Worst Movie

Dragon Ball Evolution lol
Dragonball Evolution is one of those movies that flopped big time. So it is one of the worst movies I've seen.
Final Destination movies make my eyes roll. The only mildly entertaining thing in any of them is just watching the death scenes (at least not the ones that are from stupid actions).
I'll toss up another movie. Pixels. 

It was painfully unfunny, the story didn't make sense and the overall concept of the plot that was actually good - but the pure execution and simply Adam Sandler being in it - made the movie trash tier.
Well, Adam Sandler's "Grown Ups" has got to be up there for the worst movies I've seen. Don't think it got so much as a grin out of me. 

Tommy Wiseu's "The Room"  could be considered "the worst" per se' since while it is well...the worst movie I've ever seen  but it's so bad it's actually genuinely laugh out loud funny so I'm not sure if it counts. 

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