Hero City

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Lyrik seemed a bit impatient about Sneck taking a while on getting there. He spoke up to the man and actually said more than one word as he normally did. He did, however, kept his respect to Sneck since he was a higher rank than him.

"Mission. Lives. Move." Lyrik said. "Save people."
"Ah, right. Well, if you wished to come, then come." Sneck said. He took everyone who wished to follow towards the helicopter. "This will take you to Port Graham in about 5 minutes." Sneck said before stepping away from it.

"Whoa.." Red was amazed by it as he stepped into it and took a seat. "This is pretty rad.."
Lyrik stepped into the helicopter and took a deep breath. He didn't seem to like flying too much since his feet were off the ground. He strapped on tight, not knowing how this might turn out.

The pilot nodded when Sneck gave out the signal. The helicopter rose upwards into the air and began to make it way to Port Graham.

"I wonder who's this Doctor Shrooms guy or whatever. I guess he's important if Sneck send us over there." Red yawned, rubbing his eyes.

[The Chopper was now on it's way to the Port Graham. For those left behind, continue with your own development!]
[The Events of Port Graham has reached the Heroes Organization]​

"Sneck! We have a problem!" The man cried out in distress. 

"Huh? What's the problem?" Sneck said. "Follwing him."

"We have reports that a monster is talking Port Graham!!"

".. What?" Sneck sweated a bit. "That's where Shroom was. I'm sure that they can easily handle a tiger level threat.."

"And it's level has been confirmed, to be Dragon!"

"...." Sneck grew silence the moment he heard the name "Dragon" was the threat level of whatever was attacking Port Graham.

"How many heroes did you sent over there, sir?" The man questioned.

".. Orso, Pilotman and two newbies.." Sneck said in a shameful voice. 

"You sent one A class, a C class and two brand new heroes over there!?"

"I-I was trying to teach the new heroes a lesson!" Sneck cried out. "It was a training montage to see if they are capable of becoming full flegde heroes!"

"And what's lesson here!? The meaning of death!? You need to send in more heroes! Send in a A or S class hero in there now! I'm reporting this to the boss about your incompetence!" The man stormed off.

"S-shit..! I need to call someone! Metal Bat is busy.. and I can't get in contact with the others since they're too far away/..! This is bad.." Sneck sweated.
A woman in red walked up to Sneck.

"You know, I could offer my assistance." She said pulling down her hood, revealing her face.
"I prefer to be called R. What's going on in this town of your's?"
Sneck turned around. "Well R, we just have a problem over in Port Graham; a threat level Dragon! If things goes on, this threat will destroyed entire cities!. Are you with the Hero Organization!? You know what, never-mind that! Just head over there! We need all the assistance we need!" Sneck gave R directions of where to go. "Head over there quick!"
"R-right!" Sneck book a phone. "I need the fastest car you got now!" Sneck signal her to go outside to get on the car and make her journey to the Port.
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