Feel Trip

I nominated the manga, Orange (which should be getting it's anime in the summer). Definitely worth a tear or two.
Re:Zero episode 15 was fucked beyond belief. I have no words of what I can describe that episode, other than "God damn". 

I thought 17th episode where Subaru admitted his flaws was something that need to be said and pretty damn depressing. You can tell that Subaru was literally mind-broken at that point.
The end of s13 for Red Vs Blue, they effectively killed a character that was there from the very begining off presumably forever as his sacrifice to save all the people that he 'Hates the least'

"[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Hey, uh, I just want you guys to know that, out of everyone I've ever met... I hate you all the least.[/font]"

It is actually a really good speech.

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