News, Updates & Suggestion Box

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Since this is the new appearance for the site, and with the way it's set up, I'm rather happy with it. I can't explain why I like it, I just do, and it's not just "oh it's new so I like it more."
Yep. All the Cores has been completely updated, including the some minor changes to the dark theme. The audio plugin and favorite threads plugin is removed for now (until I figure out a way to make it more friendly in posting).
This month is will be a chill month, hence no new Newsletter. Starting next month, the newsletter will begin along with incoming changes on the overview of the website, along with an revamp of the Pokemon Competition (it will now be Boogaloo Gaming Tournament, name expected to change).
ShineCero said:
Yep. All the Cores has been completely updated, including the some minor changes to the dark theme. The audio plugin and favorite threads plugin is removed for now (until I figure out a way to make it more friendly in posting).

I missed this but, love this update.
Had to delete my earlier messages to make room for this new one.

I’d updated the layout slightly, mainly the sidebar with new, updated icons, along with new additions. With assistance from @"Ploep" and @"~ Z ~", the graphic designs on the Roleplay Icons looks stunning. I’m hoping I can update the rest of the icons with original artwork, but I’ll deal with that once I get a functioning tablet (and I get good at drawing more). Took me 3 days straight with limited sleep, but I managed to accomplish what I set out to be last week.

After declaring that Discord is no longer connected to the site, I replaced it with the official BGC twitter. This will act as a buffer between users with social media outlets to keep up with updates, new competitions, artist highlights and more. You can simply follow that account rather than my own. All other platforms such as YouTube and deviantART will no longer have any connection to the website as well.

I scanned the Art Garden (it’s entire section) once more to see if I missed anything during the cleanup. Everything looks good.

In addition, I created a flyer (took me 4 sleepless days) to use to introduce people about BGC. Here’s my creation:


I will use this as a way to gain new members (that won't come off as spamming).

Finally, I’m working with @"~ Z ~" to introduce a fun element to the Art Garden next month. We are both working hard to improved the Art section. She is currently creating a logo for this fun element, while I make a new graphic (but simple) design to launch it. This is where we will put Twitter into effective use. Details on it will come in a couple of days.
The Flyer looks great, although we should create more unique and custom icons so the RP icons don't look so out of place. I am creating a logo for Sketchuary (Love the name I came up with it. lol) so expect that before Christmas for sure. Hopefully, this will bring in new members and activity will liven up somewhat. I'll even make a forsaken Twatter account just to help promote the forum a bit. I can also go to some RP sites and ask for some people who might be interested in joining as well as ask some friends in real life or classmates in school. 

After my studies/exams, I gotta jump on a new job and that's to help the forum. I swear I don't get a break. xDD But in all seriousness, keep up the great work guys.
Yeah, I originally wanted to call it Drawuary, but Sketchuary has a way better ring into it. Like I said earlier, I’ll add onto custom icons once I become better at A) drawing and B) more experience in the graphics department. Before you go off promoting or whatever, let's start with something small (hence why I was quiet about this for the past week).
On the new BGC Twitter, I'll be using hashtags for the new art comp. I was planning on re-uploading the old ones onto the new ones, but I don't know should I upload them all? :thinking:
You could re-upload select ones and use it as an example of something being done on the site that could be interesting. Sort of like how a portfolio generally only uses the best looking works someone's made.
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