DBZ: The Shadow of Revan (Act Two Continuation)

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The Symbiote screeched as it was pulled of by Hairbu, but was intact just stretching itself until Gen doused himself in flames. The alien life form yelled as it died, followed by Gen rolling on the floor. Drake walked up and adsorbed the fire on his employer.

"Gen." Drake said.

"I shouldn't have left you." Gen replied.

"There's something troubling you." Drake said, with Gen shaking his head.

"Just the risudal effects of the Symbiote." Gen replied.

"You know I don't like being lied to." Drake said.
Seeing the attack, Brachi pushed both Goku and Raditz out of harms way with a Kiai, before she put her hands together by letting the fingertips touch in front of her chest. As this happened, Brachi was covered in a golden glow which suddenly caused her to vanish as she charged right at the Sith and the attack, the blade missing the three because of this, and Brachi suddenly appeared a few meters BEHIND the Sith.

Anyone who would see things in slow motion would see the air around Brachi as she moved suddenly ripple at several places, before these ripples detonated in heavy yet controlled explosions... and the Sith was in the middle of it all!
"Then just take Jr. and me home! I don't wanna be part of this and neither does Jr.!" Jaz sounded as if she was about to cry. It was obvious that she cared deeply for Jr. She felt desperate and pulled at her hair for a moment until she let out a defeated sigh. She just wanted all this fighting to end.

"Alright Vegetto, you win. I'll help you put an end to this fighting. I.. I'll let Red Mist help you since she's a lot stronger than me. I just wanna end this fighting.." Jaz stared at the floor. "You just gotta promise me to not hurt Jr..."

Jaz's voice faded and the sweet look on her face turned wicked. Red Mist was out but she was actually quite tame and well mannered, even better than Jaz. The Red Mist looked up at Vegetto and Gogeta and her pupils seemed more narrow. She bowed her head respectfully to the two and finally spoke. She sounded nothing like before, almost as if her crazy motive disappeared.

"Please allow me to aid you in this battle." She said "Your friend, Jaz, seemed desperate if she willingly let me out. Regardless, Jaz asked me to help you end this senseless fighting and that is what I shall do. She just wishes that a person named... Jr., remains unharmed." Red Mist lifted her head back up and seemed to glance at Vegetto. "I will help you out as best I can. I assure you I am no where near as weak as your friend."
(Edited it out! Sorry bout that. Don't be surprised if I make summore noobish mistakes. XD)

Mioi stopped in her walking, turning her head in one direction.
"Where did such a noise come from?" She saw plumes of dust and smoke in the far distance, but was hesitant to follow it from so far.
The Marclops looked behind itself to where she came from, then looking back to it. "Perhaps it will provide me with better use of my time than over there currently." Mioi reasoned before starting to follow the billowing dust. Was there a battle raging? Would that be where the others above her Jedi ranking be?

(As much as I hate convenience travelling, it seems the only viable way to get Mioi immersed somewhere somehow lol)
The Sith let out a cry of pain, rocking back and forth from the impact of the explosions before finally collapsing stomach first onto the groud. He huffed as he slowly rose back to his feet, his eyes wide with rage and his robes torn slightly from the damage.


Goku blinked after recovering from the save, glancing up towards the two fighting.

"Woah...so fast..."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes, clenching his fists as a dark purple glow began to illuminate the Sith's body. The temple walls began to shake, the ground cracking beneath the Sith's feet while black lightning violently spiraled around his body.


Beerus' eyes widened slightly.

"His energy...it's rising dramatically. That's not possible..."

Vegetto Jr. panted heavily, pushing the last piece of rock out from the hole his impact had created. He huffed heavily, having already descended down to his normal form and collapsing onto the floor in the midst of the Sith's power up, watching on with narrowed eyes.


Vegetto kept his eyes narrowed, staring down at Jaz in response to the Red Mist's takeover. He turned his head slightly, eyeing Gogeta who gave him his signature shoulder shrug in response, before letting out a small sigh.

"Alright, fine. Now that the Academy has been secured, we have to check up on the second target from the Republic's attack."

Gogeta crossed his arms.

"We shouldn't take Jaz with us on that one. It'd be too much effort to keep her protected if one of the others shows up there too."

Vegetto shook his head.

"No, scouts have already quarantined and surveyed the planet. There's no one with a formidable power level in the danger zone, we can afford to shield her."
"What the...?!" Haribu looked at the Sith with widened eyes. "That much power --- so quickly!"

"But... how?" Oriko backed away from the Sith, preparing his light bow.
Undeterred, Brachi suddenly hunched forward and without warning unleashed a sudden wave of golden energy at the Sith, intending to disrupt its gathering of additional power and making itself stronger than it was before. She didn't call her attack, nor did she take time to power it up... it was as if she had powered it up already and was waiting for the right moment to launch it. Unknown to the group however, there was already a bit of sweat moving down Brachi's face, but she didn't pay much attention to it.
"There's more to a heart and existence then rage." Gen said recalling something.
"But the last person who said they needed more rage was a mere shell of their former self."
"Just makes things more interesting." Raditz chuckled.

"Man, why did it have to power up when I just arrived." Future Gotenks said as he powered up to ISSJ. "Hope Brachi can take down that thing."

Shadow powered up to his Hyper form.
"Should I retreat and notify the others?" Mioi wondered aloud while she shielded her eye from the dust blowing around. She could hear more noises booming and carried over by the foreboding winds.

No... it isn't as if they need any more casualties at any rate. Especially not after the most recent death... Mioi was still at a far distance, but it was safe to speculate that there was a clash of powers going on. The Marclops was just motivated to go where intuition would take her if it meant she might get some explanation for what on earth is going on.
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