FTL: Faster Then Light: Pirate Moon

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"Drone control Shield + is the way to go." Star rebutted.
"I see no reason why you couldn't save an Aug slot for Zoltan shields" Jet stood in the bridge and plugged in
"Gahh I'm never gonna get to use one of those things am I"
"Fine fine, just don't get us killed okay"
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Star replied hitting the FTL Drive. At the next Beacon were a group of Engi ships with a store.

"Ah. It seems our friend made it here ahead of us." Star said. The Engi opened coms.

"Transmitting priority codes. Secret Federation Project: Deliverance. Chances of success too low, offering improved chances for scrap." They said.

"Shielding, drone control, backup battery, and hacking." Star said transferring over scrap. Soon the Bird of Pret had a number of new systems.
(Bird of pret eh)
Jet had remote chat with the nearby engie crews
"Digital remote entry, another words yes but you will have to retrieve me afterwards. Also, how do you plan on powering all of this?"
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