"Not just enslaving," Future Brachi said, "they would invade planets, either wipe out or enslave its population and then sell the planet to the highest bidder. If the planet isn't deemed worthy to be sold, it is destroyed. I know this since one of my creators was forced to work among that Organization for years, putting up a façade of being a loyal high-ranking soldier while secretly gathering power to overthrow its leader to avenge his race, as its home world and the vast majority of its inhabitants was wiped out by that leader, simply because he was afraid the soldiers from that planet would one day be too powerful to control."
Future Xenest could definitely tell the bitter tone in his wife's voice, after all the vast majority of her creators and Brachi herself had multiple run-ins with these renegades, obviously mentioning the Eradication of the Saiyan Race by Frieza whom destroyed Planet Vegeta for that very reason, diminishing the Saiyan Populace to a mere handfull, of which Rabi was one of them...