DBZ: A Demon's Demons

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Red Jacket
Sep 4, 2015
The Netherlands
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[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Summary: It was only a month after the resurface of Siber, the most powerful Arcrosian to have ever lived among the universe, empowered by an artifact given to him by inhabitants of the Demon Realm. The Z-Fighters were able to put a stop to Siber's plans, but this went at a great cost. While the damage was repaired to a degree as the foremost victims were brought back to life, the trauma and the memories remain. Coupled with the apparent 'betrayal' by a few of their foremost allies, Brachi and her family and friends are still trying to recover from the whole chain of events, especially Brachi as she's one of the worst affected of the group. But when the group receives two visitors from the most unlikely place with a warning, it appears that not everyone is exactly happy with how the conflict has come to an end. It is only a matter of time for the group to enter the battlefield once more...[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]=======================[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]A whole month has passed after the Z-Fighters have finally put an end to the rein of the raging Arcrosian known as Siber and taken away his source of power, an artifact created by the Demons which gave Siber control over time and space, with his forces spread over different realms altogether. With Siber defeated and by extension bound to the realm he resided in after the artifact that linked him to Brachi's universe was destroyed, it appeared all was well, but not everything was as it seems.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]In the days that followed after the Z-Fighters have destroyed a planet that appeared to be Siber's primary base of operations, much changed. The Appule-race warrior known as Shonfu and his second-in-command, the Cui-race warrior known as Tamar, formally resigned/defected from the Planet Trade Organization together with the Planet Trade Soldiers whom survived the onslaught of Cold Prime, with Cold Prime Starbase Commander Zuberi and Cold Prime Strike Fleet Commander Meron among them, and permanently sided with the Z-Fighters, effectively giving the Earthling-Martian Alliance another planet under their wing. The planet, usually known as Planet Frieza 68, now has a fully functional Martian Colony present, which is intertwined with Shonfu's own base of operations. The Saiyan Rabi had been appointed as the ambassador of the colony, with Shonfu and Tamar recruiting her as a Field Agent, keeping in close touch with Earth, Mars and Lunei.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]On Earth however, things were not going exactly as peaceful as it was assumed. While most of the Z-Fighters present have been able to come to terms what happened and made a smooth recovery, some of them are still suffering from nightmares, or are behaving much differently than before, being either still in recovery process or otherwise still suffering from a severe post-traumatic stress disorder which has hit them far worse than expected.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]A notable example is Anne. The once usually so happy-go-lucky android guard has behaved much more timid, although she is showing traces of returning back to her old self. However, this didn't rule out the fact that she is a lot more cautious and also more soft-spoken, almost as if she was given a major reality check.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Dielec has been hit with a short-lived depression in the aftermath, having suffered nightmares of reliving Judy's death all over again. It took the aid and reassurance of Judy herself that the whole situation was beyond Dielec's control that the android eventually got over her depression, returning to normal.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Tempest and Xeno made a much more smoother recovery, having relied on the comfort and support of each other to get over the events, solidifying the bond between them even more than before. Sheila on the other hand was worse off, although she has made also great steps in recovering from her own depression, having received help from not only her girlfriend Lea as well as Tempest and Xeno, but also from her father Simon. The well-respected general of King Furry's Army was granted some time off to tend to his traumatized daughter, showing that even as a general, he felt that his daughter needed him the most at this time. In the time that Simon helped his daughter out, Major Sanda was given the role as Acting Commander of their unit, although the Major and several soldiers have been visiting Simon on a few occasions whenever it was convenient, showing how much they respected their general and wished that his daughter made a swift recovery.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr. have suffered frequently from nightmares where Siber was brutally torturing them, often leading them to be comforted by Tempest, Xeno, Gina, Celicia and Brachi. However, out of all of the group, Brachi herself was the worst affected, especially considering the fact she was killed by the hands of Siber himself after the lost battle of Cold Prime I and through this she was helpless to watch from Other World how her friends and family fought valiantly against the mighty Arcosian and although the battle ended victorious for the group, most of Brachi's family and friends lost their own lives during the assault. Coupled with the disappearance of Vegetto, Gogeta, Goku, Vegeta and Beerus in the heat of the fight during the Battle of Cold Prime I left Brachi with the feeling she was abandoned by those whom she saw as close allies. [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The only person whom remained in the good graces of the group was none other than Dread Master Bestia, whom currently was also residing on Earth. She took residence in the home once occupied by Goku and his family in the East District region, where she was now watching over the currently ailing Brachi, whom was hit with illness, coupled with her own depression and the effects of the post-traumatic stress disorder. The others realized that, despite her looks, Brachi was still 'young' in terms of existence and, save for the life- and existence-threatening battles against beings like Janembuu and the Dread Masters themselves, has never been in a real serious conflict before in her own universe. At Dread Master Bestia's side were Celicia and Majin Bara, the latter of the two being the most concerned over Brachi's well-being in general. [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Currently, Brachi, Bestia, Bara, Celicia, Goles, Bulma Jr. and Marron Jr. were the only ones present within Goku's house, but Majin Bara received a message that the others were on their way to visit her, wanting to see how she was doing right now. Brachi was currently bed-ridden due to her illness, sweating profusely as she currently slept. Present with her in the room were Majin Bara and Dread Master Bestia, while Celicia was with the three children downstairs in order to wait for the others to arrive. Surprisingly, Shonfu, Tamar and Rabi were also on their way, and even the space pirate Busa has sent out a message to expect a visit from her soon.[/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]As the group visited, Brachi suffered from a horrible nightmare after which the teleported to a distant planet to unleash her frustration and anger in a massive power-up styled Exploding Wave, effectively ruining the planet, while Majin Bara did her best to retrieve her. But before the Majin could retrieve her, she was attacked by an unseen force, after which the ground around Brachi split open and demonic hands dragged her down into what appeared to be a raging inferno, despite Majin Bara's attempts to save her. She fled back to Earth before the planet they were on was destroyed and informed the others about it, whom just received a visit from two other demons: Abaddon and his sister Malia. [/font]

