Silly Stories and Fun Frolics


Green Jacket
Sep 4, 2015
Once again, and I will start it with the following

The mysteries of life were many, and it was up to Z to find out one of them. Who killed Freak? Whoever it was, they were smart... hardly any evidence to go on, just a dead Freak, on the floor in an apartment. A knife in his back and a bullet wound in his stomach... and no signs of a struggle except for a vase broken on the floor. It was cold, so cold in the room... until Loopy came in and started hugging the hell out of her.

Loopy was her daughter, as well as her assistant... and also dressed like a maid. She was a quirky panda-dragoness to say the least, but she was loyal to Mama Z to the very end. She was sniffing around the room for anything... but was overpower by the scent of blood.

Drago popped in to kiss Loopy and said that he saw Shinecero commit the crime

And that's why Shine is now under sexy house-arrest by Z and not allowed to have peach-flavored Alcohol
Thanks loopy one.
Hi, Tadashi! :D
For the most part, these are going to just be silly.

Feelings of happiness waft through the troubled lands of Tormalia, the land of melody. The place... it was dry, it was desolate... so unlike itself. Normally the place teemed with life, and flowed with waters down great rivers. The lands were suffering because it had forgotten its great power.
But hope and happiness had returned to its people when a rain shower fell onto the village of Kelner. A child had come to them, a child who did not cry... but instead hummed. Though she looked not like them, she was their only hope. The girl, named Meliana, grew up in the village and contained so much raw power and potential... and every day she would hum and something good would happen in the village. Over time, she began unconciously disguising herself to look human.

There could be no doubt. She had the power of Melody. Music is a great power in this land, it had the power to cause rain, help crops grow, made wild beasts tame, healed the sick, and many more miracles. One day, Meliana left the village to visit a friend of hers in another village, but while she was gone, a crook killed her mother. Her father, stricken with grief, stayed behind to try to clean up. Meliana returned to the house to find it besieged by ghosts. So she sang to the ghosts to help them be at rest until one of them was revealed to be her own mother. Her mother, upon hearing her sing, came to her senses and had the other ghosts leave.

She told Meliana that it was her destiny to teach the world how to sing again so that it could be livable again, then stuck around some more to keep her father company. Then they told Meliana the truth- She was not their biological daughter. She was a lizard-girl that they found in the forest and adopted by them and all of the village. Meliana could not believe it at first, but then she sang a song of truth as she looked in the mirror. She saw her true self looking back at her, and swished her tail to and fro before leaving to fulfill her destiny.

Meliana went to visit her friend, Susarie, who joined her in her quest so she too could learn to sing. With her true appearance unlocked, Meliana was more powerful than ever before, and was poised to return the world to its beautiful, musical state.

This is the basic premise to an RPGmaker Game I want to make.
I suppose there are similarities.
I've been writing a weekly series of stories. Here's the first episode!

Alzoru's World: Episode 1, Nafinian Legends Series part one: Maramazu

Long ago in a time of ignorance and sorrow, The gods frowned down on the stagnating peoples of Nafine. Nothing major had happened in the society in a very long time. The year was 201, and nothing major had happened since year one, when history had been invented alongside bread.

It was a time when the Durakuni lived in indifference to each other, and when children had to learn from their parents how to survive and work, and thus most children only knew how to do what their parents did, weather they liked it or not. Many wished for more- wished for so much more.

But in this year, a blue-scaled Lugani man named Mutori met someone, someone who would change his simple potter's life, and the lives of everyone around. She was a beautiful Wyveri woman on the surface, and she approached him with grace unseen on this world before. She ran her fingers on her wings through his mint-green mane and whispered promises into his erect ears of wonderful things to come.

At the time, it was considered taboo to romantically seek out anyone not of your race, but she was more than just a Wyveri- her scales were a shade of pink, her wings a lighter pink, and her yellow eyes seemed to be full of wisdom, and full of pink streaks. She wore fine and beautiful clothes that were made of unknown materials, and on her head rested a small crown of silver.

