would be somewhere near the Lost Woods, or even close to the Kokiri Forest, considering the trees in the distance, although the building ahead seems out of place.” Saria said.
“I wonder where this actually leads to…” Nabooru said.
“There’s only one way to find out for sure, but we could also be in the no man’s land between Hyrule and Termina.” Link said.
“It appears we have little choice than just go in there to investigate.” Ruto said.
“At least most of us can change back to our regular outfits and switch back to our regular gear.” Zelda said.
The group then made their way across the bridges and headed into the building, taking their time as the wet clothes did weigh down a bit.
“I can feel them coming closer…” An elderly Hylian said as he stood on a large hexagon-shaped platform, with underneath his feet stood a smaller hexagon shaped pedestal with engraved on it was the symbol that was related to the Light Medallion. It was Rauru, the eldest of the Seven Sages.
“How long do you think it will take for them to get here and reunite with us?” Impa said as she stood on her pedestal, associated with the Shadow Medallion.
“I do not know for sure, but it won’t be long now. Perhaps a couple of days or so, give or take an hour.” Rauru said.
“Brother Link definitely won’t rest until he has saved us. It’s something I do admire of the boy; he may be a young kid, but his heart and spirit burst forth with the fire of courage that could only be seen by an adult. He definitely is a man in his own right.” Darunia, leader of the Gorons and the Fire Sage said.
“That’s most definitely correct. And so far they have prevailed, but neither we nor they must grow careless.” Impa said.
“Indeed. Ganondorf has proven to be far more dangerous than we thought, especially with the Triforce of Power in his hands…” Rauru said.
Impa herself looked upwards, concern on her face.
‘Link… Zelda… please… be safe…’ She thought to herself as she couldn’t do anything except for waiting…
Further in the building, the group except for Ruto changed back into their regular outfits, while trying to dry their Zora outfits off, before storing them away.
“Alright, let’s see what we have here.” Nabooru said as she was ready to continue…
The group continued on after a minutes, walking along the apparent empty building, until they heard a door closing down behind them as they arrived in what they believed to be the center room…
“Now what?” Nabooru asked.
“I don’t know… and what disturbs me is the room being empty…” Link said, scratching his head.
“Hmmm, maybe we need to go in where the light comes from…” Saria said.
“I think that’s the only way; the door behind us is locked, so we can’t go back.” Zelda said.
“And why are our voices echoing here?” Ruto asked.
“I don’t know… maybe if we just continue on, we may see where we are.” Link said.
“It’s only for the best; I don’t want to stick around in such an empty place.” Zelda said, after which the group moved on, climbing into the room where the bright light was coming from.
The group walked along a stone path for some time, before the area turned dark, as if they were in a tunnel. Eventually, they reached the exit of the tunnel and found themselves on a cliff that overlooked a vast forest.
“Where are we?” Nabooru asked.
“Look! I can see the Great Deku Tree to our right!” Saria then exclaimed, pointing to the withered remains of what once was a glorious, giant tree that had a face on it.
“You’re right, Saria! We must be in Hyrule then.” Link said.
“Then that means we can go and get the others!” Zelda said.
“True, but first we need to get down from here…” Nabooru said.
“I can see a path going down here, but it’s with steps, so don’t jump off the wrong way.” Zelda said, nodding.
The group carefully proceeded to either jump or climb their way down, not wanting to take any risks as they made their way downwards into the forest, making their way towards the Kokiri Village.
“So, they’re at the forest…” Ganondorf said, sensing it.
“So, what do you want to do? Send a hit squad after them?” Majora asked.
“No, I have a better idea. Raise the tower at the old Hyrule Castle. It’s time we should get reacquainted with our ‘old friends’. Make sure our forces don’t disturb them or their reunion. I want them to think that they’ve caught us by surprise, while in fact, we have the surprise for them…” He said.
Majora nodded, liking the sound of that plan. He was already feeling almost sorry for Link and his friends… almost…
“Oh, great. Looks like we’re at a dead end, unless we go into that tunnel…” Nabooru said.
