DBZ: Dominion War

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"Okay then. I'll have a Strike Fleet of the Martians ready to assist us, along with the Tenochi-01." Tempest said, agreeing that the matter should be looked further into.
"Once there I'll see if I can get us a Solarian ship. Won't be much but it might aid." Atama said.
"Any aid is more than welcome." Samui said.

"Well then, I believe we should prepare ourselves for another trip." Brachi said, nodding.
"We can travel on our own," Brachi said, "I do have Instant Transmission, and we can also use the fleet we're assembling to head to the base."
"Right. We'll first make sure we have the right supplies with us, so we can also give some to our new allies as a sign of our good faith." Brachi said, ready to depart.
Seina was also ready to do her part in assisting wherever needed, even though she just met some fellow Saiyans just now.
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