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The two demons in question sued for peace and requested the help of the group to deal with a powerful demon lord known as Ruthas, whom has been responsible for taking Brachi away... at least that's what they believed, leading the group back to the planet Cold Prime I towards an entrance to the Demon Realm through an abandoned mine shaft...

Upon entering the realm, the group managed to find Brachi as she was being taken to the Exclusive Cells by the Demon Lord Ruthas himself and managed to retrieve her, only to be confronted by Ruthas shortly afterwards...


Ruthas merely cackled, before he waved his hand upward...

Without warning, a multitude of Chain Spears came from the ceiling and the floor, stabbing the group all over their bodies a few times before the spears receded, causing the group to land on the ground with multiple stab wounds in the arms, legs and sides, although strangely enough taking caution in avoiding damage to arteries and internal organs... almost as if he wanted the group to be alive...

"Tell me something, how do you think to stand a chance against me when you haven't beaten yourself?" Ruthas then asked.
Future Godfrey recoiled while Solaris just slumped to the ground.

"That hurt... Curseacon..." He muttered. He quickly fired several high power orbs of light at Ruthas. Future Godfrey then made a fist at Solaris, who got up, shaking his head and powered up into his own unique form using an unknown energy source not unlike him becoming a star. His armor became blue and white, his power skyrocketing to match that of a Dread Saiyan.

Ruthas moved to the side to avoid the blasts, grinning like crazy, just as he waved his hand upward again...

Suddenly the ground below the group began to sport violent cracks, which spread all around them, before parts of the ground began to collapse, causing the group to stumble.

"RUTHAS!!!" Malia snarled at the grinning demon.

"Malia, you filthy traitor. I knew you and your brother would eventually escape from my clutches..." Ruthas continued, "I do commend you for being able to hold out for so long and taking advantage of the situation at large... now you and your brother can join your new friends and see what happens when you betray me..."

Just then, the floor collapsed, sending the group down into what appeared to be a dark chamber...
Lucifer rubbed his head as he got up, grabbing his kamikira and sheathing it.

"That man is testing my patience.. When I find him, there will be hell to pay... No pun intended." Lucifer growled lightly as he looked up.

