DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"What is this kind of heart you speak of? Last time I checked, every living being here has a heart which beats to indicate that individual is alive, taking the undead aside for the moment." Deramas said, crossing his arms.
"A metaphysical heart responsible for emotions and having ties to both magical power and memory in the world Memora is from. Without it, her magic is weakened, which is why the blade she carries is not at it's full power." Atama further explained.
"Very much so. We destroy the Heartless, capture the Heart, and return Memora to normal." Atama said.

"Finding that Heartless is going to be a pain though." Memora said, her faux emotions seeping back into her voice and body language.
"Now that is indeed problematic." Deramas said, before the group was transported into the Hubrin Fortress, back in the medical chamber where Present Brachi and her friends were still being held, suspended in the healing tanks filled to the brim with the purple liquid, akin to the Planet Trade Organization's Healing Tanks.

Future Brachi could see the group was fine, although their conditions had suffered through Ruthas' actions.

"I honestly wonder how long it will take before we can take them home..." She said.

"We've been working with your Martian Allies to reconstruct the Healing tanks within your primary warship. If everything goes as planned, we should be able to transport them into those tanks there so you can take them home. However, the transport itself will be the most critical process as we cannot transport our technology and monitoring devices with it. It must be done with great precision or else our efforts will be for naught." One of the Hubrin said.
"A good deal of healing magic might ease that process, or, a selective time freeze." Atama said.

"Aren't they magic immune?" Memora said. Atama unfolded his arms and looked to the sky.

"It depends on the kind of magic used on them," Dread Master Bestia then said, "Majins, like Majin Bara here, possess a level of magic power. This includes the rather unique ability to turn an object or even a living person, depending on whom they're targeting, into a different object, usually something edible, like candy or a chocolate bar."

"How do you know that?" Deramas asked.

"Some of Brachi's creators have been on the receiving end of it and were killed by it the moment Majin Buu, the one using the attack, consumed them. Those who weren't hit weren't either there, were incapacitated or already killed beforee or, in case of a few younger ones, weren't even born yet." Bestia replied.

Future Brachi gulped at this, knowing exactly whom she was talking about.

"Do you think that healing magic may help them?" Future Xenest asked.

"That I do not know. It may take some time off from the total recovery time, but even then it is not sure when they will wake up, nor is there any estimation of any lasting damage in the long run. The chances are that they may make a full recovery from it, but there could also be the risk of lasting damage, depending on how severe it is. Being in a comatose state is not something to take lightly; in the most severe cases, usually caused by severe brain damage, recovery is impossible, resulting in either complete paralysis or a state where only the physical body would be alive, but the spirit would have left its body." Bestia said.

"Thank you for grinding our hopes into pulp there." Future Xenest grumbled.

"I'm only giving you a realistic picture here. And you already have used the Dragon Balls before, so that is not an option either." Dread Master Bestia said.

"She does have a point regarding the Dragon Balls; we did use them to undo the damage done by the Planet Traders after all." Future Brachi said.

"I can't disagree with that, but still... this leaves us only with the technological solution; using whatever technology we have for medical purposes to at least oversee their condition and see if it improves. Given their vast technological superiority, the Martians are our best bet and our only hope for this one..." Future Xenest said.

"Agreed. Perhaps they can aid us into ensuring they will recover, coupled with the use of the Martian Time Chamber to get them back into shape; their physical strength must have waned substantially over the time they've been out like this and I feel certain that all of them, especially the Saiyans, would want to regain it one way or the other." Future Brachi said.
"They'll recover. I'm sure of it." Oriko spoke as he finished treating Maki with light energy. The young angel had returned to her normal self and was unconscious, the chains holding her up.
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