Dragon Ball: Galactic Pass

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"If I had to guess... Up. We've go some hiking to do!"
Sunris started to walk to the highest point he could see.

"The higher, the more defensible, the harder it is to get anything there."
"You got any better ideas?" She asked with slight annoyance.
"Actually... that IS really good! Go for it!"
"Well, do what you want, just remember I'm coming back here so don't leave and not put a message." Sunris joked before flying into the air, looking down from above the region he was in.
She giggled a little and set up a trap to catch some wild animal for them to eat.

As he was, the bird was pretty easy to spot from the air. He was just... watering a tree near a cave entrance. "Ah... drink up my fine tree."
"Judging from everything else here, the only creatures intelligent enough to water a tree would have to be the teacher of legend. That or the only hermit on this rock." Sunris mused before flying down towards him.

"Excuse me sir! Are you a teacher for those interested in power?"
"Not for those interested for power for its own sake, now. But if you seek to improve yourself in body, mind, and soul, I am your bird. If you seek power for selfish ends... Then leave before I have to teach you a lesson you don't want to learn!"
Sunris went onto the ground and looked at the bird.

"It's true, I focused on power for the sake of power. But it was how I bonded with my grandfather, and learned about my culture. But my friend and I have come and sought you out, and if your training has a deeper meaning, then I accept."
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