ShineCero's Art Box

Black Girl Challenge 01.png
Black Girl Challenge 02.png
So my new personal challenge to improve my art is to draw people, specially black women. I've seen so many discourse on social media how (usually men, especially god damn weeabos) cry and moan about any instance of black women in animation or games. You are so many amazing cosplayers and fashion models that can easily translate well into animation, comics and gaming. This is also a way to expand my craft because I don't want to be chasing the "supposed standard" of what characters need to looked like (which why I've dabbled with Mex's designs over the years until i capture that feeling).

Calling it "Black Girls/Women" Challenge, where I'm task with drawing Black Women everyday--starting from reference drawing to creating my own based on my experiences. Don't know how long I'll do it for, but I definitely say at least a couple of months. Except tons of posting from it!
Black Girl Challenge 03.png
Black Girl Challenge 04.png
Black Girl Challenge 05.png
Black Girl Challenge 06.png
Shineman Concept 6.png
Will do another thread clean-up, including updating links. I'd deleted instagram because I honestly don't use it (haven't touch it in 2 years).
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