Mutori trembled before her, entranced by her beauty and grace. She asked him a great favor- She needed him to temporarily become a woman and carry a child who would change the world forever. He knew now who she was and gasped as he knelt to her. He said to her that he would happily become a mother for her.

His horns shrunk on his head, and he shrunk a little bit with his mane and other hairs. His snout became more rounded, and his body became more thin than it already was. He looked down at his more delicate hands and up at the woman who changed him. He knew beyond doubt, this was a goddess- the primordial goddess of creation and reward, Milira.

Milira kissed the newly-christened woman deeply and whispered to her that their child would change the world. Mutori thanked her for her blessings and said that he- or she if you prefer, would carry the egg with pride. The Goddess transformed into a form more suited to herself and vanished before his eyes.

Over the next several weeks, her form became a little larger with gravidity. She had to tell any who asked who she was and what happened. A new Demigod had not been born since before recorded history, and the promise of a new one excited many. Hope grew stronger when the egg was laid, and it was a light pink egg with the symbol of the goddess on its front. Immediately after laying the egg, Mutori returned to being male.

The people of his village came by to see the egg, and Prayed for the egg's safe hatching. The local priests praised Milira and she replaced another god as their local patron. However, there was a bit of worry when the egg hatched prematurely. It had hatched more than a week before its due date. The hatchling was a lugani like him, a boy by the looks of it. His tiny, frail body was a pastel purple color, but he had no fur. Mutori struggled for the next week to keep the hatchling warm and fed, and while the hatchling lived... he would never be able to grow any fur.

The hatchling was named Maramazu, after Mutori's grandfather. As he grew he explored the village and watched people do many things. He learned to do many things at a fairly young age, which was unheard of. He was always so cheerful and curious, wanting to know everything he could. But of course, as a child of Milira, he was creative above all else and showed much promise as an artist.

Nobody was sure what the child would do. It was usually expected for a child to follow in their parent's footsteps, but he was more than his father's child- he was Milira's child. Another tragedy struck him when he was a teen. A Highwayman attacked him and his father on the road to another village where they hoped to sell his father's pottery. The highwayman stole the pottery and damaged Maramazu's voicebox, leaving him nearly mute. He now had little choice but to communicate through writing.

This however, did not discourage him. He simply adapted and left messages in text for people. He became an eloquent writer, and when he came to age, he wrote a successful play about his own life. He fondly remembered his childhood of learning so many things, and thought that all children should experience the joy of learning. So he gathered large amounts of stone and began to construct the first school. It began in his home village somewhere in the country of Tekale, and he invited all parents to send their kids there so they could learn many things, and carve their own destinies.

The idea was met with opposition at first, but more and more people remembered that they never wanted to follow in their parent's foot-steps to begin with, and decided that they would let their kids get the opportunities that they never did. In time, other villages and cities began to adopt this system of teaching kids many things, improving on the system every so often.

And today, the story of the Demigod who brought an age of learning to the ancient Durakuni is still fondly remembered as a tale of triumph even in the face of tragedy, for while Maramazu had no biological children of his own, he was like a father to the many children he taught at his school, which stands to this day as a landmark in that little village in Tekale where he was born.

Thus ends this legend from Nafine, and there will be more to come.

Episode 2

Alzoru's World: Episode Two- Nafinian Legends Series part Two (The Beginning)

Before I start this story, yes, I should have started this series with this. There, now that I have that elephant out of the room...

In the beginning, there was naught but chaos and void- no stars, no worlds, no life, no realms, not a thing existed in all the universe. The chaos, Jakrut, grew bored of the emptiness, and from the void he created time and embodied it in Ejriman.

Ejriman encouraged Jakrut to create more things, so that time would have meaning and purpose. Jakrut complied by creating two new beings of creation and destruction: Milira and Mylinta, the divine sisters of rebirth. Mylinta sat back and let her sister perform her duties, for she could not destroy if nothing had been created yet.

