Bronson looked at a corner of the room absentmindedly before he spoke. "I can't speak for any guild other than my own, so my answer might not be satisfactory. For me an' Valerie, our great-grandparents formed one of the earliest guilds just to keep towns together. Keep what little order they could establish. But that was before monsters and mutants started poppin' up like no tomorrow. After that, everyone was more afraid of the monsters than bad people."
"After old man Wolfred died, everyone else left because there wasn't a leader like he was. He had a larger group than we do now. Nobody around that area tried to re-establish a guild until Valerie decided to take up the torch again. We're still fairly new. Got two new ones not too long ago ourselves; a wee mage and a cowboy-mummy fellow." Bronson stuck some chewing tobacco in his mouth and pensively thought on things some more. "They're out right now on their first assignment, and the only other experienced adventurer we have hasn't come back from his own duties yet. To make matters worse, Wolfred's old weapons workshop is still in a pretty bad shape. If we get it fixed, we could easily make plenty of different weapons, not just repair whatever leftovers we find." He sighed. "We... ain't in any shape to take on the tribe. Monsters are already a challenge for us; but if we don't take care of them, nobody will. I can't say much about the Clan of Swords though, Val probably knows more about them. Maybe if we can pull together... things might get better for everyone."
"After old man Wolfred died, everyone else left because there wasn't a leader like he was. He had a larger group than we do now. Nobody around that area tried to re-establish a guild until Valerie decided to take up the torch again. We're still fairly new. Got two new ones not too long ago ourselves; a wee mage and a cowboy-mummy fellow." Bronson stuck some chewing tobacco in his mouth and pensively thought on things some more. "They're out right now on their first assignment, and the only other experienced adventurer we have hasn't come back from his own duties yet. To make matters worse, Wolfred's old weapons workshop is still in a pretty bad shape. If we get it fixed, we could easily make plenty of different weapons, not just repair whatever leftovers we find." He sighed. "We... ain't in any shape to take on the tribe. Monsters are already a challenge for us; but if we don't take care of them, nobody will. I can't say much about the Clan of Swords though, Val probably knows more about them. Maybe if we can pull together... things might get better for everyone."