Dragon Ball - Akira Toriyama

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It's interesting to see Cumber use his energy/ki as a means to take over/corrupt Goku. I wonder how he does it or if he just 'truly an evil Saiyan.' 

The episode was amazing! I really like it, especially my favorite fusion character, Vegito! I'm a huge fan of all the fusion characters so I can't wait for Gogeta to show up eventually. Golden Cooler is just so...cool, lol. It's kinda funny to see Cooler helping the Saiyans kill a bigger, stronger, and meaner Saiyan. I can't wait to see the outcome of the fight and learn more about Cumber. It gives me a ton of ideas that I might put into play in a certain RP.  :maybe:

AS FOR BROLY, I AM IN LOVE. I saw the trailer and I only have a few questions:

Are Freeza and Broly/Broly's dad working together? I noticed that the ship they arrived in, looked very similar to Freeza's ship. It could be just a coincidence, but knowing Toriyama, we might have a surprise.

Who was that Saiyan next to Broly's dad? It looked pretty similar to Vegeta or U7's taller version of Cabba.
~ Z ~ said:
It's interesting to see Cumber use his energy/ki as a means to take over/corrupt Goku. I wonder how he does it or if he just 'truly an evil Saiyan.' 

The episode was amazing! I really like it, especially my favorite fusion character, Vegito! I'm a huge fan of all the fusion characters so I can't wait for Gogeta to show up eventually. Golden Cooler is just so...cool, lol. It's kinda funny to see Cooler helping the Saiyans kill a bigger, stronger, and meaner Saiyan. I can't wait to see the outcome of the fight and learn more about Cumber. It gives me a ton of ideas that I might put into play in a certain RP.  :maybe:

AS FOR BROLY, I AM IN LOVE. I saw the trailer and I only have a few questions:

Are Freeza and Broly/Broly's dad working together? I noticed that the ship they arrived in, looked very similar to Freeza's ship. It could be just a coincidence, but knowing Toriyama, we might have a surprise.

Who was that Saiyan next to Broly's dad? It looked pretty similar to Vegeta or U7's taller version of Cabba.

It seems that Cumber is indeed an Anicent from the past. Considering in one of the newest chapter of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, he recognized a red-hair Saiyan (I'm assuming Super Saiyan God), it's likely that Cumber fought one during his time. Yeah, this second episode is really good, I'm just disappointed that Beat and Note are basically thrown to the wayside when they should be the core aspect of the story. Hopefully when the next episode appears, in September, we will see them.

Yeah, it definitely a bit similar, though I wouldn't be surprised if Paragus (Broly's dad) took one of the ship during the time Freeza wasn't around. Based on the snippets of the trailer, it seems to take inspiration from all three movies here and there.

I'm assuming it's a Sayian in the past. It can't be Vegeta since he was still only a child during that event, so it's probably another Saiyan.

We got new information regarding Dragon Ball Super: Broly, translated by Herms.

For those who don't know who Chelye and Lemo, they are these characters:

Furthermore, we got another round of information regarding Broly's status (Herms' translation): The Saikyo Jump editorial office tells readers: "Frankly, the enemy Goku and co. are up against in this movie is the strongest. Those who trust Goku will win may lose confidence, so be careful." They also ask: "Destructive power greater than a God of Destruction?!"
The big wigs at the Kanzenshuu just released a brand new translation of the interview with movie director, Tatsuya Nagamine, on Dragon Ball Super: Broly. You can read the full interview of it right here, and I highly urges to read the entire thing in full.

An excerpt, provided by Kanzenshuu, seen below, which I thought to be interesting:

