Hero City

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"Sir! Broly it seems to be restricted and immobile!" One of the man on the monitor said.

"Really!? That's great!" 

"However, he sent out one last attack that will most likely destroyed this entire continent into non-existance!"

"...." He turns to Sneck. "Did you get contact with any other heroes!?"

"No.. it seems that they're too far away and busy.. except for one." Sneck said. 

"Is that person on it's way?!" the man said.

"Y-yes.." Sneck said. "I believe they're mere seconds now!"
As the ambulance arrived to Hero City, Lyrik was still in his bad mood, however, due to the pain he was in, he managed to pass out along the way. He was so ashamed of himself by how easily he got whooped and how badly he got injured. He was taking it too hard on himself but he seemed determine to get stronger even if he had to take drastic measures. He didn't want to lose again or ever at that fact.

"Stronger..." Lyrik whispered. "S-Stronger..."
The group of ambulances was heading towards a building, referred as "Heroes Hospital" where professional heroes are treated and tended too for their injuries. Upon arrival, they had all the injuried towards the building and rushed to each of their rooms.

The leader of the team went and attend to Pilotman and Vali who seem to lost took too much damage in the battle, as with the second in command of the medic team, attended to Lyrik.

"Alright, it seems that your body is heavily injured. If you received anymore punishment in that battle -- you would probably never be able to work as a hero. Thank goodness the battle was over before it got to that point." 


Red and Orso were in a room together -- in comparison to the other two, their injuries weren't as severe. Though, Red took the chance to take a power nap.



Shroom was placed in his own room, with several medics were fixing up his injuries. Though, it seems that Shroom was worrying about something. "Because of that green-hair man... the body wasn't recovered.. that core is still out there.."
Lyrik cringed at the thought of him unable to be a hero so he allowed the nurses to work on him. However, he seemed to still be stubborn and pull his arm or leg away from them when they tried to heal him. The pain would make him stop, however, and give the nurses a chance to heal him. Despite his horrible injuries, he still had his cap on and his eyes were still a mystery to all the nurses. Lyrik let out a sigh of both anger and disappointment.

"Failure... I'm... a failure."
Sneck entered the medical facilities. "How's the patients?" He asked the leader of the medical team, whom stepped out of the room to give Lyrik his privacy.

"Red and Orso only sustained minor injuries. Pilotman and Lyrik are critical conditions, but they're going to live and continued to work as a hero. You might want to visit them, sir, since you essentially send them to their deaths." The leader Medic said bluntly.

"Y-yeah.." Sneck said. "I'll check up on them." Sneck went ahead and check out Red and Orso, whom the closest to Sneck's location and entered the room. "Hello, how's the heroes doing today?"
"S-Sneck..." Orso squeaked, barely turning his head. "Red managed to take another nap. Lucky him. My muscles are so tired I can hardly move! But the medical staff were kind enough to help with the pain of my aching muscles." 

"I wasn't expecting such a crazy man to show up in the middle of our investigation..."
Lyrik sighed upon hearing Sneck's voice but he didn't do anything about it. He was just angry that he couldn't be strong enough to help Orso or Red. He tried to push himself as hard as he could step out of the bed. He knew he was in bad shape because once he actually stood up, he realized that his leg was most likely broken. However, he still pushed on, limping and essentially dragging himself to try and escape the medics.

"It's fine. You two deserved all the rest time you need." Sneck responded to Orso. Sadness reign down in his eyes. "However, I take full responsibility for sending you guys out there." Sneck's voice was surrounded with sympathy. "Please forgive for my rash decisions." Sneck bow towards Orso. 


The Lead Medic, received a phone call. "Hmm? Hello? Oh, Gravity Girl. Another one? That's fine, we'll covered the costs of any medical expenses of those that were injured. Please her here as quickly as possible." The Lead Medic hung up. "Alright. I think these analysis should be sufficient enough. He heads back to the room where Vali, Lyrik and Pilotman were.
Lyrik would no longer be in his room but roaming through the halls of the hospital on a crutch. He limped around but he seemed overly determined to try and get stronger so he wouldn't have to burden his friends. His eyes were covered in the shadows of his hat but anyone could tell the anger he had. He stood in front of the door, debating if he should leave or not. He felt as if he wasn't worthy to be a hero if he couldn't even protect himself from danger. His pride was broken far worse than his leg.
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