While the sisters performed their duties, more things began to emerge from the void, Like Renicht who began to create the first stars. Yora emerged to create minerals and rocks that would become planets. Taikyo formed to begin producing gases that would one day form skies and other wonders. Freddic appeared to create the first liquids, which would form seas and lakes for the universe.

Thus were the primordials all born from chaos and void, and thus did they begin to form the fundamental laws and materials of the universe. Mylinta slept while her contemporaries created things so that when she awoke she could begin her duties of destroying things, for while Mylinta herself could create things just as easily, she simply preferred to destroy.

Ejriman and Milira collaborated together on helping the universe grow and created less powerful, less monstrous gods to help control and govern the unseen yet fundamental forces of the universe such as Magnetism, Gravity, Electricity, and Radiation. They started with those fundamental four at first, but would later make more. As rulers of unseen forces, they preferred to stay hidden as well.

Year upon year passes, and after millions or possibly billions of years, Mylinta awoke from her slumber to begin her end of the cycle of rebirth, and thus we have the universe's fundamental forces all in check, working together. In creation there is destruction and in destruction there is rebirth, and so it will be until the end of time.

But while the primordials were important, and amused Jakrut greatly, he desired more. He desired variety, beauty, and entertainment. The primordials all gathered together to collaborate on creating the grandest thing yet- life. On many worlds they would create it, simple at first but over time it had the promise of becoming more and more complex. Jakrut was pleased once more.

As life became more complex, the primordials realized that they had made a mistake- that life needed things to watch over it and make sure things never got too difficult- or too easy for the budding creatures, but all of them were simply too busy with everything else. Before now, life simply existed and had no souls to give them emotion, thought, or morality, so all life simply filled their niche thoughtlessly and sometimes with cold cruelty. The primordials created souls- and the ability for souls to multiply and sometimes reincarnate if necessary.

As for the need to be watched, they created a slew of new gods of lesser power to them, and of lesser power to the unseen ones. These ancient gods formed a pecking order among each other and elected Omyoriniyama as their king, and he chose Xeximia as his queen. He would later regret this.

Time passed and Omyoriniyama or "Om-noms" as Milira called him picked out the planets that should host life, and let the primordials sow the seeds while Carvilicus, one of his siblings directed life on its evolutionary paths, creating diversity and ecological wonders- and occasionally creating brand new life forms for no particular reason. Others of his ilk created a realm for the souls of the deceased, while another governed over the force of love. Yet others did different things, and the universe was in order.

One day, Omyoriniyama flew to our world, Nafine, and chose it to be the next place for life to inhabit. The primordials gave the barren world water, an atmosphere, and plate tectonics a plenty to make sure life could survive here, and the other gods did their jobs, kick-starting life on this, our home.

As everything fell into place on Nafine which orbited great Sevaza, Yora decided to great two great rocks that would revolve around Nafine as well, the moons Sikiteriku and Kobalaru. As life across the universe became ever more complex, a new god was formed and named Jaronit, and he carried with him the light of intelligence that he could give to any creature to grant it sapience.

However, some time in the distant past, turmoil began to brew as Xeximia began to destroy and kill things that were not meant to die yet, causing chaos where there should be order. She was horrible to her husband and made him miserable in his throne. She asserted herself over him as the true monarch of the universe and together with Eezirin of arcane death, they plotted dystopia for all of the universe.

Omyoriniyama would not stand for this, so with the other gods he tricked Xeximia into creating new gods who he hoped could defeat her and Eezirin together. The new gods: Akanoto, Momoshi, and their many siblings did something that few god factions were able to do before- work together for more than a few weeks at a time. They had real unity and camaraderie that together made them strong enough to defeat and imprison Xeximia and Eezirin in new realms inaccessible to most and nigh inescapable.