"So how are we gonna get out of here?" Oriko questioned the group. "I don't think he's just gonna let us fly up there again." He summoned a ball of light so the group could see.

"It's simple. We wait and see what happens. We're at Ruthas' mercy now.." Haribu sighed as he sat down, tapping his foot.
However, there was an atmosphere that caused them to pass out for the most part, the area being dark at first as the initial landing caused them to lose their consciousness...

Tempest found himself suddenly standing on the outskirts of a ruined city on the surface of a planet. It had a strange mixture of desert-landscape with the quaint surroundings of an Earth suburban. Looking around, he found that Xeno was with him, which brought him some relief, but he then realized that they somehow must have been defused, as if someone performed the Fission technique on Xenest. This already put him on edge, and the feeling that something was off about the whole affair didn't make it any easier for him...

Brachi on the other hand found herself back within the depths of HFIL, coupled with Celicia, her ever-dutiful guardian android. The whole scene itself was already putting her on edge, as it reminded her of a battle she fought with Xenest, Vegetto, Gogeta and several other Z-Fighters and allies against an abomination that she hoped wasn't dwelling around now...

Majin Bara looked around on her turn, finding herself within what appeared to be a complex with metallic floors and walls around her... almost like a base... a starbase! Realizing she was alone, Majin Bara whimpered as she recognized the place... she gulped as she went to move along.

Sheila and Lea on the other hand found themselves within Sheila's room, sitting on her bed.
"Well... this is different..." Lea commented.
"Something is not right here..." Sheila said, narrowing her eyes.
"What do you mean?" Lea asked, curious.
"I don't know, but I just feel that something's off about this place, even though it appears to be most definitely my room..." Sheila said.

Dielec found herself standing in a desert-like area, coupled with Judy, whom was behind her, looking at her with a smile on her face. Dielec smiled back as she saw her, but she couldn't help but think something was amiss...

Xeno herself awoke to a different surroundings than Tempest, finding herself back inside her old parental home, in her bed, causing her to shiver.

Abaddon and Malia found themselves back in the cell they had been in, but the surroundings were different, with more fiery colored walls, as if they could burst into flames at any second.
Haribu found himself back in the Void, although it looked different. It looked nothing like the more Democratic Void he had set up after the fall of the Few.
"Where am I? It looks like the Void, but..."

"Who are you?" A voice called out, interrupting Haribu's thoughts.

"Huh? You sound just like..." Haribu started to speak.

"Me." Both Haribu and the other voice spoke out.

"Just who are you?!" Haribu quickly turned around to see.. himself?

"Oh my, if it isn't myself! The same person that was naive enough to go running around with the Z-Fighter for the past decade or two. Isn't this a surprise." The other Haribu made a signal shot out of Ragnarokian energy, the blast itself giving off the same amount of energy as the current Haribu's Ragnarokian Kamehameha.

"What is it, Haribu?" Another familiar voice sounded.

"... Kulathar?! I thought I killed you!" Haribu called out .

"What do you mea-- ahh, I see now. If it isn't the same imbecile that decided to not join us! That is.. until his old personality came back!" Kulathar let out a maniacal laugh as he spoke, horrifying Haribu. How did the Few come back? How did the---

"And don't use that ridiculous name anymore. We are now called the Lords of Destruction, and that is because NOBODY can stand up to us!" Inverse Haribu spoke, a projection appearing on the screen. It showed the systematic slaughter of the Z-Fighters, the Dread Masters included.

"Even the... Dread..." Shivers went up Haribu's spine as he saw the slaughter happen. It was gut-wrenching.

"Now come on, Haribu. Join us. USE your full power!" Kulathar yelled out to Haribu.

"I know I want to do it, so do it!" Inverse Haribu spoke out. The other Lords appeared around Haribu, chanting at him.


"What is this? An... ice dome?" Oriko walked up to the edge of the dome and pounded on it, a sound echoing through the dome as he hit it.

"Why won't this damn thing shatter? Come on!" He hit harder and harder, still unable to shatter the dome.

