I just marathoned the last 3 episodes. It's over... what am I going to do with my life now? :katcry:
So I may as well talk about my fave bits from each of those.
Episode 9: I really enjoyed that they made sure to give Licenseless Rider more character to him. He already knew he didn't stand a chance, yet kept on fighting Sea King! I would've just accepted defeat immediately. XD
It was an emotional episode for me man
Episode 10: Metal Bat was and is poortrayed so well! Of course, he's my favorite so I had high expectations on the voice acting and the like. I liked that they showed us a bit of what exactly Tatsumaki takes on for a job every day too and how her power can extend before Boros' posse came in at the start of the ep. I don't recall that scene being in the manga. The heroes are great in this episode. ALSO, GAROU CAMEO. Season 2 hinted?!?!!?!?!
12: Watching this fight get animated was so thrilling. But I got so upset when Boros died. Even though I knew it would happen.
I can't wait in case of a secind season! I need it NOW