Akanoto then challenged his father for rule of the universe, but rather than accept the challenge, Omyoriniyama simply gave it to him because he was sick of the position and desired a more simple existence. He made a deal with his son and became the new god of death and the afterlife. The other arcane gods went into hiding to sleep until they were needed again, which may be never.

Civilizations were born around the universe, and one thing became more and more apparent- some beings were far more depraved and evil than others, while others were great and pure, while yet more simply tried their best. It disturbed the new god of death greatly that they should all exist in one place, and it also gave him major headaches with all of the noise and wars in his realm of death- wars that never ceased because there was no death in a place where you were already dead.

Milira and Mylinta took pity on him and they made eight new realms each to reward the saintly and punish the depraved. They established criteria to be met for each of the new realms, and created beings to inhabit and maintain them as well as help reward or punish as needed. Thus were born angels and demons, who existed to help the goddesses reward and punish mortals as needed. They established seven great virtues, and seven deadly sins which would serve as criteria for entering a realm and help classify the denizens of the realms. Omyoriniyama spent hundreds of years sending people to the appropriate realms, but now things are all finally right in the heavens.

Soon, our ancestors appeared on Nafine and the new god of civilization, Guklirik, was tasked with choosing a species to give the light of intelligence to. He took a shine to our ancestors, all of them, and could not decide, and thus gave it to them all, starting with the ancestors of the Ordelaka. The rest came in time, and we began our journey to the present with the divine light of knowledge in our minds, and the emotion of souls in our hearts.

This post was only supposed to contain one and two, but the posts auto-merged, so here are three and four!

Alzoru's World: Episode Three- Tales from Yardolme part one (Plight of Vrasaer)

The Elder of Fire swished her tail about and stomped around her hut of volcanic stone in a fit of frustration. Nobody in the village seemed to be a perfect fit for the job. If things got much worse... she may have to settle for good enough.

The vial was still there. Full of liquid power that she was destined to give one lucky villager so they could become something amazing- a Champion with control over their element. But she did not know who to choose.

Even though she was the youngest of the elders by technicality, she had still lived for thousands of years due to the gift of the gods that had made her and her peers biologically immortal and given them a small amount of control over their innate elemental powers. But these days it was not enough. More and more they needed a Champion to protect them and find the source of the evils spreading across the lands.

That vial... she had once taken comfort knowing it would be there when they needed a champion, but now that they did, its presence mocked her. Her dull orange facial scales were folded and wrinkled on her face as she growled to herself. She threw a small ball of flame at the wall as she wracked her brain for an answer. She sat down near the small pool of lava in her house and clacked her foot claws against the floor.

"Gods of Yardolme," She beseeched as she looked to her ceiling, "Send me a sign, help me choose our champion. O god of fire whose endless flame powers Mount Erabya, who is my champion? Who will drink thy divine essence in this vial and wield your eternal flames to defend your people? The fire tribe needs its champion."

After her prayer she looked into the lava pit, watching it bubble. She decided it was time for her bath and dipped herself into the pool of lava. Oddly enough, it seemed cooler than usual. She began to consider the entire village once again. Salkor was the greatest fighter in the village, so he was an obvious choice... but he was unfortunately not the brightest star in the sky as it were. If he became champion he would not even bother learning to use his new powers. Kross the healer had the opposite problem. He was smart and would quickly learn to use his new powers, but would end up relying on them too much. Tralon was too much of a nervous wreck, poor guy. Sarlea the trader was far too greedy to make a good champion. Frestor was too much of an egomaniac, Pratlast was too obsessive, Igneer was a farmer and they needed all of those they could have.

She kept puzzling and puzzling and finally she thought of another... What about Varliss? She was young and fairly resourceful, and the village could do without one more lava miner. She wasn't perfect, but she supposed that she was the best choice.

Vrasaer, elder of the fire village, rose from her lava bath and quickly dressed into her elder's robes and grabbed the vial. She placed it in her pocket and walked out to go find Varliss. She went outside of the village and walked along the banks of the Lava Rivers until she found her.

