Ragnarok: Warframe

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Blue Jacket
Sep 4, 2015
Between Grey Star and I ONLY!


Post the following before we get started here..

Warframe of choice (Rhino, Loki, Excalibur, Frost, Ember, Volt, Trinity):
Initial Primary Weapon (Braton Mk. 1 (Rifle), Paris Mk. 1 (Bow), Strun Mk. 1 (Shotgun)):
Initial Secondary Weapon (Mk. 1 Lato (pistol), Mk. 1 Kunai (Self-explanatory), Mk 1. Furis (machine pistol)):
Initial Melee Weapon (Mk. 1 Bo (Staff), Skana (Sword):

Warframe of choice (Rhino, Loki, Excalibur, Frost, Ember, Volt, Trinity): Excalibur
Initial Primary Weapon (Braton Mk. 1 (Rifle), Paris Mk. 1 (Bow), Strun Mk. 1 (Shotgun)): Braton Mk. 1
Initial Secondary Weapon (Mk. 1 Lato (pistol), Mk. 1 Kunai (Self-explanatory), Mk 1. Furis (machine pistol)): Mk. 1 Lato
Initial Melee Weapon (Mk. 1 Bo (Staff), Skana (Sword): Skana
Personality: Rather quiet and reserved. Only talks to his fellow allies unless he feels like it is necessary to talk to others.
(Sounds good to me.)

The Rhino and Excalibur on the ground, Vor walks up to them.

"I see the Lotus has tried to wake you. Pity she's too late!" The commander leans down and puts a device on the frames' heels. "You're my prize now, Tenno!" Vor speaks as he turns around, walking away. The Grineer soldiers approach the two, their rifles trained on them.

"No!" Vor turns around, holding his hand up. "We are taking these two with us." With that said, Vor started walking again, the soldiers approaching the frames with caution.

"What has he done to you? I can't lose any more Tenno. I am surging your Warframes' power systems. The voice spoke as the Tenno feel a surge throughout their bodies. They get up, a wave of energy blasting away the Grineer squad surrounding them.

"What the?" Excalibur spoke, rubbing his head as he landed on the ground with the Rhino. He looked in front of himself to see another squad of Grineer approaching.

"Quick. Use your power, defend yourself." the voice told the two. Excalibur seemingly complied, using his Slash Dash to slice two of the five Grineer in half.

(Be aware that right now, you can only use your FIRST ability! Rhino gets a charge attack for his first ability, promptly named "Rhino Charge"!)
(And now for a retcon. Within the first five posts no less. That's a first for me.)

Atlas shrugged, looking at the remaining Grineer and using his Landslide to punch one square in the face, and then he kept punching it without using his abilities.
The Grineer soldier let out a cry as his face was bashed in by Atlas, the other two Grineer shooting at him. However, Excalibur backed him up by Slash Dashing the two, cleaving them clean in half, their upper bodies flying in the air.

"I am the Lotus, your friend and guide. I see that the cryosleep has taken your memories, so for now, we will focus on your survival." Lotus explained to the Tenno, a door opening nearby.

"I assume that means we go.." Excalibur spoke as he walked through the door, finding a table with a Skana and Bo.

"I'll take the sword." Excalibur grabbed the Skana, swinging it around a bit as he waited for Atlas to grab the Bo.
"I would guess so.." Excalibur spoke as he moved up, the Lotus's voice talking to them once again, "Vor has not noticed your escape. Keep moving. You two are nearing your ships."

"Extraction team, report!" Vor's voice could be heard.
"I think we've already had ships in the past." Excalibur spoke as he ran up to another table before a door, a Braton mk 1, Paris mk1 and two lato mk 1s laying on the table. Excalibur grabbed the Braton and a Lato.

"Ah, I see you now, Tenno!" Vor spoke to the two frames. "This ascaris truly works wonders. Soon, you'll be under my control." With that said, another squadron appeared from behind, opening fire on Atlas. Excalibur hopped behind cover and opened fire.
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