DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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"Typical Vegetto, thinking he can lecture me about parenting when he hasn't even said a word to his own son." Kire chuckled, shaking his head. "Junior risked his life to save us, and his father didn't even thank him for it. I don't even have to show my face when your son talks to me about his problems rather than you. At least I treat your son like a person instead of forcing him to be someone he doesn't want to be, like his father; but you wouldn't know that, now would you? Yeah, and I'm the bad father here." 

Kire brushed his shoulder before glaring menacingly to Vegetto. 

"I bet you would like Jaz to fight, after all, you nearly killed her before, right, better father? Are you scared of facing me without your fists or fireballs to back you up? I know how to bring you to your knees because I know more about you than you think, Vegetto." Kire scoffed, turning his back to the Saiyan and heading to Mioi. "But I think I degraded myself enough by simply talking to you, go and choke on a raisin or somethin'."

Kire dug in his pocket to take out Mioi's core and it snapped right back to place. Just like Jaz's piece, it began to download new information across the suit. He then showed off the rifle, looking down the large scope right at Mioi. 

"Yep, the suits are fixed and I made ya' this cool sniper. It's automatically connected to KABS, so you don't have to worry about missing an upgrade or anything. I thought that maybe we can use that big ol' eye of yours for something useful. That sniper shoots highly concentrated energy at Mach speeds, kinda like a real bullet 'cept it burns right through steel walls, practically anything, making sure you always hit your target. I gave your KABS suit a grapplin' hook, so you'll be able to latch on to almost any surface from over 500 meters away. KABS also can shoot out some mines that protect your flank and release a juicy venomous cocktail. KABS will alert you when it's been triggered." Kire removed what would've been the clip of the gun to show that it easily transforms into a smaller gun. "This can be used when you get caught in the corner. It's a sleep dart that pierces armor and also melts your enemy from the inside. They won't wake up from it, however, the gun can only produce about 2 at a time, so use it for emergencies, 'kay?"

Kire smiled before handing Mioi the rifle and the small pages of stickers Helga provided for her. 

"That's to decorate your shiny new toy, courtesy from Helga." 

Kire yawned loudly before turning to Solaris and giving him a thumbs up.

"No problemo, Solgaris. Even polished it a bit for ya'. You can repay me by gettin' me some more materials or somethin' when we land. How's that sound, eh?"

Jaz shook her head at the bickering both Vegetto and her father ensued in. She soon turned her head to see Junior and his awkwardness, welcoming it with a smile. She felt a very nervous air between them, no doubt from their little argument. She knew staying quiet wouldn't change anything so she decided to try and lift Junior's spirits.

"Oh uh... hey." Jaz pulled her beanie off her head, showing a messy head of hair before looking down at the floor. "Sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. I'm also sorry I punched you in the face, I think it was just a reflex of mine. B-But you gotta admit, I got'cha good! Bet you weren't expecting that!" Jaz's confidence sparked out, as usual. It wasn't long until she composed herself. "...Oh! Ehehe... uh, sorry. I was gonna ask you if you can teach me to fly, but I understand if you don't wanna be around me after our... incident. I'm reeeeeeeally sorry, Junior. Really!"

Jaz frowned before gazing right at Junior, her voice soft.

"I just don't want you to hate me, not after I told you my true feelings..."

Mioi consudered excusing herself or moving away while Vegetto and Kire bickered, but stayed in place once Kire chose to end the discussion and talk to her. She held the rifle in her hands and examined it closely with a wide, intrigued eye. Her eye started to glow and she began to wipe at it from being so happy; nobody had ever gifted her anything before, much less something on tthis scale. Small sniffles and a quiet hum could be heard from her before she got her bearings together. 

"All this for me...? I will be sure not to let anything happen to it. I want to repay you too!" Mioi curiously peeled off one of the stickers off the sheet and watched it stick to her finger before she placed it on one side of the rifle as a decoration. Then she hugged it happily like she were a small child holding a stuffed animal.
Vegetto's entire demeanor was like a stone wall, the confident smirk remaining throughout Kire's entire exploitation of all his failings. The Potara fusion stood tall, his eyes following after Kire as he walked away, a small amused scoff escaping his lips before his dual voice rung out.

"That's what I thought, and that's why I'll always be better than you. I can forgive myself for the mistakes; you'll just run away when you don't get to have your perfect way."

His eyes turned away from Kire, soon facing towards Gogeta Jr. and Koth, who both looked on with tense stares at the confrontation. Koth cleared his throat audibly, sighing in relief.

"Well...that went better than I thought. If we're done grilling each other, Odessan awaits. HK will keep the ship prepped; I suppose we have a couple of people to thank for giving him permission to play with my ship."

The door leading into the cockpit suddenly shot open again, one final member pushing through the opening with a loud audible yawn. The agitation and annoyance was clear in his voice, the ornately dressed cat god stretching his arms.