Varliss did not notice her at first, and when Vrasaer came up to her and called her name she yelped and fell into the lava stream. She swam out of it to greet the elder, even though her clothes were now singed. "Elder, how may I assist you?" Her scales were primarily black with red flecks littering them, and her dull orange eyes looked into the elder's eyes of deep scarlet. She knelt before the taller elder with reverence and awaited her briefing.

"Varliss," Vrasaer began, "I have something important to give you. I have been thinking long and hard about certain things for a long time, and consulting the god of fire for his guidance. And I have come to a conclusion. Take this and drink of it, you are the one I have chosen." She took the vial from her pocket, earning a gasp from the smaller lizard.

"You... You have chosen me as the champion?! I-I am not worthy! I am simply not worthy!" She gasped, "Bu-but I accept my new duty and responsibility. I will do my best to make you and the village proud." She grabbed her lava-shovel and put it on the ground next to her as she drank down the vial of god essence, and poured the rest onto her shovel and clothing.

She almost immediately felt heat well up inside of her as if her organs were combusting, and she began to grow taller. Her entire body nearly doubled in size, leaving her far taller than the elder, and her clothes grew with her, changing from grey-colored rags into an orange-and-yellow flame-pattern sash and skirt. Her eyes became a much more vibrant orange as flames brewed within them. From her head grew three black spines, each about three inches from the other and curving backwards. Finally, her main scales went from black to bright red in nearly an instant while her dull-red belly scales turned orange like her eyes. She breathed out a bit of flame without meaning to as she finished her transformation from mundane villager to the new Champion of Fire. She closed and covered her mouth in mild embarrassment. Meanwhile, her shovel glowed and became larger, now as long as she was tall, and the spade changed shape to become slightly less curved and much pointier. It was now a shovel-spear.

Vrasaer looked up at her and smiled, "You certainly look adequate. Now then, it is time for me to swear you in. Repeat after me... I, Varliss, do solemnly swear to protect and serve Ecrate and its people from all that would do harm unto it for as long as I shall live. I also promise to seek and destroy all that is evil and promise to seek help if I shall need it."

"I, Varliss, do solemnly swear to protect and serve Ecrate and its people from all that would do harm unto it for as long as I shall live. I also promise to seek and destroy all that is evil and promise to seek help if I shall need it," she repeated ad verbatim.

"Excellent. Now then, follow me to my home. I will teach you how to use your new powers."

"Yes Ma'am. Won't everyone see me?"

"That is what I am hoping for," She smirks, walking back home slowly.

Varliss decided to pick her up and carry her home instead; putting her new weapon in a holder on her back "I know the way to your house. Then again, who doesn't?"

"Oh, thank you, young one. Of course you know that the god essence makes you functionally immortal?"

She almost dropped the elder, "OH! I forgot about that! Yeah, you're right; I can't die of old age or disease."

"You may only die in battle, just like me." She smiled.

"That... that is going to take some getting used to. What will my father say?"

"That he's proud of you."

"Besides that."

The two walked to the elder's house, other villagers looking on at the giant woman carrying their elder.

One month later, after Varliss' basic fire-usage lessons were complete, they held a ceremony to not only celebrate the fact that they finally had a champion, but to test her skills. She was basically told to light a bunch of bonfires, set off some fireworks, and generally makes a spectacle of her new powers to show the villagers they were in good hands.

While she found a small bit of difficulty in those small tasks, she was able to remain focused and skillfully execute them. It was at the end of that festival that Varsaer told the world who the champion was, and while some were shocked and others insulted she was chosen over them.

Afterward, Varliss spoke to her mentor about it, "Why, elder, did I have more difficulty with those smaller tasks than simply making a spectacle? Is something wrong with me?"

