Demon Fantasia

"It still amazes me that you two are demons." Anub says, being lazy.

"Hmm?" Atlas pokes his head up in curiosity, butterfly on his Afro. ouo
"Why, because we aren't as grumpy like the others?" Cernia asks before laughing. "We still go and wreak havoc every once in a while in the OverWorld. But Lord Hades already warned me about taking souls to eat." ono "So I just tear the fleshies limb from limb instead." ouo
"And then they're my problem. Well, not today." Anub says, smiling.

"I thought the reapers dealt with them? I'm really confused." ono
"The reapers bring the souls to me if they come our direction. I'm glad I don't have their job. Yeesh." Anub says, shuddering at the thought.

"Hmm?" Atlas asks, not paying much attention. ouo He's too busy hugging Cernia.
"Your head looks like a basketball." Anub saysz

"I think it's cute too. SnowGlobe wanna take a nap?" ouo Atlas snuggles her.
"SnowGlobe sounds tired." Atlas nuzzles her. nun

Anub closes his eyes, remembering why he hangs out with these two. -u-
"Not sleeping yet... gotta finish these..." -u- Cernia weaves several Morning Glories together with some petunias for her next crown, but it looks much larger than her head's circumference.
"Who's that for?" Atlas asks. ouo

He hugs Cernia and rocks her back & forth.

Anub sniffs the air.

"It's gonna rain later today." he says matter of factly.
"It will? I haven't seen any rain in a long while." Cernia rubbed at her leg subconsciously. After realizing Atlas asked her a question, she held the flower crown.

"Anub, come here for a moment."
"I'm not use to seeing him as cute." Atlas points out. ouo "He does seem happy though." nun

The ladybug crawls onto Cernia's hand.
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