Appelsider's Art Stuff

Looks damn good! Loved how you reference that meme with those girls :ROFLMAO:

Keep up the good work!!!
Ty Shine!

Just finished another drawing!

Ive also been organizing smth for the 20th anniversary for this franchise and I cant wait to show it! Sometime tomorrow probably!
😭😂 That reaction LMAO. You did an amazing job haha

Oooh, can't wait to see what you're cooking 👁️
HERE IT IS IN ALL ITS GLORY :kirbydab::kirbydab::kirbydab::kirbydab::kirbydab:

Im so proud of what we managed to make T_T

Also heres a tiny BM doodle i made today!
Oh ya my solo pieces from that anniversary project, i call them TNT bc both their names start with T

And then a meme thats kind of a spoiler for if ur ever gonna play trails but its that clown meme basically with a random character 😂

And a trails + oc gift art i made for a fic of a moot!
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