"Pfft, heavens no! Any fool can throw a giant fireball or set a forest ablaze, but it takes focus and finesse to say, create a small fireball and make it float around for a while, light a single candle, or light the fuse of several rockets at once without simply blowing them up on the ground. You showed today that you can focus enough to do small tasks if necessary, and I think you will find that very useful whether you realize it or not."

"Ahh, so that's why a lot of the practice you had me do involved stuff like lighting and extinguishing candles, or sucking the heat out of water until it froze, or making little creatures out of fire dance and play around a room. You were testing and improving my focus!"

"Precisely. Now go consult Salkor for combat training. As important as your powers are, you need to learn to fight without them in case you are somehow unable to use them or can't afford to use them."

"Yes Ma'am."

Varliss trained hard and kept up her practice. She was the first of many Champions that would appear on Yardolme to fight a growing evil. And these champions would have to unite to stand a chance.


Alzoru's World: Episode Four: Tales from Yardolme part 2 (Village of Iron)

Ferioku was alive with the sound of hammers pounding iron. The Iron Tribe, as always, was hard at work mining and refining metals from the nearby canyon, or working with ore imported from Newdoni.

Rust-furred Ferruna adjusted her goggles and smirked as she walked around her village with her bronze cane supporting her all the way. She saw over someone as they made a pot from some clay imported from Yenaria.

"Elder," they aknowledged as they worked their three-digit hands around the pot to mold it into strange and fantastic shapes. They grunted every little bit and when a mistake was made they stomped a hoofed foot on the ground in frustration since mistakes often meant having to start all over.

Ferruna shook her head and walked out of that house. She was going to be late if she kept this up. She swished her tail about a little and whinnied a little as she went back to her house. Waiting for her was Reydos, from the Air Tribe.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Reydos."

He laughed and spread out his feathery wings, "Worry not, sister! The Air tribe dos not hold grudges, we just keep the entertainment coming! So, are we ready to make a deal?" He asked, not taking a seat, but rather he was walking and dancing around. He laughed and invited her a hand, "Ferruna, be merry with me! You don't get any younger sitting around like s log in the bog!"

She smirked and rose from her seat, putting her cane to the side, "Alright fine, you old coot!"

"You're older than me, lady. Shall I sing us a song as well?"

"If you must," She snorted amusedly.

"Oh, I'm all out of fruit and I want my food now! Come on and give me, oh give me a bite to eaaaat!" he sang off-key, much to the amusement of his dancing partner as he dipped he and literally gave her a peck on the cheek.

After a bit of song and dance, Ferruna sat back down and cleared her throat, "On to business, Reydos. What can you offer us?"

"Entertainment, of course! Entertainment, and lots of fruit if you really need something solid!" He was still standing and gesturing with the clawed hands at the end of his wings, "And perhaps we can spare some of our fine clothes as well."

"You know what we can offer. Tools, pottery, and hard labor."

"We need hard labor the most! Much as I love my fellow air tribesmen, we are not the strongest race, physically speaking. No, that honor belongs to you and yours! The tools are nice, but we have our own that work just fine." His bright sea-green plumage was molting off of him a little as he walked about.

"How do you manage to stay so active, Reydos?"

"Song and dance, my friend, song and dance keep me feeling youthful!" He yelled, pointing a finger to the sky.

She couldn't help but smile. "Send us entertainers and fruit, and we will send hard labor and pots."

"You got yourself a deal! Why, we love the pots you guys make!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands and shaking his tail feathers, "Well, I'm off! I have to tell the others the news! Remember to send a messenger if you need me, or better yet you can visit me yourself. I love company!"

She chuckled, "Goodbye." And she waved at him thusly, grabbing her cane again as she planned to to check on more affairs.

He bolted out of her house and flew away back to his fair village. Ferruna shook her head and went outside to check on the farmers. They had been experiencing a bit of a famine lately. Only 15 good potatoes in all of the village. That was not going to be enough and she knew it. Good thing she had those birds importing more food, or her people would starve. She then began the long walk down the stairs into the great canyon where they did so much mining for precious metals.