"What is with all this racket?! I was trying to sleep here, you know?"

Gogeta Jr. perked an eyebrow as he studied Beerus' demeanor for a moment, glancing over to Koth.

"Who is that again?"

Koth shrugged his shoulders, blinking.

"I don't know...wasn't he with the others when we broke them out of carbonite prison on Zakuul?"


Vegetto Jr. chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah...you got me pretty good."

He then blinked, Jaz's request throwing off his entire mindset. He had originally let her speak, thinking of all the responses and ways to convince her to leave the fight behind and stay out of harm's way, but her request wiped his mind clean and filled his heart with a warmth he hadn't felt in awhile. He grinned, leaning forward and excitedly clenching his fists together, completely forgetting about her apology as well as giving one of his own.

"Yeah! Of course I can teach you how to fly! Do you wanna start right now?"
Zibarica simply scoffed at the banter between the two parents as he, Panich and her family followed. At the moment of silence when Beerus walked in, Bage gave a small sigh of relief while Panich huffed at the whiny cat. It wasn't long before the princess was a tad bit amused at the lack of knowing who the god was.

"The god of destruction. Also know as Beerus." Panich rolled her eyes, settling in her spot in the cockpit. "The name doesn't nearly strike as much fear as back then, I suppose."
Kire frowned at Vegetto's last remark, his gaze glancing at Jaz then lowering to the floor.

If only you knew why I can't forgive myself... 

He shook his head, Mioi's voice catching him off guard. 

"Oh, repay me?" Kire smirked before petting Mioi's shoulder. "You can repay me by givin' that gun somethin' to shoot at! When we land, you should practice shootin' it around, I can use the information to make upgrades accordingly. Also, you'll have two modes of firin': Scope Aim and KABS Assisted Aim. Both are pretty straightforward, Scope Aim is eyein' down your target through the scope and pinpointin' you a weak spot usin' sensors, and KABS Assisted Aim works when you put on the visor. It helps you see multiple targets at once from different positions around your location usin' their energy mumbo-jumbo. It's great to prevent flanks and know the enemy's position, but not as detailed as Scope Aim. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Jaz's eyes sparkled when Junior agreed to teach her and she jumped in the air, excited. 

"Yeah! We might need to land first, I don't think a ship is a great place to learn to fly. You gotta teach me to shoot those energy blasts too! I wanna use those mega blasts like you and your dad! The Kameh... Kahema... That! I'mma be punchin' out mountains, even planets when I'm done trainin'! Just you wait!"

Jaz began to punch Junior's chest gently until wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning on him.

"Your hard work won't be in vain! I'll be able to fight by your side meaning you won't have to worry anymore. Besides, I think it's about time we spend time with each other. It's been forever... well, it sure felt like an eternity. Which reminds me..." Jaz tip-toed up to Junior's face, giving him a cute kiss on his cheek. "I bet'cha missed those, huh."

The noise of a gun suddenly cocking was heard behind Junior. Kire seemed to be fiddling with the new intimidating guns he had on his arms. He didn't pay attention to the moment between him and his daughter but his intention was clear.

"Huh, I didn't know that my new guns can rip through armor like soft butter... I wonder what I should test it on..?"
Solaris watched Kire and Veg converse, keeping himself out of it. The legendary leader of the Z-Fighters, or at least the poster boy, arguing in heated conversation with Kire, the mysterious android who created the living being known as Jaz, and capable enough with technology to repair Solaris' own Solaris Armor, despite the fact the armor was made through magic. Not something the Solar Saiyan wanted anything to be involved with, if he can help it.

"I'll certainly help you gather whatever you need as repayment Kire." He stated after the android unloaded his gun. "And I can help set up targets for Mioi to blast, and also potentially provide you something to use your new weapons against. A live target you don't need to worry about killing, how does that sound?" He suggested, until he heard a door open and someone yawn. Watching Beerus enter, Solaris stared at the Destroyer's clothing, and in an instant was down on one knee, head bowed. His armor remained in a standing position.

"Lord Beerus, welcome back." He stated out of conditioned respect.
Mioi nodded earnestly. "Kira- I mean, Master Kira, is helping me learn to use the Force too, so my aim should improve fairly quickly." She turned to Kira and gave her a thumbs up from afar referring to the new gadget she was gifted.

Following Solaris, she immediately bowed in Beerus's direction; now that Whis was no longer with them, she certainly needed to watch how she carried herself in front of the God of Destruction. "Please forgive the noise, Lord Beerus. We are about to land on Odessan soon, so Koth requested our presence in the cockpit..." Mioi turned her attention to Oriko and stood straight again. "Looks like everyone is awake. Even you, who slept like a log in the swamp this entire trip! You aren't still injured, are you?" She looked him over for any leftover injuries from their previous confrontation with Vaylin, before putting her hand on his head and messing up his hair playfully. 

