Steven Universe

I was reading up on theories that Sapphire would have been a diplomatic gem. I wasn't expecting for there to be more than one kind of gem, but it makes sense that there are multitudes belonging to a section of a gem type. Though I still wonder if Rose used to be a noble gem or something? Or have they covered that already?
Well, Peridot mention that there many kinds of Pearls, so there could be a bunch of the same gems. As for Rose, possibly she could be the "unique" one; as in it's rare for them to come to existence?
Well, quite an oddly both eventful and yet uneventful week of episodes. Yellow diamond sure seemed to want earth destroyed pretty badly, wonder if there's a grudge going on there.
I didn't like the Villain Redemption arc for Peridot, since it felt a bit forced and rushed. But I can't say I didn't like her calling Yellow Diamond a clod. :katkek:

I'm just waiting for the reveal on the other diamonds.
LoopyPanda said:
I didn't like the Villain Redemption arc for Peridot, since it felt a bit forced and rushed. But I can't say I didn't like her calling Yellow Diamond a clod. :katkek:

I'm just waiting for the reveal on the other diamonds.

Glad that I wasn't the only one who thought of this. I would've preferred if they done that after Yellow Diamond encounters the Crystal Gems and all that. It still be forced and rushed, but it would be at least better going in that route. Peridot spending like, what a few weeks tops and suddenly, she wants to know about the earth and all that jazz? Just seems silly.

I'm still going to think that Rose is a villain in all of this :maybe:
Well, really the biggest plus to this whole "Peridot is now a good guy" arc had been that it's been comedy gold....honestly it did feel a bit rushed to make her permanently a crystal gem but I guess the writers couldn't pass on that dynamic. From the dramatic standpoint though Peridot going back to being the villain for a while would've been great, especially since she was a bit underwhelming as a baddie in the first place.

Rose? The villain? Hm, you have me intrigued, elaborate!
And she fits the nerd trope to a T. So of course it's got comedy in it. :p I liked her marathoning that love show and thinking that was the only episode. XD

It is a cartoon mainly for younglings so I could understand they wouldn't pass up on it. 

I'm still rooting for the possibility of a previously evil Rose or some crazy thing where she is an imposter or something wacky. XD

Peridot in alien shorts was v cute though I'll admit.
JamesYTP said:
Well, really the biggest plus to this whole "Peridot is now a good guy" arc had been that it's been comedy gold....honestly it did feel a bit rushed to make her permanently a crystal gem but I guess the writers couldn't pass on that dynamic. From the dramatic standpoint though Peridot going back to being the villain for a while would've been great, especially since she was a bit underwhelming as a baddie in the first place.

Rose? The villain? Hm, you have me intrigued, elaborate!

I mean, I'll give it that it's quite amusing, but damn, they sure shove that concept of making her a crystal gem that quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if Peridot was still loyal to Yellow Diamond, thus betraying the Crystal Gems at the end. Regardless, it's like making Jasper a good guy because she saw all the "beautiful marine life" with no build up. I suppose the "Log" episode was supposed to covered that, but it still felt rushed.

As for Rose being a villain (or at least, a failure of a hero):

We know that the Gems go to other home worlds and produce more gems to expand their people and empire. Of course, in their eyes, it would be considered "betrayal" to prevent the reproduction of the gem culture. Now, the problem is, (outside the obivous) is that, none of the Crystal Gems, ever actually explained why Rose thinks Earth is worth protecting. In fact, it seems that when she'd met Greg, she'd clearly haven't had a clue on the basic concepts of love and often treat "living beings" on earth as if they're her playthings.

Another thing I noticed that each Pearl is assigned to Diamond and represent them as their color. I can conclude that perhaps Pearls are also assigned to elite gems. Yet, Pearl has no hint of pink whatsoever, being completely white and- added the fact that Jasper refers Pearl as an defective pearl. Perhaps she was a pearl to White Diamond?

The Cluster was a recent thing. As stated by Peridot, there wouldn't be a cluster if it weren't for the rebellion and continue with it's plan. Yet, Rose simply got in the way for reasons unknown, and thus the cluster was brought upon. In fact, Rose had keep many secrets from them (as stated by Garnet and Pearl). I see that she knew about the Cluster but she couldn't do a damn thing about it [Or for the villain's case, she wanted this to happen for another goal..?]. It seems that none of the Crystal Gems didn't know a damn thing about Rose and Peridot clearly brought their emotions to the table that, well she was completely in the right. 

Garnet's first appearance was also strange. Sapphire and Ruby really, really had no reason to be against the Gems from home world. Yet, as soon as they met Rose, they suddenly want to fight against the Gems and protect a planet? I can see Rose is spoon feeding information in order to expand their group (this is along with Pearl, forcing her to revoke her duties and join Rose's side and believe literally every single word she said). And the fact that thousands of gems that died during the rebellion and forced to be fused together (or corrupted and forced to be bubble for all eternity) for practically nothing. 

Basically, Rose never explained why she wanted to protect earth. It's likely that she knew about the cluster, but never did anything about it. She seems to gave the Crystal Gems information that Home World Gems want to do this and that - yet, Crystal Gems literally don't know jack (especially Amethyst).
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