DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Atama crossed his arms, and began to think deeply, closing his eyes.
"I have deciphered the message... the source is from... a Hubrin." The Martian then said.

"WHAT?!" Both Future Brachi and Future Xenest asked, shocked at hearing that they intercepted a message from a Hubrin of all people.

"There are still Hubrin alive?" A second Martian asked.

"Yes. The source is coming from the fourth planet in the Junil Star System." The first Martian replied.

"Then let's not waste any time; set a course for the planet Junil IV immediately and see what we can learn from their situation and what we can do to help." Future Xenest said.

"Are you sure about this, honey? They may act hostile again if we enter their territory like they did on Orgolio and Durac Iota..." Future Brachi said.

"Your concern is duly noted, but as the old adage goes; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If we can show the Hubrin that we are also opposing the Planet Trade Soldiers, perhaps they can assist us in finding our missing friends. Besides, I'd rather deal with the Hubrin than with the Metar." Future Xenest said.

"Touché." Future Brachi said, blinking at the sudden information.
"Right." Future Brachi said.

"What do you know about Junil IV?" Future Xenest asked.

"From initial scans it appears to be a mediocre ice world, yet it has a breathable atmosphere as well as a section which is rich in minerals which can be mined to be processed into usable minerals and materials. It also appears to have a slight population of Taubat on the planet." The Martian replied, with the Martian at the Communications Center sending out a transmission to their escort force, which resulted in two of the accompanying vessels whom were at Taphet to break off and head towards Ixion for some final assistance, while two Battle Cruisers at Jeddart were on their way to rendez-vous with the Tenochi-01 at Junil IV, which indicated that the Martians had everything under control in regards to their comrades they had assisted there.
"So then two things. First off is obvious, where the Planet Trade is." Atama said. "The next is, what's on that planet initial scans won't turn up?"
"We have detected high levels of anti-proton energy, which is obviously emanating from an occupied Hubrin Fortress. We do not know if our friends are there however." The Martian replied.

"The Planet Trade Soldiers obviously must have set up a base on the planet and are likely dealing with the Taubat forces," Future Xenest said, "but a Hubrin Fortress which is occupied? The only ones with such signatures were present were on Orgolio and Durac Iota."

"True, the Hubrin didn't appear to be friendly during those encounters..." Future Brachi said, shuddering.

"But now things may be different..." Future Xenest said, the anxiety growing within him.
"We'll see what happens. As long as we don't engage the Hubrin themselves, perhaps try to hail them, we should have a chance." Future Xenest said.

"Xenest, we are entering the Junil Star System." A Martian said as the ship went out of warp, before proceeding to warp in-system towards the fourth planet.

"Good. Locate the Hubrin base on the fourth planet and give an overview of the battle ground ahead to see if there are more bases to find." Future Xenest said.

"Understood. It appears the Taubat population has been wiped out by the Planet Trade Soldiers." The Martian said as the scanning went underway.

After a few minutes, the Tenochi-01 entered the orbit of Junil IV, with the Martian Helm officer guiding the starship to the area where the Hubrin had their base.
"If a friend of mine is destroyed by an enemy that of which I should have no problem in dealing with... Makes me wonder just how well equipped they were." Atama wondered out loud.
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