[font=Roboto, Arial]With the exception of action scenes, we’re adapting his screenplay pretty much as-is. However, though we want to be as faithful to it as possible, unfortunately the allotted run time is short. When we first made storyboards for the entire screenplay, a movie that was supposed to only be 90 minutes turned out to be double that length. Enough for two whole movies (laughs). Trying to forcefully condense that much content together would make it feel like a clip show, which would be boring, so I consulted with the producers and everyone else involved to whittle down the scenes and make it the proper length. We’re adamant about delivering as much of Toriyama’s script to viewers as possible, so we were able to extend the run time a little bit.[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial]…[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial]In my experience, since Dragon Ball is a series that has gone on a long time, we have impressions of what it should be. The movements to fire a Kamehameha or the setup of a Super Saiyan transformation scene are things that are so well-known they’ve become fixed. Maybe it would be fine to keep them the same, but transforming or firing beams from your hand are special things, so I want to make the staging for those moments special, too. The moment when I really came to that realization was when Toriyama gave us a manual during Dragon Ball Super about how to turn Super Saiyan. It said that the character gets tingles in their back, then imagines that sensation spreading outward and becomes Super Saiyan. I thought, “This is it!!” We can’t create this without using our physical senses as a basis. Transforming randomly without reason is no good. When I was a kid trying to shoot a Kamehameha or turn into a Super Saiyan, I always tried earnestly. The characters in the anime can’t just do it in an instant, either; they also have to try earnestly or it won’t work. I tell the animators to not be concerned about what was previously established, and I want them to draw how they feel using current techniques. If there’s inconsistency between how Dragon Ball has looked before and how we’re presenting it now, then I think it’s best to get rid of those past conceptions. Goku broke past his limits and evolved to Ultra Instinct, so we should follow suit and have the look evolve as well. At any rate, I want Dragon Ball to utilize the latest advancements and be on the cutting edge of action series. We’re not treating the series as something untouchable, and we want to create our own enjoyable Dragon Ball story.[/font]

As I thought, the tingly-backs came from Toriyama regarding how a Saiyan become one (for some reason, this was skipped in the manga, but I assumed this is due to the limited amount of pages Toyotaro is stuck with).
We got some new translation regarding Dragon Ball Super, an interview from the director, once again, and graciously translated by the big boys from Kanzenshuu. Here's an excerpt before reading the full interview.

There was an audition where several of us drew character designs, then Toriyama looked them all over and picked me. I drew the characters that Toriyama viewed as most important: Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. I’ve never drawn for Dragon Ball the entire time I’ve been with Toei Animation. This was my first time, so it felt very fresh to me.

Toriyama’s style has changed from how it used to be, so it was difficult to judge what sort of style I should emulate. I believe he now only draws using his current style, so I felt I should draw with that same updated look.

There were times when I received corrections he’d made on clean copies of the designs. It seemed Goku’s look was fine, so I didn’t get any corrections on him. He mainly redrew the female characters. He’d often correct things like the body lines or faces. Since Dragon Ball doesn’t have many female characters I was under the impression Toriyama wasn’t very particular about them, so this came as a surprise.

Furthermore, we got some niffy character designs, including the granny and the character that is indeed confirmed from Dragon Ball Minus (that awkward feeling that this character aged up before Goten and Trunks).

According to several users on the Kanzenshuu forum, Apparently, thanks to the newest update for Xenoverse 2, dataminers were able to uncover the placeholder data for the next two characters set to debut in the Winter DLC: It's Broly (most likely Super Incarnation) and...... Gogeta.

It makes sense considering that Toei Animation is screening all three films, Broly, Bardock's Special and Fusion Reborn in America. So I guess the rumors that all three of them have an connection to the films was accurate! :wagh:

I'd assumed this would debut as Gogeta Blue, assuming Ultra Instinct Goku does not make an appearance (considering that Goku stresses that it came out due to being pushed to the corner and merely a fluke).
Another episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes had aired


Next Episode: The Mightiest Warrior! Super Saiyan 4 Vegetto!
Looks like a new trailer for the Broly movie is coming out this Friday. Furthermore, there will be a movie premiere of the film next month for 1000 people in Japan. Those lucky folks :(
I can't wait to see what the new trailer will unfold about our new(?) vegetable boy. I wonder if those lucky 1000 people will spoil the movie. I hope not but I cannot contain myself if they do.
Well... here's a new trailer for the Broly movie. It focuses on the past (the directors boasted that the first 20-30 mins will make you cry)


Looks like Bardock Special got recton out in favor with Minus somewhat... (and Vegeta's.... age?). It seems that it merging the backstory of Broly in movie 8 and polished it up in a way that it parallel Goku's backstory.

