Ragnarok: Warframe

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Excalibur's Braton fire hit a Lancer, causing the Grinder soldier to bleed from his heart. On the other hand, a Butcher ran around the gunfight, rushing at Atlas.
(FFS autocorrect correcting Grineer to grinder.)

The Butcher was killed by Atlas's landslide, his dead body being sent flying. The combined gunfire of the two Tenno also finished off the rest of the squadron, allowing the two to move on.

"Hurry, Vor is aware of your escape. You must get to your ships immediately." Lotus warned the Tenno, prompting Excalibur to move forward.
"This better not be the I have no memories and my best friend shoots me while I'm getting into a spaceship thing." Atlas jested, tailing after Excalibur.
"Oh trust me, I have no intentions of dying right now, either. Not until we get more answers.." Excalibur spoke as the two moved on.

"Oh? It appears I have found you, Tenno." Vor's voice was heard as the Grineer Captain appeared in front of them, holding the same golden object he used to open the portal earlier in front of him. "This time, you won't get away." An alarm sounded as the doors around the group locked, leaving the Tenno locked in with Vor and a small platoon of Grineer soldiers.

"Tenno, Vor has initiated a lockdown of the area. You must find a console and hack it to get by him. You are not ready to face him yet." The Lotus warned Atlas and Excalibur.

"Oh? Do you happen to mean this terminal, Lotus?" Vor aimed the object at a nearby terminal and a blast shot out from it, destroying the terminal. "It looks like your Tenno cannot escape, now! The power of my Janus Key will allow me to eliminate you Tenno scum!" Vor aimed his Janus key at Atlas, a beam attack charging up.

"Use your melee weapon to block his beams. I am sending reinforcements to help you. You cannot die now." Lotus broke comms between the two with that last sentence, leaving them to hold off Vor.
Suddenly, a beam shot out of Vor's Janus Key, the beam headed towards Atlas's position. Excalibur left the beam to Atlas while he ran up, shooting at Vor to distract him. Meanwhile, two ships began to descend from Earth's orbit, heading to the location of Vor and the Tenno.
At the moment Vor's beam hit Atlas' bo, the Tenno twirled the weapon, dispersing the beam. Meanwhile, the two ships from earlier hovered over the group, two Warframes dropping out of the ship. One was an Ash. The other, Valkyr.

"I presume they're our reinforcements." Excalibur spoke as he shot Vor in the chest. His shields went down.
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