Goblin Slayer


The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015
Seems like a perfect place to start a thread on this anime, now that the anime is coming out in a few days.

@"LoopyPanda" @"~ Z ~"

You guys know. I'll update the OP in a bit.

I have a strange feeling that the Elf's influence is going to affect the way Goblin Slayer does things. :thinking:
Hey Shine, you used to have Goblin Slayer as your set back in the day. I assumed you read the manga and liked enough for that so I have to ask, what kind of story do you think the anime will tell? I got a dark fantasy vibe that acted as a Japanese deconstruction of a Western trope from what I've heard of the series, is that correct?
Grey Star said:
Hey Shine, you used to have Goblin Slayer as your set back in the day. I assumed you read the manga and liked enough for that so I have to ask, what kind of story do you think the anime will tell? I got a dark fantasy vibe that acted as a Japanese deconstruction of a Western trope from what I've heard of the series, is that correct?

Yes! You are absolutely correct. 

I wouldn't called it an deconstruction (the term is throw around too loosely nowadays), but it's rather than a dark twist of the DnD concept. Here, you have a guy who kills nothing but Goblins--but presentation is dark and uncomfortable to think about. 

There are explicit scenes, of course, so watch out for those if those things aren't in your alley.

I hope the anime doesn't use too much censorship in regards to death scenes, because well, you know, brutality is the key here since fuck those little demons :wagh:
Grey Star said:
Hey Shine, you used to have Goblin Slayer as your set back in the day. I assumed you read the manga and liked enough for that so I have to ask, what kind of story do you think the anime will tell? I got a dark fantasy vibe that acted as a Japanese deconstruction of a Western trope from what I've heard of the series, is that correct?

You hit that nail on the head. 

The story itself (avoiding spoilers) is basically about a dude who has made it his purpose to kill all goblins. In this world, Goblins are, debatably, worse than actual higher leveled monsters. Goblins are stated to learn more quickly than regular monsters and hold grudges against those who hurt them, seeking out revenge when they are strong enough. They are smart enough to make weapons and poisons from the world around them and rob the belongings of those they have killed, growing strong both individually or as a group. Goblin Slayer (the main character) sees the disgusting nature and cunning wit of these creatures and sees them as a bigger threat to the people, especially when the goblins have been shown to plan and think both hive-like and independently. 

I highly recommend you give the first couple of chapters a read, you won't regret it. I read the first chapter and I was instantly hooked. It takes the whole 'open fantasy world' and adds a darker, more sinister twist. I think you'll like it! 

@ShineCero Elf-Chan better not mess up Goblin Slayer. ...Then again, I might have spoken too soon.
~ Z ~ said:
Grey Star said:
Hey Shine, you used to have Goblin Slayer as your set back in the day. I assumed you read the manga and liked enough for that so I have to ask, what kind of story do you think the anime will tell? I got a dark fantasy vibe that acted as a Japanese deconstruction of a Western trope from what I've heard of the series, is that correct?

You hit that nail on the head. 

The story itself (avoiding spoilers) is basically about a dude who has made it his purpose to kill all goblins. In this world, Goblins are, debatably, worse than actual higher leveled monsters. Goblins are stated to learn more quickly than regular monsters and hold grudges against those who hurt them, seeking out revenge when they are strong enough. They are smart enough to make weapons and poisons from the world around them and rob the belongings of those they have killed, growing strong both individually or as a group. Goblin Slayer (the main character) sees the disgusting nature and cunning wit of these creatures and sees them as a bigger threat to the people, especially when the goblins have been shown to plan and think both hive-like and independently. 

I highly recommend you give the first couple of chapters a read, you won't regret it. I read the first chapter and I was instantly hooked. It takes the whole 'open fantasy world' and adds a darker, more sinister twist. I think you'll like it! 

@ShineCero Elf-Chan better not mess up Goblin Slayer. ...Then again, I might have spoken too soon.

Yep. I also like the fact that Goblin Slayer isn't really a hero persay, as the one who slays the demon lords and whatnot. He absolutely have no interest in it whatsoever. He's only goal in life is to kill Goblins and nothing more (since he's most equipped on dealing with them). When it comes to other monsters... you definitely have to check that out, since, well, spoilers.


I don't know. Something is extremely off about her. I mean, not as strange as the Blind High Priestess, but strange nevertheless. She's adamant pushing Goblin Slayer to venture out and repeatedly tried to make him do things he doesn't want to do. The whole rule about not using all of his experience to deal with the Goblins in the underground sewers... :thinking:

Here's the trailer of the animated series. What do you guys think? :wagh: @"LoopyPanda" @"~ Z ~"
I think it looks pretty good and they picked a lot of good voice actors, especially the actors for Lizard Shaman and Elf Archer, whose VAs have done extensive voicework in Visual/Sound novels that I've seen. They'll do well in their parts, I'm sure. Also, I strangely like anime Elf Archer more than how she looks in the manga... not sure why.

They look very faithful to the manga in both aesthetics and design, so I have high hopes it will be adapted well.

but damn, CowGirl's boobs... wtf kinda physics is this

Not that I didn't expect this, she's nekkid in the manga for this scene... but I don't remember them being as huge as her head here!!! :lmao: I'm glad they gave her a bra though, homegirl's back needs a break from supporting those soccer balls all day without any help   :katcry:
Yeah, seems weird they gave her a bra, but then again, there were a couple of scenes that did not made it into the anime (like the whole helmet thing). :thonk: 

Not that I mind, anyways, but I hope they won't skip anymore critical scenes in the future.
Bra is a pre modern invention, I find it rather weird that they exist in fantasy setting lol

They use bands and corsets in the past. But then average cup size was lower lol
Nobidy in this universe wears a bra... not even the Archbishop who has arguably more boobage than Cow Girl. :lmao: This scene must've been for quick censorship so they wouldn't have to animate her boobs on screen (it looks more awkward in the manga since her nips never show because she smushes them on the railing. It's weird)

It kind of bothers me how often they swapped between CGI and 2D for Goblin Slayer though. Is it that tedious to animate a fairly simplistic suit of armor? They act like it's on par with a Gundam Mobile Suit or something. :lmao: It just really clashes. The other thing that bugged me was how monotone they made GS sound in scenes that had more weight to it based on how he emphasized his wordings, which ended up kinda killing the eerieness of how obsessed he is with Goblin Murder. Lol

I understand he is emotionally stunted, but I didn't get the impression it was this severe in the manga.
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