"I sincerely doubt it," Future Xenest said, "while the theory is something to take into consideration, the Planet Trade Soldiers whom were on Gyges at the time were also killed in the ensuing chaos and destruction of the planet. Our only hope is to see if Earth's Dragon Balls can be of some help, otherwise we have to revisit the planets which we saved from the Planet Trade Organization's attacks to see if we can find any clues as to what has really happened to them and if they still can be rescued."
"I have just received a message from the Martian Heavy Battle Cruiser assigned to retrieve us," A Martian said, "he said that they will arrive at our position within the next five minutes and are willing to tow us all the way back to Earth, at least until the ship repairs have reached major progress and the ship is stable enough to travel at warp speed. We do not know how long that will take however, it is dependent on how fast the repairs can be completed."
"Understood. Keeping the ship together is our main priority now, especially due to my wife being out of commission for the time being." Future Xenest replied.
"Both the Heavy Battle Cruisers and its escorts report that they have some additional materials with them on board to replace those parts which have been irrepairably damaged. They confirm that this vessel is salvagable, but it has to be repaired fairly soon." The Martian replied.
"Good. Do what you must to ensure the repairs proceed smoothly." Future Xenest said.
"Proceeding." The Martian replied, moving on.