There's nothing anything wrong with that, but it's seemingly strange how for 20+ years, we known about the backstory, which even appeared in the manga (well, to be fair, it was only the end-scene where Bardock rebelled against Freeza that shown up in the manga), to be cast out of continuity... :thinks:
Another new trailer of Broly is coming soon, but here's a partial one

Looks like Whis might be battling Broly :thonk:
I can't wait! Broly shot an energy beam thingy from his mouth (I know others did it too but I'm a sucker for Broly's new design). I love this mini trailer! It's got all my favorite characters and what makes it even better is that it looks like Whis might fight Broly! I LOVE WHIS AND BEERUS. My Lord and Savior, Freeza is gonna have a whack at the big broccoli man, but honestly, I don't even care who wins. I just wanna see some good fights. 

God, I love Broly's new design so much. And, is it just me or is that song catchy as hell? xDD Still crazy about Broly shooting a beam from his mouth. Loved that shit.  :heh:

Also, what is #Blizzard? I assume it's the name of the song/band? Or do they mean Blizzard from Overwatch?
It's a name of theme that plays in this movie.


Looks like Freeza has his armor, so people can stop complaining about that :wagh:
Here's some spoilers for the Dragon Ball: Super Broly that are lurking around

-Whis does fight Broly as a distraction
-Piccolo's role is to teach Vegeta the fusion dance.
-Broly's power boost from the beginning of the fight to the end is bigger than than the power increase that Freeza got.
-Gogeta "confirmed" for the millionth time. 
-Vegeta's age isn't rectonned.
-Freeza's wish is more of a gag
-Gogeta goes to finish off Broly, but Chelai makes a wish to Shenron to save Broly from Gogeta killing him. (Huh, Fusion actually does something for once)

Beerus is babysitting Bra.
Whis is just dodging Broly's attacks.
Freezer kills Paragus for Broly to turn into SSJ and he gets powned.
Freezer wants to blow up Cheelai's ship but Gogeta stops him.
Gogeta appears in Super Saiyan then Super Saiyan Blue.
Goku and Vegeta fail the fusion several times, both fat and slim version are in the movie.
Bardock rebels against Freezer.
Freezer fights Broly.
The wish of Freezer is to grow 5cm and Bulma's to rejuvenate by 5 years.
Gogeta saves Freezer from the final blow, meanwhile Broly attacks Whis who has fun with him.
Broly is brought back to the planet where he grew up thanks to the Dragon Balls not to be finished by Gogeta.
Cheerai and Lemo will find him, and Goku arrives teleporting.
He brings them home and food from Bulma, and tells them that he wants to see them from time to time to fight with Broly,
Goku says Broly is definitely stronger than Beerus.
There is no ultra instinct, no Kaioken, or Vegeta Blue Evolution in the movie

Geekdom says the "Goku finally does something" thing is

Goku calls himself Kakarot at the end.

Here's an detailed summary: https://www.narutoforums.org/posts/59346524/

DO NOTE, that there's some contradictory information from many sources, we won't have a solid confirmation until the films hits next month.
Assuming that these are true (We are not sure yet), that would make this Broly completely different personality-wise from the old one. Huh, I guess this new Broly will divide the Broly Fanbase into new and old. The whole wish thing from Freeza and Bulma are pretty funny and it's about time we see Gogeta for more than 30 seconds, amiright?
~ Z ~ said:
Assuming that these are true (We are not sure yet), that would make this Broly completely different personality-wise from the old one. Huh, I guess this new Broly will divide the Broly Fanbase into new and old. The whole wish thing from Freeza and Bulma are pretty funny and it's about time we see Gogeta for more than 30 seconds, amiright?

Yeah, this marks the second time a fusion actually does something and wins, instead of disappearing for a few seconds and forcing the heroes to rely on other options.

It would be interesting to see the differences between Original Broly and New Broly; judging from the spoilers and in-depth summary, I have a clutch that I might preferred the original Broly over the new one just a tad bit.

The newest chapter of Dragon Ball Super is now out, concluding the Tournament of Power. Toyotaro is skipping the Broly movie (although there is a promo manga for the Broly movie by another artist I believe) and heading straight for a new arc. 


Prior to this chapter, I decided to read everything, starting from the beginning of ToP to the end, and I have to say, I wasn't impressed by Toyotaro's take on the arc. Perhaps this new one, Toyotaro can shine through... or not. Here's an image of the new villain:

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