DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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Vegetto kept a small smile, scoffing lightly.

"Please...Kire has no real control over this. It's a decision for you and Junior, but if you must wait until the time is right, then so be it."

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I hold you to that promise: if anything happens to Junior and my legacy dies with him, then I will be extremely disappointed in you, young lady."

The fusion's eyebrows suddenly perked, his tense stare breaking into a sudden look of wide eyed perplexion.

"Unless it's because of Kire: then I'll be sure to destroy him for it. No one will save him from my wrath."

Vegetto then glanced up, walking back the way he came and waving his left hand a bit.

"But you're right, let's go see what the man wants. Come along."


Vegetto Jr. blinked, staring back in confusion at Kire's sudden threatening outburst.

"Hey! I haven't tried anything since we got here...that's all Koth!"

He dusted himself off as Kire departed, his tense expression relaxing at the sight of Kire's mood improvement, and let out a small sigh.

Well...I guess he's right. I should go see Jaz in the cockpit...I hope she's not mad at me anymore.

Vegetto Jr. walked on after Kire down the hallway, heading to the front of the ship.


Koth grimaced lightly, spinning around towards the center of the open space and away from the controls with a small grunt.

"Yeah...no rush. Everyone just...take your time."

Gogeta Jr. crossed his arms, staring out into space and at the approaching sphere that looked very similar to Earth in the horizon.
Kire arrived in the cockpit, having used the Force to move herself along, small Ki enhancements in her steps to increase her speed, hoping Mioi would catch on and passively get an idea about how one could become stronger that way. She went and leaned against a wall, staring up at the window.

"That brings back memories of my time in the Defender's cockpit, sitting alongside master as he got us into another life threatening situation." She said with a happy chuckle. "That's probably was got him in the end. So, what are we looking at here?"

- - - -

"I don't believe that meditation could help me regain what I wasn't consciously active for." Solaris replied to the other warrior. "I was really just a vessel, a fighting machine. A sword." He mused quietly, before walking into the cockpit to see the ones already present. And got himself an angry glare from Kira.
Oh man... family reunions are gonna be a nightmare with dad and Veggie around. Jaz sighed before smiling. But boys will be boys...

Jaz giggled at the thought before following Vegetto down the hall and to the cockpit where everyone would be waiting. She seemed both nervous and excited about confronting Junior again and only hoped that he wasn't still upset. When she arrived in the cockpit, she narrowed her eyes towards Gogeta Jr., no doubt holding a grudge against what he said to both her and Junior. 

It wasn't long until Kire walked into view, humming a classic tune. He glanced at Jaz and smiled as brightly as he could because of his high spirits and his talk with Junior. Jaz cheerfully skipped to her father and took Solaris's armor off his shoulders, making the load easier on his skinny body.

"You made something new?" Jaz said examing Solaris's armor. "Looks super cool!"

"Hey, I didn't make it. That belongs to that Solagis dude. He asked me to fix it." Kire placed a hand atop Jaz's head. "Where have you been, cupcake? I saw you run off in a fit and didn't have time to talk to you. I spoke to Junior this whole time, telling him how to be a man and how to handle tough situations. He told me that he wanted to tell you something. Right Junior?" The man raised his voice. 

"He does? Well, I was with Veggie this whole time. He helped me clear my head when--"

"You were with Vegetto this whole time?! He should be more worried about fighting like the brute he is. What could he possibly say that is helpful?" Kire scoffed, his gaze narrowed towards the floor. "Hmph, whatever. Just... don't make a habit of seeing him a lot, he's nothin' but trouble. Just come to me instead, ...alright?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Good. Anyways, I fixed KABS for ya'." Kire dug into his pocket and pulled out the diamond centerpiece before placing it back on Jaz. It should be downloading new information all over the suit. I did some updates with Mioi's piece too. Speakin' of Mioi, where is she? I got a nifty lil' toy for her. Solgaris better pick up his stuff too, or else I'm scrappin' it."
Mioi was seen to be among the last arriving to the cockpit, looking awkward as she continuously kept taking long quick strides with one leg and comparitively shorter steps the other. How does she even do that?! It looks so simple when she does it... maybe my legs are too long... she thought while she continued her erratic movements trying to imitate what Kira did. At certain steps she would accidentally boost her movement and nearly trip, if it weren't for her grasping at the walls of the hallway. Eventually she gave up on the attempt and shuffled her way around the corner to meet the others, keeping her gaze to the floor hoping nobody saw that embarrassing and absolutely not graceful set of movements. 

