DBZ: A Demon's Demons

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The two dragons walked forward and tail whipped Future Godfrey around like a rag doll.

"This is for everything you've done -------!" The masculine one yelled.

"This is for my past!" The feminine one replied. Future Godfrey landed a distance away, coughing up blood, body bruised.


Jack was about to land another hit on Solaris when the Hybrid Solarian Saiyan grabbed his fist.

"Wha-?" Jack asked before getting head butt by a transformed Solaris.
Tempest and Xeno were wandering through the city, when something blasted Tempest from behind, sending him flying forward several meters. Xeno immediately rushed to him, as Tempest recovered... Tempest grunted as he felt pain from the blast, wondering who could attack him like that...

Tempest in the meantime turned around, seeing Xeno approaching him.

"Tempest, are you alright?" She asked, just as Tempest turned around, shaking his head.


Brachi couldn't help but feel that something was watching her and Celicia as they went around the area which was HFIL, wondering where they were going and whoever was keeping an eye on them...


Anne was shivering as she, along with Gina, were walking among the desert area, blinking as they saw Dielec and Judy and met up with them, which brought at least some relief to the timid girl, although she recognized the surroundings, which unsettled her to no end.


Abaddon and Malia then saw someone standing in front of their cell... it was indeed a fellow demon, that much was certain, but what disturbed them was that it just stood there, staring at them, which caused the demon siblings to take a step back. Abaddon could feel his sister shivering in fear, as if recognizing this type of behavior...
Future Godfrey began to laugh.

"And yet, why are you here? I am powerless, defeated, all but destroyed. So why does your body submit, your heart succumb, but your mind resist!?" He said, and the two dragons took a step back.

"After all, despite everything you two have done, it was still you who freed me! The blood of everyone I have killed or destroyed is on your hands in the end!" He continued. The masculine dragon moved in front of the feminine one, protecting her.

"How dare you address my love this way!?" The dragon roared, and Future Godfrey fell to the ground, convulsing.


"This is the power of the Stars!" Solaris yelled as Jack recoiled from the head butt.

"I bet under that helmsmen your hair style matches mine." Jack replied, clutching his head.
Tempest went to face his beloved wife, who was looking concerned at him, not paying attention to something looming up behind her.

"BEHIND YOU!" Tempest warned.

Xeno looked behind her, only to be suddenly engulfed by what appeared to be a tail! Tempest immediately responded by getting up and grabbing Xeno's legs, trying to pull her out. He could hear her muffled cries as she tried to resist and did his best to get her out, pulling on her as hard as he possibly could, only for something to hit him in the stomach and sending him backwards, leaving him helpless as Xeno was quickly swallowed whole by the tail, her muffled outcries of help being cut off as soon as the tail sealed shut around her, the bulges moving rapidly to the body of none other than... Cell... but he looked also dark, bearing a dark skin with red eyes... and he was grinning maliciously at Tempest, making it worse as he turned around and made Tempest watch as the bulges which represented his wife's position in the tail slid closer to the base, before vanishing into it with a *GULP*. This caused the Demon Cell to cackle at Tempest, who stared at him in horror... and fury as the demon powered up...


Brachi shivered as she walked onward, the silence throwing her off, just as something pierced her body, destroying her heart as it went all the way through her left side... Celicia gasped out in horror as Brachi collapsed onto her knees, bringing about the one whom Celicia LAST wanted to see... Siber... also having a dark skin with red eyes...


Brachi on her turn woke up from a different sense of unconsciousness, looking around in confusion as she found herself completely alone in HFIL, the area appearing distorted and desolated, almost as if a certain demon had been messing around with it...
"What is this?" She asked, looking around with her own tail wagging in anxiety...


Xeno herself looked around in her bed, spotting a body next to her. To her relief, she saw that it was her beloved Tempest, whom was sleeping with content and a smiled on her face. But she was wondering why on Earth they were in her parental home... she shivered at the thought of her father discovering her... well, she didn't see him as her father anymore because of what he did, but still... She shivered as she could feel an ominous presence around, something dark and sinister as she thought to hear someone moving into the house... with the way of the door being slammed shut, she knew it was her 'father'...


