Fragmented Memories

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Stella felt a pang of relief; she wasn't alone. 

"Do... you know where everybody went?" She didn't understand how there weren't even moving cars on the street they stood in. Some looked rusted or had their paint eaten away.
Mex walked down the street. The chips didn't seem edible, so he didn't bother eating them and toss them to the ground. He look at all corners from each side, but nothing. Not a single soul. He figured he gave a shout to see if there's anything in the area. Even just the sound of a cat meowing, would give him the satisfaction that some form of life was around. "HEY!" He shouted.
(Reviving this thread bc yay I can finally update it)

"I heard it from up the street, I think." Stella said, walking towards that direction with little haste.
"Hmm, I heard voices.." Mex said. He shouted once more, to see if there's anyone truly there. "Hey! I'm out here! Can you here me!?"
"Another person. Maybe they know what happened to this place?" Stella inquires, picking up her pace and shouting back after cupping her hands around her mouth. "Heeey!" It was somewhat of a relief to know they weren't alone, and she hoped it was a benevolent person.
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