"My my, why don't you tell me how to shatter that ice dome and I might spare you?" ["My my, why don't you tell me how to get out of this stupid dream and I might spare you?"] Screaming could be heard as Lucifer spoke.

"No.. There's no way this could be happening! NO WAY!" Oriko kept on pounding, his heart racing even faster.

"Oh my, why are you hiding in there, God?" ["You idiot, it's a dream! Snap out of it!"] Lucifer replied to Oriko. A devilish laugh [no laugh] could be heard.

"Oriko.. Please, don't!" ["You'll never get out of here alive!"] (A fake) Maki cried out.
Tempest felt a sudden wave of dread moving through his system as he found himself looking in a desolated street, with clothes scattered around on the street, causing his heart to race in his chest.
"No... not this..." He said, as Xeno approached him from behind, holding his arm.
"What's wrong, honey?" She asked sweetly.
"I believe this must be in my past... this looks like Ginger Town... the town where I was born..." Tempest replied.

Brachi on her turn narrowed her eyes as she looked around the area, which was deadly silent as if there wasn't a soul around...
"Something's amiss." She said as she walked onward, with Celicia following close behind.

Abaddon and Malia were nervous as the walls seemed to glare at them, the footsteps of Ruthas returning to their cell was causing a scare in Malia, while Abaddon stood protectively in front of her, ready to defend her at all costs. Ruthas' sinister breathing could be heard, causing Malia to stand closer to her brother, who acknowledged her presence.
Futur Godfrey found himself on top of a giant purple crystal, seemingly within the core of a planet.

"Well, no matter. Using my magic I should be able to-" He said before his powers fell out of his hands in streams of energy, going down into the crystal.

"Oh... No..." He muttered. Two giant dragons, one more masculine and thick, the other feminine and slender, made of light flew down and landed away from him.

"You with me?" The masculine one asked.

"I'm with you." The feminine one replied. Future Godfrey backed up.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be!"


Solaris found himself on an ice covered moon, clutching his head. A man with white hair in dark pants and white shirt walked up to him.

"Aren't you scared Solaris?" The man asked. Solaris nodded.

"Terrified Jack." Solaris whispered. Jack's hair turned pure black alongside his skin emitting a very heavy darkness aura, and his eyes becoming pupil less.

"This is the power of the Dark Star! Why aren't you cowering Solaris?" Jack said.

"The other is gone." Solaris once again a whispered. Jack's hair became the signature widow's peak of most Super Saiyans as he began to beat Solaris with fists and kicks.
Majin Bara shivered as she walked along within the starbase she was in, feeling a sense of apprehension as she saw soldiers going on and about within, ignoring her as if she wasn't there. This brought a sense of relief and yet also anxiety and concern towards the Majin, as she had been within the starbase before. Using her headtentacle as a scanner, she continued onward, moving on down the hallway and into the storage area, heading for the maintenance/engineering deck...

Tatsu found himself back on a vessel he operated within the depths of space, seeing various unknown planets around him. The space around him appeared silent, but he could sense that there were battles going on as there were small explosions seen around the planets around him, which reminded him of the conflicts against the Metar...

Shonfu and Tamar on the other hand found themselves on their homeworld, Planet Frieza 68, once again donning the standard battle armor with shoulder and crotch guards as worn by soldiers of the Planet Trade Organization.

"Sir, where are we?" Tamar asked.

"We're somehow on our homeplanet... and yet something is amiss..." Shonfu said, getting serious.
"This can't be right... THIS CAN'T BE REAL!" Haribu's power started increasing, a cloak of Ragnarokian energy starting to cover him up. If something wasn't done to get him out of his nightmare, the energy would surely overtake him...

"LUCIFER YOU ASSHOLE!" Scales started to cover Oriko's body up as he turned into his draconic state, the ice dome shattering.

"His killing intent is even higher than the first time this incident happened..." Lucifer thought to himself as he turned to the dome.

"Oriko! No.. Save yourself you idiot!" ["This will be your end, you fool!"] The fake Maki cried out once again. It should be obvious to the normal person, but Oriko is too invested in his rage, his personality getting the best of him in this situation..
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