A Light in the dark RP

"Tunnel Transport then I guess, should help us get down the vertical areas"
Balnazzar waited for the next move.
A Tunnel Transport materialized at the nearby teleport pad

The commander spoke, "Ok well there is your vehicle, good luck, and report in when you figure everything out for us, Imma head off to the cafeteria... I hear they have some nice sandwiches today!"

The screen went black.

"I hope you know how to drive that thing..." Lukas said to Balnazaar
Lukas jumped on the side of the craft, It clearly wasn't designed for two people.

"Well, only one way to go" He pointed towards a heavily sloped cavern, the only was to go would be down.
"Fair enough"

Lukas pulled out his scanner to watch for any caverns nearby
"seeing a few clusters of minerals and crystals, but nothing that would help us find the lost crew. We don't even know how far down they went, this tunnel is naturally occurring as a lava tube so they could have gone into the wall anywhere through here..."
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