Dragon Ball - Akira Toriyama

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LoopyPanda said:
Normal Broly still looks depressed af, but the change from a headband to a necklace is a welcome one to me! I wasn't that big a fan of the Sailor Moon lookin thing. I still like it overall, but I can't quite verify the legitimacy of those tweets' pictures yet...

I wonder if Broly's dad will still be in the movie or not, or maybe they changed how Broly survived that big McBoom that killed almost everyone else to reflect a more traumatic past compared to his older version? Probably to give him a better motive for fighting Goku and working with Freeza (?)

Honestly, I'm glad they made some adjustments to Broly's design, since in the original artwork, it looks like he had long ass longs. At least he stills shares tons of similarities to the original so it's not a huge departure. 

Legitimacy of the tweets? You mean the one I posted? They're legit :p

Paragus should definitely be in the film. Despite how the English dub managed to muck up his character, the Japanese one present him as a father who actually did care about his son, but at the same time, terrified at his power. So I hope they kept him in (considering the voice actor of Paragus was listed on the poster, high chance that he'll appeared).
Well, you said you assumed it wasn't trace, cause you showed me a supposed pic of Broly Toriyama drew that was ugli, and it turned out to be fake 8U You can never be sure these days...

Yeah, his new design looks a lot better. The other one kind of overdid it on the musculature along with the colors (too bright 4 my retinas lmao). Also, pepperoni nips B| :lmao: and yeah his legs look rly long... I'm sure they are as proportional as can be to emphasize the size difference between Goku and him, but that may have been in part by the outfit itself as well.

Inb4 his dad comes back with an even edgier design because something messed up MUST have happened to him and Broly in this timeline... like... idk, Freezypop decided to keep just Broly around and use him for his own gain since that was King Vegeta's original motivation for trying to kill the little guy if I remember right.
LoopyPanda said:
Well, you said you assumed it wasn't trace, cause you showed me a supposed pic of Broly Toriyama drew that was ugli, and it turned out to be fake 8U You can never be sure these days...

Yeah, his new design looks a lot better. The other one kind of overdid it on the musculature along with the colors (too bright 4 my retinas lmao). Also, pepperoni nips B| :lmao: and yeah his legs look rly long... I'm sure they are as proportional as can be to emphasize the size difference between Goku and him, but that may have been in part by the outfit itself as well.

Inb4 his dad comes back with an even edgier design because something messed up MUST have happened to him and Broly in this timeline... like... idk, Freezypop decided to keep just Broly around and use him for his own gain since that was King Vegeta's original motivation for trying to kill the little guy if I remember right.

Oh! Yeah, the Toriyama Broly that's supposedly going around is indeed fake as far as we know. Toyotaro's Broly is real since it came from the official podcast detailing Dragon Ball Super and Heroes. Reason why I brought up the trace did is due to Toyotaro's previous action of tracing a Captain America pose for Goku for the V-Jump cover (and he's known to trace a lot back when he was a fan-artist and still does it now). 

Sorry for the confusion! xD


Here's an comparison between newBroly and oldBroly.

Yeah, King Vegeta got spook about Broly's power, so he had him executed. Too bad death was too afraid of Broly at the time :maybe:

Here's Paragus.

Toyotaro's Super chapter is also released. Seems like Klefa and Gohan will duke it out the next chapter; otherwise, another boring and bland chapter.

Kefla (and Bebi) is appearing in Xenoverse 2 for those who played the games. Base forms of Goku and Vegeta are also set to appeared in FighterZ
Paragus's redesign is... really different vs the old one! Gray hair... Bigger scar... Buzz Lightyear lookin outfit... he looks a lot more intimidating here, but also much older. I'd argue his redesign is more drastic than Broly's. It's very interesting... I also like how his tail peeks out at the bottom of his robe thing. :lmao:





And some more good news! The showing will feature subbed screening of the film alongside with the English dubbed!

Also, it seems that Chris Ayres is returning to voice Freeza once more for this trailer (no idea if he will voice him throughout the film or Mills will take over from there), despite having an lung capacity of %15 percent. Damn, this guy is a freaking hero.
I can't wait for the inevitable "BROLY IS THE STRONGEST SAIYAN!!!!1111!1" discourse all over again :)

But seriously I'm pretty excited for this movie, from the trailer and blurb, it sounds like Broly will have a lot more lore about him here than all three of his old movies combined, so that's a bonus I'm looking forward to.
The trailer looked really good, so I'm pretty excited-- they're going all-in for Broly's new canonization from the looks of it, and Paragus too!

I don't know if I can wait until January though... well, that's enough time to get re-acquainted with Super
Yeah, but it's a damn shame that there won't be any subbed showings after all. My Hero Academia gets subs showings; in fact, every anime Funimation gets their hands on, seemingly shows the subs, yet Dragon Ball consistently gets shafted. :think:

In other news, Super Dragon Ball Series has a series (it's a promotional anime for the arcade game, Dragon Ball Heroes where you collect cards and whatnot). 

Here's the first two episodes


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