“But we can’t hold our breath for so long underwater, except for Ruto.” Saria said, just as Link went to check out some chests and Zelda was looking at the now-clearing sky, seeing rays of the sun shining through the dark clouds.
“Well, I’m staying with you guys. I don’t want to leave you behind just because I can swim when and wherever I want.” Ruto said.
“Check this out, girls; I think I have found the solution.” Link said.
“Huh?” Zelda asked, moving to investigate.
“Check it out.” Link said, bringing out an outfit that was overall blue in color.
“Hey, those look like Zora Tunics, but made fitting for children!” Ruto said, recognizing it.
“And there’s one adult variation in too.” Zelda said, to Nabooru’s delight.
“Well, looks like we need to change a bit.” Link said, looking for a more remote spot while using a Zora knapsack he found in another chest to store his equipment in.
“Link, where are you going?” Saria asked.
“I’m going to change my outfit, but I like to do it decently. It would be inappropriate and impolite of me to do this out in the open.” Link said.
The others could see Link’s reasoning in this, so they too, except for Ruto, spread up for a bit to change their outfits.
After a couple of minutes, Link reappeared, having put all of his equipment in his Zora backpack, safe for the Hookshot as he has been able to use that in the water before. The others had to store all their equipment in similar backpacks, leaving only Ruto capable of defending herself underwater properly. Once everyone was ready, Link moved to lower himself gently in the water, before swimming on a bit to adapt properly.
“How is it, Link?” Zelda asked.
“The water’s fine, and with this tunic, staying underwater will be a cinch.” He said, as Saria and Zelda also gently lowered themselves in the water, as did Nabooru, while Ruto simply dove in the water.
“Link is right, the water is indeed quite nice.” Saria commented.
“So, where do you think the tunnel leads to?” Zelda asked.
“Perhaps to a different part of Termina or even Hyrule…” Link said.
“Well, there’s only one way to be sure of this.” Nabooru said.
“Just stay together and we’ll make it safely.” Ruto said as the group swam to the tunnel area, eventually forced to move below the surface of the water, but thanks to their Zora Tunics, they were able to survive underneath the water surface.
In fact, the way the group could speed-swim now reminded Link very much of his Zora form, the form he took to grant Mikau’s final requests of retrieving Lulu’s eggs and performing with his band, the Indigo-go’s once more.
As they moved through the first tunnel, they first came across a room where several statues that had the appearance of Deku Scrubs within the center of it.
‘Is this something like a ruined shrine or something?’ Link thought as he stopped to look it over.
‘I think so…’ Zelda said within his mind.
‘Wha- how did you do that?’
‘It’s telepathy, an ability that allows us to talk to each other using our minds.” Zelda replied back, with Link seeing her smile and nod.
‘It’s like talking to me using my song, but you don’t need my song for this occasion, just focus right and you can talk to any of us at any time you please.’ Saria said, joining in.
‘It definitely is something to get used to, but I can manage.’ Link said.
‘Good.’ Zelda said.
The group moved on through the water, entering a second tunnel that led to a huge underwater Coliseum, which was also left in great ruins.
‘Wow, this place looks like a mess.’ Ruto said to the others.
‘Yeah, I wonder who built this whole thing…’ Nabooru added.
But just as the group swam onward, a giant Octorok plunged into the arena, sinking up to the level where it was face to face with the heroes… although it did look like an Octorok…
‘What is this?! This is way different from the usual Octoroks!’ Zelda exclaimed.
‘Yeah, it looks like this one is armed to the teeth, as if this one gained intelligence and is in control of some kind of power suit; I recognize some parts that only a Beamos would have!’ Link said.
‘He’s gonna attack!’ Nabooru said as a warning as a hatch opened up, revealing a fish-like creature that had something similar akin to a Debresko, but looked more bulky and appeared to be releasing enemies that looked like the usual Bubbles, being a skull with wings but was having a red-glowing trail at the backside instead of having a glow enveloping them completely, which meant that these were being controlled.