She spoke to the head miner who told her the following, "Elder, we have gathered a surplus of Iron and found an enormous coal vein!"

She nodded and asked, "How big are we talking?"

"The largest we've seen in years, possibly the largest on the continent to date!"

"Goodness!" She exclaimed, "That's enormous! How much would you estimate on its worth?"

He smiled, "Enough to buy the Fire tribe's entire magma stock, and then some!"

"What your saying is, we're going to be sitting pretty for a while."

"Yes ma'am. We may be able to offer some to the Air Tribe."

"The Air Tribe are not fond of coal or smoke in general, so I doubt they'd offer much in return."

He nodded and cleared his throat, "We also found small amounts of Gold."

"So what? Who needs gold for anything?"

"Well you never know. Maybe someone might want some gold jewelry?"

"True I guess, but ultimately pointless."

"Tell that to the Air and Fire tribes! They love gold! I bet we could get good stuff from them for it."

"I suppose I could offer Vrasaer some gold for more lava to stoke the forges."

"That's the spirit." The miner nodded.

She went back up the stairs slowly and consulted with one of the best blacksmiths in the village, "What could you do with gold?"

"With Gold I could make rings, or I guess weapons or armor, but who wants golden weapons or armor? Gold is too soft for that by itself. I could make a small statue to use as a weight."

"I see. If you are sent any gold or, make rings and other jewelry."

"Yes Ma'am!" He saluted and returned to work over his forge.

She left his forge and pondered to herself over what else she needed to check on in the village. She had her messenger tell the other smiths about the gold and what to do with it. The sun was still high in the sky and she still needed something to do. She decided to pay a visit to the refinery where metal was extracted from ores.

Like clockwork, the furnace workers were melting down the ore and creating ingots that were then rapidly cooled in water to be used in crafting various items. But instead of watching it happen, she decided to make her presence known. The workers were loading a large ore rock into the furnace when suddenly it cracked open and fell apart. They saw the metal inside was flowing in the air like a liquid, and then saw it settle into an ingot on the floor. They then noticed the Elder over there, snickering to herself.

"Elder! Thank you for your assistance. What is your wish?"

"I want a status report, please."

"Yes ma'am! We are working at eighty percent of our maximum efficiency, producing ten ingots per hour."

"Eighty?" She inquired.

"The worked is slowed by hunger, Milady. We are distracted by our empty bellies."

"Much like everyone else. Carry on!" She walked off and then made a long voyage to one last place today...

She walked into the Temple of Iron and sat down with someone much larger than her. Someone with shiny silver fur, "Fermuli," She began, "Is your training going well?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm still really sorry about it all though."

"For what it's worth, even if you becoming our champion was an accident, I could not have picked anyone better."

Fermuli blushed and set her green eyes on the blocks of various metals before her eyes. Her goal was to create the perfect weapon for herself by combining various metals into alloys and testing them.

Ferruna smiled and watched her, reminded of her own lost days of youth from thousands of years back. She removed her goggles to clean them and watched her champion train her skills and make a weapon all at once with her dull-orange eyes.

Funny things happen on Yardolme all the time, but when Fermuli ran into the elder in a hurry and made her spill the god essence all over her, she didn't think it was so funny at first. But honestly, While Fermuli had not been her first choice... She proved herself to be very resourceful and trustworthy.

A mace of Titanium, Iron, and just a little bit of carbon with a gold trim was what she settled on. She felt comfortable with this weapon and the intricate patterns she had "etched" into it. She even indented her name onto it.

"What do yo think, Elder?"

"Excellent work. Soon you will be ready to join the other champions, and I hear there are a few now!"

Fermuli nodded and used the remaining metal slabs to make various things...

"You," the elder smiled and nodded, "Are going to do just fine!" She crossed her arms.

Aaaaaaaaand that's 4 in one.
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