Rabi blinked as she found herself on the planet Cooler 155, which had been her home for years, although she didn't have a choice. Looking around her, she saw a scouter... well, what remained of it, as bits and pieces of it laid on the ground, while in the distance ahead laid an Attack Ball, which she obviously recognized as her own, but was very badly damaged and was in high need of repairs before it could be operational again. And since she didn't have the tools with her to fix it...
"The inversion is already happening.. I have to stop it... Haribu slowly pulled his fist up, aiming at his own head.

"What are you doing, you idiot? Embrace your destiny!" Inverted Haribu spoke out as Haribu punched himself, knocking himself out.

"He's resisting the energy, just like we expected. No matter. He will fall soon enough." Kulathar spoke as the two faded away. It was Haribu's fears, but were those two really fake?


"Lucifer!" Oriko let our a bloodcurdling scream as he broke through the ice dome.

"Oriko!" ["Now it's time for you to die!"] Maki cried out in shock as Oriko rushed at Lucifer.

"What a damn idiot..." Lucifer muttered to himself as he sidestepped, dodging Oriko's punch. He then took a hold of Oriko and delivered a swift pinpoint strike on a pressure point, knocking Oriko out.
Tempest felt tears running down his eyes at what had transpired before him, causing him to suddenly lash out in blind fury and clock Demon Cell straight into his face as he powered up, with Tempest trying whatever he could to save Xeno...

"YOU LET HER OUT RIGHT NOW!" Tempest snarled as he attacked Cell with a vigor like never seen before, while Demon Cell was blocking everything with a smirk on his face as he dodged and parried Tempest's current out of control attacks.

"Was she yours? That's a shame... looks like I took something from you again... the suffering doesn't end for you, does it?" Demon Cell taunted, grinning as he let Tempest vent and rave, knowing that he had the upper hand on him..

Over the next few minutes, Tempest literally fought Cell with everything he had at his disposal at the time, however he didn't rely on his Satsui no Hadou to empower him. Despite all his efforts, Tempest was close to exhausting himself, hopping back as he panted, still in rage.

"My, my... I must applaud your devotion to your beloved... even though you don't stand a chance against me... I will give you an offer however..." Demon Cell then said.

"An offer?" Tempest asked.

"Yes. You quit your useless struggles and I'll let you see her again. You can be with her forever, just as you had wanted..." Demon Cell said.


Celicia growled as she was face to face with Siber, who merely laughed at her defiance, walking towards her, stepping on Brachi's corpse, causing Celicia to wince as she could clearly hear a few bones snap right there as he approached her.

"Again, you couldn't save her... what a pity..." Demon Siber said with a dark chuckle.

Celicia merely growled, getting ready to defend herself as Demon Siber vanished, causing Celicia to suddenly look around to keep track of his energy signal...


Shonfu and Tamar went to work on their command center, when Tamar noticed something.

"Sir, there is a vessel approaching the planet. It looks like Frieza's main ship!" He said.

"What?! Frieza is coming here?!" Shonfu asked.

Frieza rarely visited planets as he was mostly going out on invading planets, but apparently it was in some kind of visit to control his territory.

"What do we do now, sir?" Tamar asked.

"If Frieza finds out we've sided with our real allies, the warriors hailing from Earth, we're pretty much beyond boned, so we should pretend that we still serve him by giving him the greatest of hospitalities and above all don't question him." Shonfu said.


Majin Bara in the meantime blinked as she entered the Engineering area, moving past several power conduits as she recognized the area, although she detected a multitude of energies running through said power conduits, as if something was giving them great power. Reminding her that this had happened to her before, Majin Bara made a hurry to see who could have been held there, other than perhaps herself...
"If it weren't for you we wouldn't exist!" The feminine one replied. Future Godfrey laughed, rolling over.

"How long it's been -----. Tell me, what kind of memories remain of serving me?" Future Godfrey asked. The masculine one walked over to Future Godfrey and began to stomp on him.


