So, having thought long and hard about it, as well as having read the old version back, I decided to do a complete revision of my old Legend of Zelda fanfic, Union of Evil Powers, now known as 'The Vilest Union'.
You can read the fic here before commenting on it.
You can read the fic here before commenting on it.
A year after the events of Majora's Mask, the search for a beloved friend brings Link back to Hyrule, reuniting him with other cherished friends he has made there. However, from the shadows, malicious powers are biding their time to gather their strength to act, with vengeance on their minds...
As this is a fanfic set into the Zelda Universe, there are characters, enemies and locations mentioned from mainly the following media:
Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time Master Quest
Majora's Mask
A Link to the Past
OoT/MM Manga
Other references in a similar vein are from:
Twilight Princess
Minish Cap
Breath of the Wild
Age of Calamity
Hyrule Warriors
Skyward Sword
Spirit Tracks
Wind Waker
A Link Between Worlds
In terms of locations and environments only, as in how the landscapes of new areas appear as, inspiration was drawn from:
Rayman Revolution aka Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Bear in mind that this is only in terms of area appearances to some degree; all enemies and such found are solely from the Zelda-related media.
Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time Master Quest
Majora's Mask
A Link to the Past
OoT/MM Manga
Other references in a similar vein are from:
Twilight Princess
Minish Cap
Breath of the Wild
Age of Calamity
Hyrule Warriors
Skyward Sword
Spirit Tracks
Wind Waker
A Link Between Worlds
In terms of locations and environments only, as in how the landscapes of new areas appear as, inspiration was drawn from:
Rayman Revolution aka Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Bear in mind that this is only in terms of area appearances to some degree; all enemies and such found are solely from the Zelda-related media.