One-Punch Man [ONE/Yusuke Murata]

Viz wants people to come to them in terms of translations; despite the fact that Murata's version is free on the website to view anytime.
Plus, I have the two Vz translation volumes of OPM and honestly? While it's great, it's kind of iffy sometimes. Not saying they're aren't accurate, but I felt that the fan translated works have little more flow in them. I was also thinking of buying the Japanese version of mangas. :p
But you can't always trust fans tho'. They sometimes change it to what they want it to say. Now saying they did but, in a way, I can understand why Viz did this.
It depends on the group that does fan translation though. I actually prefer OPM fan translation than Viz xD
I doubt such things will stop the scanlation sites at any rate. Hopefully, any other groups making the fan translations actually put their proofreader to good use.... XDD

While Mangahere's collection for the translation is pretty much gone, mangafreak and mangareader still have that group's translations up. Unfortunately you have to deal with annoying rando popups if you're on mobile.

Nothing new though, given I can't ever read any manga on mangafox because literally everything I search on there gives me the "not available" message.

Too bad it's ViZ though. They used to be fine with vizkid translations but lately they've been pretty subpar.
Yeah. Now they're going hardcore to delete anything that relates to OPM on any website other than going to Hulu or sites that requires payment lol.
It's a real shame, I think if they want to get more views in everything then they should just let these chapter be. It'll only make OPM more popular and give them more views.
ONE chapter has been released: 

Sanic, sit yo ass down. :Pls:

This was posted from another forum:

I find a translate of all the stuff that happened before OPM was released 

This was from UStream when Murata was talking about Bullet Angel Fan Club.

Murata's recollection of events leading up to the redraw publication: 

- Murata is recommended One Punch Man by Akiman (yes, THE Akiman)
- Spend a whole night reading all of it
- He wants to team up with ONE but is conflicted
- He learns that ONE's family is against him becoming a mangaka, and Murata becomes worried and rushes to contact ONE
- The duo comes to an agreement to bring the work to a publisher
- The BAFC doujinshi was created as a result of this
- Murata tells ONE he wants to draw One Punch Man. ONE agrees. 
- Shuueisha doesn't like the idea, and rejects them.
- OPM was already going to be published in a different publisher, but Murata is still contracted with Jump. He is conflicted on what to do.
- Murata says he almost died in the hospital
- He decided he wants to draw OPM before he dies. He goes to Jump to break his contract (therefore, losing any stable income)
- The duo goes to the publisher that was going to publish OPM, and learns that they were going to print so few copies. 
- They take the work and present to various publishers
- They look for a publisher that will print the most copies, and found Young Jump to offer them the most. 
- At first they weren't going to be a standard serialization, but Tonarino YJ (the online web Young Jump) was just starting, so they decided to have it serialized there. 

In the end all this worked out the best for them, with OPM becoming the most successful web manga in the entire industry.
Murata even breached his contract with Shounen Jump and lost his job because he wanted to pursue doing this.
We had both Sonics in this chapter! The hedgehog AND the ninja. Shame, the mutated Sonic the Hedgehog kinda got his head blown up.
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