Garden Town
Garden Town is a poor, rural area with no reliable source of food, water or utilities to function. As with any town in Desolate Lands, after the Dalv Tribe seize control of nearly all the food and water in the continent, the common folk of Garden Town sought for survival to reach the next day.
Thousands of years ago, Garden Town was a beautiful town, with a friendly community, sustainable amount of resources and, their greatest treasure, the Field of Rainbow Flowers. According to legends, the field of flowers was everlasting—none of the flowers ever withered away. If one, who has a negative heart, visits the field, it would calm their soul and erase any doubt.
However, the Great Wars began and devastated the beautiful town. Homes burnt to the ground; people killed left and right; animals and resources taken from soldiers, scavengers and raiders alike, completely dismantled the way of life of Garden Town. The only thing the town had that survive was the field of Rainbow Flowers, but due to the constant Great Wars and the inability to calm their lust of conquest, it lost its colors. In reflection of the bloodbath across Desolate Lands, all the flowers turned bloody red to serve as an reminder of the wars.
Afterwards, despite the town being rebuild from the ground up, due to the lack of resources, survivors hardly can live in peace. In addition, there was a sudden influx of monsters started attacking the town. One after another, monsters killed or men, women or children or take them as prisoners; grabbed any form of foods they had and most importantly, seek the most precious prize, the red flowers on the outskirts of the town. As to this day, no one knows where the monsters are coming from, but it is speculation that there is a nest somewhere in the town, but cannot pinpoint it's exact location.
The Red Flowers is an attractive sights for the monsters—if one consumes the Red Flowers, it would fuel their strength massively, their magical strengths in unimaginable levels. No matter how many times the flowers were picked, it would always regrow within a couple of days. Due to the nature, the once, beautiful garden became nothing more than a fuel tank for the blood lusted monsters, earning the name: The Field of Bloody Flowers.
Notable Areas of Interest

The Field of Bloody Flowers, originally a rainbow-like garden that can bring happiness, is a haven for monsters to increased their physical and magical strength massively for a limited time. Despite being constantly picked, it will always regrow in a matter of days.