Would You Rather?


Green Jacket
Sep 5, 2015
I didnt see a thread like this one before!
Basically present two options, and the person replying needs to make a choice. The questions could be nice/positive ones, or also evil/difficult ones, to make things interesting.  :smirk:

I don't want to make this thread one where you only react to the person above you, I'd like to see people discussing multiple WyR questions, simply because I love these type of things and it can make you learn more about each other!

I'll start with one, dont hesitate to ask some yourself, and react to other peoples questions too!

Would you rather:
- Eat tasteless food forever OR have to add mayonnaise to every single thing you eat forever?  :thinking:
Hmm, that's a hard one!

I love the taste of food, but I also don’t care much for mayonnaise. So, I might learn towards putting mayonnaise to every single thing I eat forever since I rarely actually taste it…

But then again, it would be extremely weird eating it with Waffles, Soup… but eat something that will be absolutely tasteless? Might as well don’t eat! :wagh: I NEED DELICIUS TASTE.
Ploep said:
I didnt see a thread like this one before!
Basically present two options, and the person replying needs to make a choice. The questions could be nice/positive ones, or also evil/difficult ones, to make things interesting.  :smirk:

I don't want to make this thread one where you only react to the person above you, I'd like to see people discussing multiple WyR questions, simply because I love these type of things and it can make you learn more about each other!

I'll start with one, dont hesitate to ask some yourself, and react to other peoples questions too!

Would you rather:
- Eat tasteless food forever OR have to add mayonnaise to every single thing you eat forever?  :thinking:

In a situation like this, I would put mayo on everything because what if something actually tastes good with a bit of mayo on it? xDD I'm not a huge fan of mayo (I actually kinda hate it) but I don't mind putting mayo on my sandwich. Maybe I'll get used to it. 

Here's a question: Would you rather be accused of a crime and forever be labeled a criminal or have your idea stolen by a criminal and watch him profit from it. (There is nothing you can do in both options)
Hmm, I'd probably be more okay eating mayo with everything my entire life (bonus if I get to choose the brand since some are quite literally tasteless to me). But I like sweets, so mayo with sweet things is gross... better that than no taste forever.

The criminal can have my idea for all the money they want, as long as I don't end up being labelled a criminal. I'd be soooo envious though. But at least I could live with a clear name.
But what if you get sick of eating mayonnaise? That would pose a problem, while eating tasteless food won't net you with those issues. :thinking:

I rather to let the criminal take my idea than being accused for it. I can always create another idea... unless the criminal steals that one too :thinking:
Yeah I'd probably go for Mayo as well, id rather have atleast SOME taste in my life than nothing haha

As for Z's question, i dont wanna be convicted so id rather have someone steal my idea.. eventhough that would be frustrating as hell xD

Start using your non dominant hand for everything OR everytime you start to walk you'll full out trip and fall over, doesnt matter how small the distance is.  :smirk:
Ploep said:
Start using your non dominant hand for everything OR everytime you start to walk you'll full out trip and fall over, doesnt matter how small the distance is.  :smirk:

I'm terrified of falling since my knees are messed up and the pain I get from them is almost paralyzing, so I would rather use my left hand (I'm right handed) to do everything. It'll be good practice since I rarely use my left for anything and it's kinda stupid. xDD At least it doesn't involve pain!  :wagh:
You can train yourself to use your non-dominant hand so eventually, you'll be able to get a hang of things after enough times. Don't use knives and pointy things for the time being! Constantly tripping over sounds like a real pain in the ass, haha. First option, easily, hands down.

Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?
What if you dont have a best friend  :katcry: haha but I think id choose to give the 500 000 to a friend. It means more money to do stuff together, unless yyour best friend turns out trashy xD.

And I find my own WyR pretty hard, because I love drawing and I'd loathe having to start all over with my non dominant hand, and I could wear kneepads for the tripping lol. But id hate the attention id get if i fell, so with tears in my eyes id probably go for the Non Dominant hand option too. XD
ShineCero said:
You can train yourself to use your non-dominant hand so eventually, you'll be able to get a hang of things after enough times. Don't use knives and pointy things for the time being! Constantly tripping over sounds like a real pain in the ass, haha. First option, easily, hands down.

Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

I'd keep the money and do something noteworthy with it. I'd probably get a better education and prepare myself so I don't feel so anxious. Maybe spend a bit of it to help give myself some confidence where I need it most.

Would you rather sleep in and be fully rest but always late to where you need to be OR be early/on time but tired?
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