‘Great, we’re being attacked from two sides and we have little room to strike back!’ Saria said.
‘Then we need to change our tactics to adapt. Perhaps those Bubbles can be of use…’ Link said as he swam on, but the Bubbles began to chase them, causing the group to disperse and try to shake their pursuers off.
However, with his previous encounters with the Octoroks, Link remembered that they could have their attacks turned against them by reflecting their rock projectiles back at them and, in case of the Big Octo he faced in the innards of Lord Jabu-Jabu, he also knew that their backsides were vulnerable as well. Getting an idea, Link swam on, letting the Bubble chase him as he went on, circling around the Giant Octorok as he went on. Saria and Zelda saw him go and went to follow him, wanting to see what he was up to, also being chased by the same Bubbles. Ruto and Nabooru even caught on as well, joining the fray along. Once Link reached the backside of the Giant Octorok, he swam directly for it so he was making sure the Bubble was still following him, right before Link braced himself… and in a swift motion pulled off a ‘barrel roll’ to the side, watching as the Bubble passed him by… and struck the Giant Octorok in the backside with success, damaging it!
‘Bullseye!’ Link said triumphantly, before noticing the others had seen it too and on their turn began to follow Link’s actions in a way, as Nabooru moved to somersault over the Bubble chasing her instead.
The Octorok was hit indeed several times, right before it turned around to face the group, bringing out the Beamos’ main head-like sphere containing the ‘eye’ and fired its laser at the group, trying to hit them. Of course, the group moved away from the laser as best as they could, leading to the laser chasing them in a way. After about a minute or so, the Giant Octorok stopped firing his laser and let the Debresko-like creature fire the Homing Bubbles again to add on the pressure to the group, now beginning to shoot rocks at them on intervals to make it harder for them…
“Excuse me, but can you tell me where we can find Link?” Navi then asked a monkey upon arriving at the Woods of Mystery.
“You mean the forest child with his four friends? They went into a different area to save a group of Deku being imprisoned there.” The monkey said.
“And where is this land?” Tatl asked.
“It’s right up through the Woods of Mystery. Follow me, I’ll lead you to it.” The monkey said, moving off, with Navi, Tatl and Tael following.
“I hope things won’t get so hectic like last time…” Tatl said.
“Trust me, with beings like Ganondorf around, it will.” Navi said.
“Is he that bad?” Tael asked.
“Trust me, regardless of Majora’s power, Ganondorf is way more powerful. It required the combined efforts of Link, Princess Zelda and his closest friends who became Sages to put Ganondorf down… but because of that Triforce of Power in his hand, he must have somehow escaped.” Navi said.
“Triforce of Power?” Tatl parroted.
“Yes. It’s part of a holy relic known as the Triforce. Legends say that whoever finds and touches it will have their wish granted, provided their heart is in balance. If so, it will lead Hyrule to an era of peace and prosperity. If not, the Triforce will split and Hyrule would fall to darkness. “ Navi said.
“So the Triforce of Power is once piece, right? How many are there?”
“There’s two more pieces: Courage and Wisdom. The former is in possession of Link, which explains why he has the determination to continue to do what he believes is right, while the Triforce of Wisdom is in the possession of Princess Zelda.”
“Wow…” Tael said, impressed.
“And I take it that Ganondorf is after Link and Zelda to get those other pieces?” Tatl asked.
“That’s right. How did you know?” Navi asked.
“It sounded somewhat obvious to me to be honest. Ganondorf didn’t get the whole thing, so he wants those two last pieces to have complete power. Greedy people tend to do something like that if what they have so far isn’t enough for them.”
“Good point.” Navi said as the three followed their monkey guide.
Majora couldn’t believe his eyes; so far Link and the Sages were able to conquer the enemies that have faced them so far, despite what’s thrown at them! But what aggravated him more was that Ganondorf just let them walk around like that.
