FTL: Faster Then Light: Pirate Moon

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"Better idea." Star replied. He went straight into the Mantis fleet cloaking, and it ran out right above the leader of the fleet.

"Prepare for some boarders!" Star exclaimed.
"Go to the door control and seal the door, I'm gonna vent the rest of the ship"
"As long as you man the door system they won't get in, I'll be accacking them myself as they move around the ship"

The sounds of mantis echoes through the ship

"If we hesitate any longer I won't be able to vent them!"
Star walked out right infront of a Mantis, and slammed the head into a wall before shooting a leg with a blaster, procceded by retreat to the door controls.
Jet vented the rear half of the ship
"Dont worry, they are stupid insects youll be fine, and if they do get in, run to the med bay, it can counter the vacuum"

Jet oxygenated the next room over and powered up the medbay
The near dead mantis got teleported back.

"Fantastic. I recognize the sound of a teleporter be-" Star said, until a room in the ship was breached.

"Thank god for the advanced A.I.!"
"Sealing internal doors and restoring oxygen"

the doors all closed and the oxygen system began filling the ship
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