Jack and Solaris began to fight using nothing but their fists while a katana of darkness and glowing broad sword fought freely in air, I held by weilders.
"No answer, eh? Maybe you need some... persuasion..." Demon Cell said, laughing before he concentrated, his retracted tail opening up to release something after about a minute or so...

Tempest looked up at this, wondering what Demon Cell was up to, before he saw something getting up from behind him... or rather someone...

Much to Tempest's shock, the figure looked exactly like Xeno... but she now had some of Cell's armor onto her, like a feminine version of Cell's breastplate and a green-spotted camo hued crest that formed a circlet around her entire head.

"Hey there!" She said with a smile, talking exactly like Xeno, but Tempest could see that there was something off... and yet he hesitated...

"Here you go. You got your wife back... with some modifications... just give yourself up to me and you can be with her forever... I give you my word that she'll be all yours, you can do just what you please with her... I know how much you two have expressed your love to each other..." Demon Cell said, taunting him again, not knowing that something dark was rising up within Tempest...


Meanwhile, Brachi herself was in a totally different place, when she felt something flying at her. Jumping aside, she felt the blast exploding behind her as she hopped a few meters to the side, landing on her feet before looking up to see her attacker... much to her shock, she found herself facing not one, but TWO villains... two beings whom had left a great trauma within her... One was Siber, whom appeared to have crossed his arms with a smirk, while the other, the one whom had fired the blast towards her... was Janembuu...


Malia had to be forcibly calmed down by Abaddon, as the being outside the cell just kept wordlessly staring at them, which was freaking Malia out to no end. Abaddon realized that it was once again Ruthas' doing; using this kind of psychological warfare to see how long it would take for someone to go insane because of the simple acts of setting them up against their own fears and nightmares with a bit of his own input...
"Alright, now you tell me how to get out of this hellish nightmare or else I'll be sure to end you personally, Ruthas' puppet." Lucifer mocked Maki, who now donned a darker look. However, it wasn't purely Demonic. She also had a little mix of Fallen Angel in there, too, as evidenced by her Light's Bane turning into a longsword.

"And you expect to get out?" She let out a wretched laugh as a wide grin formed on her face.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do." Lucifer replied.
Celicia was in the meantime furious than ever, avoiding Demon Siber's attacks with vigor and continuiously trying to get as much distance between them as possible, knowing that her attacks are most effective over a very long range... teleporting backwards, she fired several shots of her Mega Cannon, getting some more distance in as she prepared her strongest attack: The Far Off Blast.


Sheila and Lea in the meantime saw Simon, Sheila's father come in the room, with a stern expression on his face. Sheila, respecting her father a lot, gulped nervously, as she knew that the stern expression was not something to be taken lightly. However only Lea saw that something was amiss, narrowing her eyes at Simon...

"What are you doing?!" Sheila whispered at her girlfriend.

"Something is not right here, I can feel it." Lea said, being serious.


Xeno then heard some arguing downstairs, which escalated with some fierce shouting, with voices she most definitely recognized... causing her to shiver in fear...
"What's the matter, honey?" Tempest asked, concerned.
"Oh Kami... not this..." Xeno whispered, shivering as Tempest embraced her...


In the meantime, Tempest was grabbing his head, as if he was conflicted or trying to hold something stirring up within him back, only to be suddenly hit in the face, sending him flying in some rubble... the punch coming from the Xeno Jr. which Demon Cell created, who was laughing.

"Come on, Tempest, don't keep me waiting!" Xeno Jr. said, a smirk on her face.

However, there was no response... only total silence.

"Looks like you broke him, Xeno. You'd better go and 'make it up' to him..." Demon Cell said.

"Sure thing, daddy..." Xeno Jr. said, trodding towards the rubble where she hit Tempest in, only for a bluish purple smoke-like aura coming from it...

"No... you are NOT my beloved wife..." A dark, demonic voice then came from within the rubble, as something began to suddenly crack and snap, surprising both Demon Cell and the Xeno Jr.
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