“A rupee for your thoughts, Majora?” Ganondorf asked.
“I still don’t understand why you let those fools walk around so freely.” Majora said.
“I can see you may have questions. After all, you have faced Link in only a few days, while I had to deal with him in a span of years. The reason I let those kids and Nabooru walk around is that I simply want to see the looks on their faces once they succeed in reuniting with those other Sages and seek to confront us. Besides, the more we learn of their current capabilities, the better we can prepare ourselves in case they decide to face us for real.” Ganondorf said.
“So you’re simply studying them in this manner?” Majora said.
“Yes. I have underestimated that kid and his friends altogether, hence I am seeking to find a different fashion to reach our goals as a precaution. And considering that Link cares a lot about his friends, I say they we shouldn’t separate them… having him join his friends in their demise will definitely crush his spirit for sure…” Ganondorf said with a rather dark chuckle.
‘And people say I am the vilest being around…’ Majora said with a grin on his face as he went on, cursing a group of brave yet foolish soldiers whom tried to attack their fort, turning them into ReDeads as a result.
The group of five were still fighting the Giant Octorok and while the beast has sustained quite the damage, Link, Saria, Zelda, Ruto and Nabooru didn’t end up unscathed either, partially due to being constantly pelted with rocks from the Octorok and its laser beam from the Beamos’ ruins has managed to zap Link, Saria and Zelda once, although the water did soothe the wounds so it was nothing major other than a slight burning marks on the back. Still, they kept going and redirected its attacks back at it along the way, after several more shots the Giant Octorok finally collapsed as it sunk to the ground floor of the arena, defeated, right before it disintegrated into nothingness, together with the Debresko-like enemy as it was connected with the Giant Octorok. This eventually left the five alone in the arena, slightly injured, but nonetheless still able to move on. The five swam to each other first to see if they were alright.
‘Whew, this was totally different than the time I spent in both the Water and Great Bay Temples…’ Link said.
‘Was it that bad?’ Zelda asked.
‘Well, the Great Bay Temple featured quite the complex waterworks systems that regulated the currents within the temple. The Water Temple was a bit easier as it only required the raising/lowering of the water level.’ Link said.
‘Wow, this confirms you have been through a lot…’ Saria said.
‘Come on, there’s nothing else left for us to do here.’ Nabooru said, patting Link and Zelda on the shoulder, making the two smile, before they swam onwards through the now-opened gate.
Passing through the opened gate, the group entered another underwater tunnel that for the rest sported no trace of any statues, just here and there some ruins of previously built structures and large slabs of stone that laid on the bottom. But for the rest, the five were alone as there was no other enemy in sight.
‘Things must have changed here over time for sure.’ Ruto said.
‘Yeah, it does add to the mystery I might add…’ Zelda said.
‘I can see the surface up ahead, looks like we’ve found the exit of the place.’ Saria said.
‘Makes me wonder how far we’ve actually traveled underwater.’ Link said.
‘Considering how big these tunnels and the arena were, I’d say that we must have made quite a trip.’ Nabooru said.
As the group swam on, they eventually were guided to the surface and, once out of the water, they climbed on one of the bridges, taking in fresh gulps of air, although Ruto had little difficulty with this.
“Wow, it must have been some time since we’ve been on the surface; the air has been cleared mostly of the clouds.” Link said, looking at the air.
“Yeah, I can see the sun shining further up in the distance.” Saria said.
“Wait, what’s with those dark clouds in the far distance?” Zelda asked, pointing to a series of dark, menacing looking clouds about quite a distance away.
“It’s surrounding a building or something, I can’t really tell, but it appears those clouds are not normal; they are circling around instead of spreading or moving.” Nabooru said.
“Then that must be the new castle of Ganondorf and Majora! I think we could possibly be somewhere in Hyrule itself!” Link said.
“In Hyrule?! But where?! This is obviously not anywhere close near Lake Hylia!” Ruto said.
