Day 25 of OCMAS (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!): Mex
Since today is Christmas, I decided to do another take on Mex, the main protagonist of Good Days. Compared to other characters, Mex underwent the most changes in terms of appearances, because I wanted to get it just right. So, a brief history regarding Mex (further details will be in my journal progression since now I have enough content to focus multiple posts regarding it).
Mex is a Serberk from a planet called Powa. Serberks are a face of warriors that are extremely competitive in nature. They live and breathe for the thrill of a battle and never back down on a challenge. As their reputation soared across the cosmos, the Serberks met their unfortunate end when a Destroyer appeared above their planet and destroy them---wiping out 99% of the population. Mex is one of the surviving Serberks and joined Good Days—not out of revenge, but sheer curiosity of challenging the Destroyer, and plenty of other opponents, that managed to overcome her people. She’s confident, brave and skill. Despite her strong demeanor, she’s kind to her comrades—at first, she may come off as “cold” since she’s only focused on her goal, but throughout the story, she shifted from being a battle knight and become a full-fleshed hero.