"Um, I... heard my name?" Mioi asked Kire while scratching the back of her head trying to look casual. "I was... uh... busy. Meditation and all that. 'Cool' stuff." She said with her eye darting around the room before noticing the KABS device on Jaz. "Oh, the suits. I take it they've been fixed?"
Oriko woke up, his trance so deep that the sound of Koth's booming voice only stirred him awake rather than jumping him awake.

"Oh man, how long have I been sleeping?" the groggy boy thought, looking around for any kind of clock to try and determine how long he was in his trance. Once he gave up on determining the time, he simply navigated up to the cockpit to meet up with the others.
Brachi and Xenest remained silent at this, with Xenest watching Brachi as the fusion girl apparently still felt troubled in some way, with Brachi herself trying to calm herself down to focus on the task ahead.
As the group started entering the cockpit, Gogeta Jr. and Koth both turned their heads up a bit. Gogeta Jr. showed little emotion from the others coming in, perking his eyebrows slightly at the sight of Jaz and Vegetto soon entering after Vegetto Jr. His eyes initially followed Vegetto only for a few seconds, but soon picked up on the glare from Jaz. He matched her intense stare with one of his own, scowling at her and lightly grunting before turning his head away.


Vegetto narrowed his eyes a bit at Kire's comments. He scoffed lightly, crossing his arms and glancing to the side.

"I was just there for her again, doing your job for you."

He lifted his lips into a small, mocking smirk, his glare turning back to Kire.

"It's adorable though, how hard you're trying. If only you actually were able to be a father, maybe you wouldn't have to convince your own daughter to stop looking to a better man for fatherly advice. Or any man for that matter, since your talents seem to only be failure and running away. All anyone has to do to beat you at parenthood is simply show up for a participation award."

Vegetto's eyes looked Kire up and down, unfolding his arms and turning to face towards him completely.

"So go ahead...little man. You want Jaz to stop talking to the better father?"

His arm muscles visibly tensed.

"Come to me about it. Unless you can't help but run or hide behind Jaz to fight your battles for you."


Vegetto Jr. quietly coughed into his hand at the "better father" comment, turning his attention to Jaz during the small confrontation. He lightly reached out, tapping on her shoulder. The concern and worry on his face was clear, struggling to come up with the right thing to say in trying to apologize for earlier, but Vegetto Jr. stood silent for a moment, his eyes turning down and merely squeaking out one, awkward utterance of a word.

Solaris watched Kire come into the cockpit, watching him carry the armor, and Jaz helping with it for the android's sake. He took a few steps forward, his eyes looking upon the armor, seeing that the damage had been repaired. Smiling at the fact his battle suit was now in working order again, that quickly disappeared when he heard his name being called as if he wasn't there. Coming to a stop, he put his left hand up, the gloved hand forming into an open palm, small blue Ki blasts forming and gathering in the air infront of him. Solaris' eyes narrowed at the blast, his hand making a flick motion and eyes changing direction to the armor. The ki blasts rocketed off at high speeds, impacting the armor and embedding themselves inside the various pieces. Solaris then clenched his hand into a fist and pulled it back, the armor pieces held by Kire and Jaz flying into the air and ending up standing next to Solaris, Solarian-Saiyan and armor both facing Kire.

"I am right here, after all." He stated. "Kire, thank you for repairing my armor. It means a lot to me." He added with a small bow.

Meanwhile, Kira watched Solaris create the ki blasts, eyes trained on the small blue spheres, body tensing up in a failing attempt to sense the Dread Ki. The more she tried, the more she tensed up, the more she got frustrated she couldn't do it. But the frustration quickly disappeared, attention switching back to watching Mioi approach Kire. What was irritation turned to curiosity as to what would happen next.
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