“My own guess would be somewhere near the Lost Woods, or even close to the Kokiri Forest, considering the trees in the distance, although the building ahead seems out of place.” Saria said.
“I wonder where this actually leads to…” Nabooru said.
“There’s only one way to find out for sure, but we could also be in the no man’s land between Hyrule and Termina.” Link said.
“It appears we have little choice than just go in there to investigate.” Ruto said.
“At least most of us can change back to our regular outfits and switch back to our regular gear.” Zelda said.
The group then made their way across the bridges and headed into the building, taking their time as the wet clothes did weigh down a bit.
“I can feel them coming closer…” An elderly Hylian said as he stood on a large hexagon-shaped platform, with underneath his feet stood a smaller hexagon shaped pedestal with engraved on it was the symbol that was related to the Light Medallion. It was Rauru, the eldest of the Seven Sages.
“How long do you think it will take for them to get here and reunite with us?” Impa said as she stood on her pedestal, associated with the Shadow Medallion.
“I do not know for sure, but it won’t be long now. Perhaps a couple of days or so, give or take an hour.” Rauru said.
“Brother Link definitely won’t rest until he has saved us. It’s something I do admire of the boy; he may be a young kid, but his heart and spirit burst forth with the fire of courage that could only be seen by an adult. He definitely is a man in his own right.” Darunia, leader of the Gorons and the Fire Sage said.
“That’s most definitely correct. And so far they have prevailed, but neither we nor they must grow careless.” Impa said.
“Indeed. Ganondorf has proven to be far more dangerous than we thought, especially with the Triforce of Power in his hands…” Rauru said.
Impa herself looked upwards, concern on her face.
‘Link… Zelda… please… be safe…’ She thought to herself as she couldn’t do anything except for waiting…
Further in the building, the group except for Ruto changed back into their regular outfits, while trying to dry their Zora outfits off, before storing them away.
“Alright, let’s see what we have here.” Nabooru said as she was ready to continue…
The group continued on after a minutes, walking along the apparent empty building, until they heard a door closing down behind them as they arrived in what they believed to be the center room…
“Now what?” Nabooru asked.
“I don’t know… and what disturbs me is the room being empty…” Link said, scratching his head.
“Hmmm, maybe we need to go in where the light comes from…” Saria said.
“I think that’s the only way; the door behind us is locked, so we can’t go back.” Zelda said.
“And why are our voices echoing here?” Ruto asked.
“I don’t know… maybe if we just continue on, we may see where we are.” Link said.
“It’s only for the best; I don’t want to stick around in such an empty place.” Zelda said, after which the group moved on, climbing into the room where the bright light was coming from.
The group walked along a stone path for some time, before the area turned dark, as if they were in a tunnel. Eventually, they reached the exit of the tunnel and found themselves on a cliff that overlooked a vast forest.
“Where are we?” Nabooru asked.
“Look! I can see the Great Deku Tree to our right!” Saria then exclaimed, pointing to the withered remains of what once was a glorious, giant tree that had a face on it.
“You’re right, Saria! We must be in Hyrule then.” Link said.
“Then that means we can go and get the others!” Zelda said.
“True, but first we need to get down from here…” Nabooru said.
“I can see a path going down here, but it’s with steps, so don’t jump off the wrong way.” Zelda said, nodding.
The group carefully proceeded to either jump or climb their way down, not wanting to take any risks as they made their way downwards into the forest, making their way towards the Kokiri Village.
“So, they’re at the forest…” Ganondorf said, sensing it.
“So, what do you want to do? Send a hit squad after them?” Majora asked.
“No, I have a better idea. Raise the tower at the old Hyrule Castle. It’s time we should get reacquainted with our ‘old friends’. Make sure our forces don’t disturb them or their reunion. I want them to think that they’ve caught us by surprise, while in fact, we have the surprise for them…” He said.
Majora nodded, liking the sound of that plan. He was already feeling almost sorry for Link and his friends… almost…