Halloween Special - Big Boo's Haunt!

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Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
cyberia cafe
((Good day, one and all! For today is All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween! To celebrate the spooky, I decided to host a thread allowing you to explore Boo's Mansion!))
If you ended up here, then today simply is not your lucky day! Big Boo inhabits this mansion, and dictates whether you leave or not, and he wants to play a game. In order to leave, one must defeat him and his Boo minions once they encounter him. That will not be an easy feat. To prevent escape, the mansion itself is surrounded in a cage like covering. Of course, you wouldn't know how you got here in the first place. 

Areas of interest:
-the shack: leads to Big Boo's basement merry go round
-the haunted foyer with seemingly no stairs
-the piano rooms
-the library

Big Boo's eerie giggle can be heard throughout the air outside. In peripheral vision, many Boos scatter about and dissappear as quickly as they're seen.
There was a man, laying on a floor, tossing and turning, then woke up when he heard the sounds from afar. "Ah.." Rubbing his head. "Man.. where.. where am I?" He looked around, seeing that he's stuck in a mansion. "How the heck did I get in here?"
"Where am I?.... my head..." A horned girl with orchid skin and dark purple hair stood from her position on the floor, beginning to float a bit. "What is this place? It isn't Tartaros." She caught the glance of a nearby Boo, which covered its face shyly. "Is that supposed to be an apparition?"

"What kind of place is this?" She floated off in search of any other life in the courtyard, unaware of the Boo turning back to following behind her with a mischevious grin.
The man stood up and looked around. "Man, I don't see Angel or Black anywhere..?" He thought. "I'll just have a look around to see if there's anyone here.. but for some reason.. I feel an uncomfortable presence.." He began walking down the hall.
Around the man (Shine's character), there was a small giggle, barely audible above human perception.
"Hmm... this looks like a residence, but whom would have these ridiculous looking creatures for minions?" The demon asked herself, rubbing her chin with only one hand.
The man jumped up a bit when he heard a strange noise. "W-whoa.." He turns back and forth. "Thought I heard something.. a giggle..? Come on, Red. Just focus on finding a way out.. or at least.. someone." Red seems to be shaking quite a bit as he continued to walk. He paced himself a bit faster because of that.
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