One-Punch Man [ONE/Yusuke Murata]

ShineCero said:
ONE chapter has been released: 

Sanic, sit yo ass down. :Pls:

This was posted from another forum:

I find a translate of all the stuff that happened before OPM was released 

This was from UStream when Murata was talking about Bullet Angel Fan Club.

Murata's recollection of events leading up to the redraw publication: 

- Murata is recommended One Punch Man by Akiman (yes, THE Akiman)
- Spend a whole night reading all of it
- He wants to team up with ONE but is conflicted
- He learns that ONE's family is against him becoming a mangaka, and Murata becomes worried and rushes to contact ONE
- The duo comes to an agreement to bring the work to a publisher
- The BAFC doujinshi was created as a result of this
- Murata tells ONE he wants to draw One Punch Man. ONE agrees. 
- Shuueisha doesn't like the idea, and rejects them.
- OPM was already going to be published in a different publisher, but Murata is still contracted with Jump. He is conflicted on what to do.
- Murata says he almost died in the hospital
- He decided he wants to draw OPM before he dies. He goes to Jump to break his contract (therefore, losing any stable income)
- The duo goes to the publisher that was going to publish OPM, and learns that they were going to print so few copies. 
- They take the work and present to various publishers
- They look for a publisher that will print the most copies, and found Young Jump to offer them the most. 
- At first they weren't going to be a standard serialization, but Tonarino YJ (the online web Young Jump) was just starting, so they decided to have it serialized there. 

In the end all this worked out the best for them, with OPM becoming the most successful web manga in the entire industry.
Murata even breached his contract with Shounen Jump and lost his job because he wanted to pursue doing this.

Murata and ONE are my top BroTP. B|

Just sayin. 

While I'm waiting on the Redraw to update, I'm reading ONE's comic. I hate Sweet Mask so much that I was glad severe ugliness is what stops him. B| XD
Drago just confirmed that the reason for why ONE and Murata's comics are being pulled from various of websites isn't because they're struck by ViZ, it's because of these group that translated the pages are butthurt because they're weren't given credit.

Now. I have nothing against scanslation, in fact I welcome them because it gives me expourse to plenty of mangas and wants me to buy them on my own (Looking at you, Kenichi). However, you can't demand credit or feel entitled that you deserved some form of praise for shit you're really not supposed to do (along with the fact that literally anyone could do this shit). Seriously, these people acting like they deserved some fucking award. They don't. B(
They act like they're the ones who drew the manga and wrote it when in reality they just broke out the photoshop... I get it, you know and can translate Japanese to English, but acting like you're the only ones who can and deserve to be revered for it (I'm more than sure they use your advertisements in each chapter installment... if not get over it)? It's just plain silly.

II'm tryna read through the Garou arc so I can see Saitama duke it out with Tatsu
Yeah. It's really annoying that they took down ONE's webcomics.. when they're available for FREE and doesn't make any revenue for it. So they can honestly go suck a block.

You'll won't regret it XD
I found ONE's on openmanga so I should be fine.

I'm still intrigued by how Watchdogman is an S Class hero but looks like Saitama with dead eyes.
He's hiding something
Metal Bat kicked major ass these last few chapters. I'm so happy seeing his face-off with Garou even if he ended up losing out last minute. He knocked that Manhole cover with his bat like a hockey puck. :kek:

Garou was about to get lights out man.

Zenko doesn't even have a scratch on her despite a giant centipede wrecking the city. Held back her brother like it wasn’t anything.
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