Escaping the Blind (might change name later)

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~ Z ~

Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
The Cosmos~!

Premise: Hundreds of Millions of people have become 'mindlessly aggressive' ever since the chemical attacks on every major US city. Countless people have been seen attacking civilians and they have only gotten stronger over the years. Over 15 years have passed since that event and now the nation is nearly engulfed by the zombie-like actions of 'The Blind Ones'. The only safe place on the nation is near Portland, Oregon; however, the entire city has been barricaded. Outside the city, safe spots are the tops of buildings and apartment. Many try to reach Portland but almost all die trying to get there. Will you be one of the lucky few to arrive in the city or become one with the Blind Ones?

General Idea: It's a basic apocalyptic zombie scenario but with a twist. I'm mixing ideas of many games and books I've read. There will be Special Zombies (Blind Ones, w/e you wanna call them) and this will be a more 'evolutionary' type of zombie apocalypse. Remember, over 15 years have past and many of the Blind Ones evolved to better suit and hunt in their environment. Cities will be engulfed by plants and people that didn't get infected will have also adapted to their environment. We'll get to that point soon.

General rules (Might change if people are interested)
  • You can submit a Special Infected but you must first run it by me. I must approve it as well. (There are currently 4 I have planned out)
  • Your character can die/wish to die (Just let me know ahead of time and I'll work something out with you.)
  • Infected will be mostly be your typical zombie but some will be slightly better adapted to the environment. (Ex: Swamp area = Zombies that can move faster in swamps than on land)
  • If you are bitten you will change into a zombie within 2 days. 
We'll try to go through all the types of climate diversities to have more fun with our zombies friends. Feel free to add some stuff of your own or PM me about it. Ask questions and see what you think about this idea. It's a pretty fresh idea so I'm excited to see what you guys might add. If you have a better name for the infected, please submit it. Hope you enjoy it!

Registration Thread HERE.
Sounds really interesting! I'll definitely voice my interest of joining. Plus, this is your first time hosting your own RPG, right?
Well, you got me interested! :awesome:
Craftsman knows how to build the weapon and the Weapon Expert knows all about said weapon. However, I was actually thinking about having them be the same thing. I'm not sure. I kinda think they might be the same thing...
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