[align=center]Cindy of Symphony
[align=center]Cindy of Symphony
Cindy of Symphony is the music capital of the world, attracting famous musicians across the globe—allowing them to make live performances to an enormous audience. The construction of Cindy of Symphony began in response of music becoming a cultural phenomenon, the Deimos intended the city as proof that they are a progressive species and different from their Demon counterparts.
Live performances in the Cindy Opera House are a regular thing in the city, with plentiful of Deimos judges, who had thousands of years of experiences, examine musicians, regardless of their background, to see if their music is worthy enough to receive the honorary music award and a career. If a musician receives approval, their approval would be vital to any guild members, because not only they can make wonderful music, but also they can use their music in ways that can aid in battle or healing. Cindy of Symphony does not offer courses of Anti-Magic, but instead, reviewing if their Anti-Magic is up to standard.

Cindy of Symphony, located on the north side of Deimos Valley, is a beautiful city with a lot of stunning architecture by artists and engineers from Empire States and Shina Ania. Certain buildings have tree growing within it, which bare fruits known as Deimos Fruit, which contain elements that can use to restore magic stamina. The residents allowed foreigners and tourists to take the fruits as souvenirs since, no matter how times someone picked them off the trees; they will just regrow within a few days.
Notable Areas of Interests

Cindy Suite is a housing establishment for travelers and musicians for resting when they venture out the city. There are several Cindy Suites in the city and carries plentiful entertainment establishment that meets the need for individuals.

The Music Room is for Musicians to practice honing their skills and provide small-scale entertainment to their friends or tourists before practicing in Cindy Opera Dynasty. There is a Music Room on each floor in all Cindy Suites.

The Jazz Diner provides a delicious meals and goodies that will satisfy your appetite before the big performance. They also provide alcohol and non-alcohol beverages, but they do advise you to be careful and drink responsibility. There is a once-of-the-lifetime dish called “The Beethoven Symphony”, which is a combination of both sweet but spicy, with dirty rice and homegrown vegetables.

Under Supervision by Director Mozart, an famous Deimos who shook the musical world, the Cindy Opera Dynasty is the center of the city, and targets Musicians to show off their might and skills to see if they are worthy of going further in their musical career. Every week, there are live performances in which judges determined if the music fits the mold of the ever-changing environment of songs. It is heavily guarded and protecting musicians from danger is the highest priority.

Underneath the Opera Dynasty, a room contains the Golden Violin and other great items, which is the most valuable treasure in Cindy of Symphony. If one were to take the item, they would be bless with a profound ability to shut down any form of magic within seconds. Furthermore, they can hold at a hefty price, easily getting over 100,000,000 seckles.