DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Atama sustained some damage, sending out a circular wave of darkness flying into the air before teleporting back down, firing shirt beams of Darkness around him.
The Tenochi-01 provided air support by flying over the enemy's main base and pelting the structures and defenses with its weapons as it passed over, using the Neutralize Power Source to disable the static defenses to lessen the damage while setting multiple buildings ablaze, forcing the soldiers around to go out and put out the fires.

A Hubrin Tank watched as the group suddenly arrived on the planet and proceeded to drive Siber's soldiers away from their Fortress, while making sure that any of its fellows did not get caught in the crossfire.
Seeing as the soldiers went into a retreat for now, Future Xenest and Future Brachi then moved to the Hubrin Fortress, wanting to see if the Hubrin themselves were alright. As soon as they reached it, a Hubrin Tank approached them.

"We see that you are not those of the soldiers whom had been attacking us. We are grateful for your assistance." It said.

"It's no problem; we're only here looking for friends of ours so we can return them home." Future Xenest said.
"Are you talking about the group of various races whom landed here all of a sudden?" The Hubrin asked.

"Yes. We don't know for sure if they are the ones we seek, but from a message we intercepted, it appears you're holding a group of people from planet Earth in your custody as protection." Future Xenest.

"This is correct. I assume you're wanting to see them so they can be taken home with you, if they are the ones you seek, correct?" The Hubrin asked.

"Yes, please." Future Brachi said.

"Follow me, I will guide you into our Fortress to see them." The Hubrin replied, before turning around and moving towards the floating, purple-colored fortress.
Atama followed.

"I do hope that those under your protection are fine. It is not that I doubt you, it is that I fear for their friends, as any friend would."
"We understand your concern." The Hubrin said.

The three were taken into the Hubrin Fortress where the atmosphere was warmer in general, at least much more pleasant than in the open.

Another Hubrin, this time out of a tank, appearing as a humanoid male, approached the three.
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