LoopyPanda said:Normal Broly still looks depressed af, but the change from a headband to a necklace is a welcome one to me! I wasn't that big a fan of the Sailor Moon lookin thing. I still like it overall, but I can't quite verify the legitimacy of those tweets' pictures yet...
I wonder if Broly's dad will still be in the movie or not, or maybe they changed how Broly survived that big McBoom that killed almost everyone else to reflect a more traumatic past compared to his older version? Probably to give him a better motive for fighting Goku and working with Freeza (?)
Honestly, I'm glad they made some adjustments to Broly's design, since in the original artwork, it looks like he had long ass longs. At least he stills shares tons of similarities to the original so it's not a huge departure.
Legitimacy of the tweets? You mean the one I posted? They're legit

Paragus should definitely be in the film. Despite how the English dub managed to muck up his character, the Japanese one present him as a father who actually did care about his son, but at the same time, terrified at his power. So I hope they kept him in (considering the voice actor of Paragus was listed on the poster, high chance that he'll appeared).