"I never got the chance to thank you for saving me back there when Vaylin attacked us. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be walking and talking like I am now." Then she stuck an astronaut-shaped sticker onto Oriko's shirt from the sticker sheet. "Take this as a token of my gratitude for your reckless but well-intended bravery."
Vegetto Jr.'s eyes were slightly wide, reaching up and caressing the small peck on his check. His eyes lost focus for a bit, the feminine and happy go-lucky voice sticking in his mind as he stood silent for a moment.

An eternity!

His expression softened immediately, a small swelling of water forming on the bottoms of his eyes as he stifled a small chuckle, nearly shaking his head.

"Yeah...feels like it. But..."

He turned his eyes back to Jaz, smiling back down at her.

"It was worth it."

Vegetto Jr.'s eyebrows perked, tensing with nearly a small yelp at the sound of the gun cocking. He turned his head, noticing Kire nonchalantly fiddling with his weapon and blinked in confusion. However, he turned his eyes to Vegetto, who also nonchantly leaned against a nearby wall and glanced away from the group, staring out the window.

"I don't know...looks like you should take them back to the lab. A few of them look broken; it'd be a shame if you tried to fire it off and it just...exploded on you. Manufacturing defects, and all that."


Koth blinked, clearly confused at Solaris' respectful bow to the God of Destruction and Panich's explanation, before turning his eyes up to Beerus.

"Wait wait...there's a god of...destruction? So he destroys...what exactly?"

Beerus instantly narrowed his eyes into slits at Koth and Gogeta Jr., his arms neatly tucked behind his back as he lifted his chin slightly.

"Whatever I desire. All life begins with destruction, so I may shape this existence in whatever fashion I choose. I would be more than happy to demonstrate it on you, if you would like an example."

Koth quickly shook his head, chuckling nervously.

"Oh no no, sire, that won't be necessary!"

His smile remained, quickly turning to Gogeta Jr.

"Man...you didn't tell me Arcann had all of these guys locked up. An actual god that can destroy anything...the former Sith Emperor...and the Republic's greatest fighters? Zakuul doesn't stand a chance!"

Beerus' glare remained strong, but his pride was satisified with Koth's enthusiastic response to his position. He soon turned to Solaris, bowing his head slightly in recognition, before turning to Panich and strolling up slowly to her.

"You there...Saiyan. You seem familiar...do you serve me?"

He leaned forward, sniffing the top of her head for a moment before lifting up her right arm and repeatedly poking her bicep like a scientist examining a specimen.

"Hmmm, I do not remember your smell and you appear to be frail. Perhaps I am mistaken."
"Ehhh, don't sweat it, Solgaris. Just bring me stuff to tinker with. I might put those things to good use and upgrade your dinky armor." Kire smiled awkwardly. "I'll let you know if I change my mind, buddy."

As Kire was about to relax and put his arm-guns away, he overheard Vegetto's little comment. A single shot was fired at Vegetto, just barely missing, mere centimeters from the man's head. Kire cleared his throat and blew the smoke from his index finger.

"Looks like it works fine to me," Kire said, turning his back to Vegetto. "The only defective thing in this room is your mouth since it won't stay shut."

Jaz giggled when she saw Junior's reaction to the kiss on his cheek. Her cheeks turned red as she put her beanie back on her head, trying to hide her cute adoration for Junior. She stood by his side, her hand nervously inching towards his until she heard the remarks from both Vegetto and her father. Her hand turned to a fist since she started to get annoyed at the constant arguments they made to each other. Jaz walked in between their line of sight and placed her hands on her hips, her voice loud and somewhat intimidating.

"Alright, that's enough! You two are actin' like children! I've been listenin' to you two whine for a while now and it's drivin' me nuts! It's embarrassin' to see two grown men act out like you two are!" Jaz scolded the two, showing no fear when she pointed directly at Vegetto first. "Vegetto quit tryin' to belittle my dad! Dad is right when he says you got a big mouth since all it does is scream or feed your ego! Focus on thinkin' up a plan for this war like the leader you claim to be instead of being a jerk to my dad!"

Kire chuckled to himself as he heard his daughter lecture Vegetto as he would but his expression changed when Jaz directed herself at him. 

"And you! Dad, you gotta quit pickin' a fight with Vegetto! You have a tendency to think you're above Vegetto and everyone else when you are just the same as all of us! Stop worryin' so much what Vegetto has to say about me and help him end this war! I've had enough with both your insults, so quit it or else I'm gonna run away with Junior alone and not continue his legacy! Do I make myself clear to the both of you?!"

"Legacy..?" Kire glared at Vegetto. 


"Okay, okay! I got it..."

"Good, now I don't want to hear another word from either of you! You guys can fight when we land, at least we don't have to hear you two bicker." Jaz then turned her intense gaze to Koth and stomped her foot. "And you! Kothy! You better hurry up and land this ship soon unless you want two boneheads blowin' it up from the inside!"
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